Chapter 289 Where is Xingtian going!
Fighting, it must be fighting.

But there was no precedent in previous eras.

At this time, the big Luo people were also discussing it enthusiastically.

"It is said that in the past eras, the two races of lich and demon died together, and the demon clan's heaven naturally existed in name only. When the time comes, Haotian came out and took over. I don't know what the three of them are going to do now."

"Could it be that the three of them are fighting each other and whoever survives wins?"

"It's unlikely. Di Jun doesn't care. The demon clan has already won the Lich War in this era and has earned enough money, but that's not necessarily the case for Xuanyuan and Haotian."

In fact it is.

This era is far from over.

There are still a lot of scenes between Xuanyuan and Haotian. How could they really fight for this matter?

And just when the big Luo people were unanimously discussing how the three of them would solve the problem.

What Di Jun said next was beyond all Da Luo's expectations.

However, he saw the Demon Emperor pointing at his head when facing Xuanyuan and Haotian.

"Since both of you want to replace Heaven in this prehistoric future, it's simple. Whoever cuts off my head will be the Emperor of Heaven."

As soon as these words came out, Da Luo's channel exploded.

"I'll go, is Di Jun so free and easy?"

"What do you know? Di Jun's current position is very embarrassing, because even if the conflict between Haotian and Xuanyuan is deeper at this time, their goal is to become the Emperor of Heaven, so Di Jun has to face the pressure of the two great Luo."

"What you said, fellow Taoist, is well-founded and convincing."

"But the most difficult problem has been solved. Since Emperor Jun has said so, only the attitudes of Xuanyuan and Haotian remain."

Shaking the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand casually, the Human Emperor took the lead in nodding.

"I have no objection."

Xuanyuan agreed, but it didn't surprise the big Luo people.

He was originally here to compete for the position of Emperor of Heaven in this era, and he was going to have a life and death battle with Emperor Jun.

So at this time, the eyes of all the great Luo were focused on God Haotian.

Logically speaking, this proposal is somewhat unfair to this person.

Because he is the one who suffers in this matter, and what is affected is his base.

And according to what Di Jun said, whoever between Xuanyuan and Haotian knocks out the last trace of his health bar will win.

There is some element of luck in this.

After all, you can steal people’s heads!

But beyond the expectations of all the great Luo, God Haotian still showed an understatement at this time. He calmly said: "I agree."

This time, Xuanyuan couldn't help but frown.

His eyes swept over Di Jun and Haotian's bodies without leaving any trace, but in the end he didn't say anything again.


It was suppressed at this moment.

Because everyone knows that the battle between the three top heroes is about to begin.

Only Di Jun spread his hands.

"So, which of the two fellow Taoists comes first, or do we go together?"


The battle between the top Ronaldo is about to begin.

All the big guys are waiting eagerly.

But at this time, in another place in the wilderness, there was a Da Luo who was even more excited.

It is said that a quarter of an hour ago, in the ancient Changyang Mountain.

Someone kicked the table and chairs in front of him away, and the drinks immediately scattered on the floor.

The aroma of wine immediately hit my nose, and it looked like the finest fairy wine.

If someone is a good drinker, he probably wouldn't be willing to drink it on weekdays.

What's more, it's such a waste.

But Xingtian didn't care at all at this time. He walked out of the Wu clan's tent and looked at a certain figure in the three-wheeled sun in the sky.

The smile suddenly turned ferocious.Uh, it's just that it's ferocious. It's very perverted.

"Haotian, I've finally waited for you again!"

"I still want to be your Emperor of Heaven, and I don't even want to ask if the relatives in my hands will agree!"

Xing Tianyang laughed wildly, even his big teeth were exposed.

He had waited too long for this day.

At this time, he moved his hands, picked up the ax and shield on the side, and was ready to rush out at any time.

"Little ones, dance for me!"

At this time, Xing Tian smiled a little nervously, and waved his hand to let the surrounding Wu Clan creatures continue to dance.

Of course, the scene was similar to the last time Chen Feng came.

That's called dryness.

If it were paired with some BGM like "Let's rock together, ah~", I'm afraid it would really have that flavor.

However, Xingtian's move also confirmed that there was indeed someone guiding him behind him.

The Human Emperor conquers the sky and the Haotian Heavenly Court is born in advance, so the drama of punishing the sky and rebelling against the heaven will naturally be staged in advance.

But Xingtian was about to rush into the sky and rush out, and the whole Changyang Mountain suddenly shook.

The vibration was very violent.

But the movement went away as quickly as it came.

It was as if someone had kicked Chang Yangshan hard.

But this kick must have come from a big Luo.

Because at this time, even Xing Tian was staggering and almost threw the Qianqi in his hands.

He was already like this, not to mention the group of extremely dedicated Wu clan members who were dancing before.

At this time, he was lying on the ground swaying around.

"What the hell is this blind thing!"

He immediately cursed, then suddenly looked at the entrance to the mountain and frowned suddenly.

As a result, all the shamans in Changyang Mountain saw a figure staggering over from the direction Xing Tian was looking at.

The figure obviously drank too much, because he was drinking heavily from a wine bottle at this time.

When he walked, he took five steps and then three steps, and his steps were even more twisted, as if he would fall to the ground at any time.

At this moment, the figure was still humming a tune as he walked.

"After drinking our wine, there are no worries at all."

"After drinking our wine, Xingtian is a puppy."

Xingtian: "..."

At this time, the eyes of the Witch Clan God of War could kill people.

What kind of bad lyrics are these? Isn’t this meant to disgust him?

However, before he made any move, a Taiyi Golden Immortal-level great wizard next to him had already greeted the figure with some respect.

The great witch trotted all the way to the figure, with a smile on his face.

"Senior Chen Feng is here to support our clan's God of War?"

The person who came was actually Chen Feng, and the great witch naturally recognized him.

This is a big Luo, and he has a drinking relationship with their leader Xing Tian.

And at this time, as a "good friend", what else are you here for if you don't come to Xing Tianzhuang.

Then of course we have to treat him well.

And the great witch was a little clever. He remembered the last time Chen Feng came.

So he clapped his hands, pointed at the Wu clansman who fell on the ground and shouted: "Where are the corpses? Get up quickly, continue playing music and dancing!"

These were Chen Feng's exact words when he came here last time, but he thought that this great Luo liked their "Witch Culture".

But soon, he felt a pain in the back of his buttocks and flew out.

Chen Feng kicked away the big witch in front of him, pointed at Xing Tian, ​​and shouted with a red face: "Xing Tian, ​​where are you going!"

(End of this chapter)

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