High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 290 Is it Chen Feng who blocks Xingtian?

Chapter 290 Is it Chen Feng who blocks Xingtian?
Chen Feng's current state was that of a drunkard.

His entire face was flushed, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and his feet were floating.

It seems like it could fall at any time.

All in all, it's so natural.

Xing Tian didn't know, but the great witch who was kicked away just now believed him.

He thought that Chen Feng had drunk too much, so he quickly stood up.

Chen Feng didn't use much strength in this kick.

"That king, senior, he just drank too much, don't affect the relationship between your brothers."

This great witch actually bothered to smooth things over for Chen Feng.

I am afraid that because of me, there will be a gap between the two Da Luo.

I have to say that this great witch of the witch clan feels quite good about himself and has a lot of roles.

But at this moment Chen Feng looked sideways.

"Fuck off!"

So the great witch flew out again.

But this time it flew further.

A kind of witch clan present even heard a roar.

Then they looked at Xingtian dumbly.

At this time, Xing Tian calmly retracted his foot and narrowed his eyes when looking at Chen Feng.

very dangerous.

"Brother Feng, it seems that you are determined to block me today."

Naturally, he felt like a mirror.

Chen Feng's appearance here is naturally not a coincidence.

The last time Chen Feng came, the two seemed to have a vague conversation, but the meaning they expressed was quite clear.

But Xing Tian never expected that Chen Feng was simply not a son of a human being.

what is this.

This is directly blocking the door!

Extremely insulting.

While looking at Chen Feng, he took another sip of wine and wiped his mouth.

Then he sighed.

"Brother Xingtian, can't we discuss this matter?"

"What is there to discuss?" Xing Tian sneered and said, "It's not that my brother won't give you face, other things are easy to discuss, but this matter is not acceptable."

It was obvious that the witch god of war was really angry.

When he was done, he added another sentence.

"Aren't you blocking my brother's glory?"

This is true. In every prehistoric era, when he punished heaven and rebelled against heaven, it was really the most glorious time in the entire era.

But he didn't seem to want to get into too much trouble with Chen Feng.

So he walked up to Chen Feng and patted him on the shoulder, saying seriously: "Brother Feng, stop making trouble. Although I don't know why you insist on getting involved in this matter, Haotian, I am It’s decided!”

Come on, he wanted to pull Chen Feng aside.

But in fact, this action also represents a certain attitude.

He didn't pay much attention to Chen Feng.

Can a newly promoted Da Luo stop him from Xing Tian?
But after this tug, Xing Tian suddenly frowned.

"Then there's no point in talking about it. Brother Xingtian insists on going, and I also insist on stopping him."

Chen Feng dodged Xing Tian for a moment, and then smashed the wine bottle in his hand with a clang.

"And it seems that Brother Xingtian doesn't respect me a little."

Chen Feng also made his attitude clear.

In fact, this temporary door blocking was actually his impromptu idea.

When the Human Emperor Xuanyuan began to conquer the sky, he was still eating melon seeds in the cave.

But in the end, as soon as Haotian Heavenly Court came out, he knew that Xingtian couldn't bear it any longer.

So I simply came to Changyang Mountain.

As for the scene when he first arrived, it was also deliberately staged.

Drinking makes you brave.

Xing Tian is very strong, which Chen Feng knew from the beginning.

As for how strong it is, that has to be said.

Chi You is strong enough.

In the battle of chasing deer, he fought against Chi You and dared to compete with Xuanyuan.After all, Human Emperor Xuanyuan is on the same level as the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Of course, except Zhulong, who had been Pangu.

But Chi You's combat effectiveness is obviously at this level.

It's just a little weaker than Xuanyuan and the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

And Xing Tian, ​​also at this level, is only on par with Chi You.

So it can be imagined that Chen Feng was still very stressed when facing Xing Tian.

After all, he is not even considered a great magical person among Daluo.

Of course, there are too many factors that can affect the battle between Da Luo.

For example, a very powerful innate spiritual treasure.

Chen Feng now possesses this attribute.

And he didn't want to fight Xingtian to the death, just stopping him at Changyang Mountain would be enough to complete the mission.

"Chen Feng!"

Xing Tian shouted angrily, and his voice spread throughout the world.

He was really angry.

He had given enough face before, but the other party actually didn't take it seriously at all.

It is really unbearable and unbearable!
What he didn't know was that, regardless of his voice, it was naturally noticed by some big Luo people who were paying attention to Honghuang at this time.

Suddenly someone was dissatisfied.

"Why are you so nervous? The drama is about to take place. Don't make any noise."

"That's it, please restrain that fellow Taoist just now. No matter what you are doing, don't disturb everyone's enjoyment of the show now."

Xing Tian would naturally not pay attention to the Da Luo channel at this time.

It's a blessing, otherwise, how would he feel after hearing these words.

Of course, his voice attracted some Da Luo's attention.

"Hey, why do I feel like this sound comes from Changyang Mountain?"

"Chang Yangshan? Is it that guy Xing Tian?"

At this moment, the big Luo people suddenly became interested.

"Yes, whether it's the old heaven or the new heaven, there's still the Xingtian scene in it."

"Is Xingtian going to rebel at this time?"

"Seconds! Why didn't Pindao think of it? Now, this show must be so exciting."

"This is a very good statement. In this era, Xing Tian keeps saying that he wants to cut off the head of God Haotian. I am afraid that Daluo's way has improved again, and it is not an empty statement."

In short, the big Luo people were in high spirits.

They were just watching the show, so naturally the more exciting the show, the better.

However, the Daluos waited for a while, but saw no other movement, and they were suddenly confused.

"What are you doing? With Xingtian's temperament, I'm afraid he would have come here with an ax a long time ago."

"Something happened. I just got the news that someone stopped Xing Tian in Changyang Mountain."

"What, which fellow Taoist is meddling in other people's business?"

"It seems to be Chen Feng!"


The big Luo people were immediately confused.

In the final analysis, it is still strength.

If another great supernatural power person from Da Luo appears, they can still accept it.

But Chen Feng is a newly promoted big player.

Ever since, at that time, the big Luo people looked at Chang Yangshan more and more.

At this time, in Changyang Mountain, Xingtian's anger also climbed to the extreme.

He raised his head and glanced at God Haotian in the sky, then raised his ax and pointed it at Chen Feng.

"Since Brother Feng is so disrespectful, don't blame me for being rude!"

After that, he struck Chen Feng with an axe.

As a great magical person in Da Luo, when Xing Tian makes a move, it will naturally be extremely terrifying.

The big ax flew across the sky, and everything in heaven and earth changed.

A group of great witches and Chang Yangshan disappeared instantly in front of Xing Tian and Chen Feng.

Not that everything in Changyang Mountain was destroyed.

Instead, the two of them escaped from the wilderness in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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