High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 291: Did he start a fight with Xing Tian?

Chapter 291: Did he start a fight with Xing Tian?

The moment Xing Tian swung his ax at him.

Chen Feng realized that he had been completely locked.

Then passively left the entire prehistoric period.

As for where he went, he didn't know.

Throughout the process, he was completely passive.

And this naturally reflects the gap between Xingtian's power and his previous one.

Among the entire ranks of Da Luo's great supernatural powers, Xing Tian is among the best.

It's on the first level.

Recently, I have received the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Haotian God, and Emperor Jun.

However, Chen Feng did not panic at this time.

This is not his first fight with Da Luo.

Looking up, the surroundings were as dark as ink, faintly dotted with stars.

The sea of ​​​​stars is endless, and among them are vast star rivers coming from very far away, and no one knows where they are going.

Then, boundless brilliance exploded.

In the next second, countless colors illuminate the world.

Hundreds of billions or even trillions of stars began to gather into endless nebulae.

And each nebula contains countless brilliant stars.

It's just that this place is too vast, and no matter how bright the stars are, they are nothing more than gravel on the seabed.

Of course, at this time, these things were as transparent as white paper in the eyes of Chen Feng.

This place does not belong to any world in the 33 days of prehistoric times.

Nor does it belong to any chaos beyond the 33 days.

This is a big universe.

Contains a universe of heavens and realms.

Of course, where he was at this time.

Nor is it among any of the five innate epochs of Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji.

To put it bluntly, this is the world created by Xingtian himself.

It can be regarded as an advanced version of the universe in stone that Chen Feng created when he was bored in the cave.

Countless civilizations have already been born here.

There are all kinds of them, and some civilizations have given birth to powerful Immortal Emperors like Huang.

And this place is just too vast.

Any living being in this universe is nothing more than a smaller particle of dust.

Even Da Luo is the same.

But at this time, Xingtian was just a speck of dust in this universe.

But against the backdrop of the entire universe, he still looked like an extremely majestic demon god.

He is so conspicuous.

No matter how vast and boundless this universe is, it is just a foil to its great existence.

After all, Xingtian's existence has exceeded the dimension of this big universe.

He exists in a higher dimension.

Ever since, everything has changed.

If you look carefully, you will see the nebulae and stars in every direction.

At this time it became gravel and dust.

And Xingtian is the center of this world, like a vast god and demon sitting here!
Countless stars surround it, as if tightly surrounding their supreme monarch.

The vastness of Haotian, the vastness of everything, the infiniteness... these countless adjectives are not enough to describe the Wan Yi who is located in the center of it all.

His existence seems to be the will of this vast universe, enough to accommodate everything.

It can also run through the beginning and end in the entire space-time dimension.

On a certain timeline, Xing Tian moved, but he just looked at Chen Feng.

In an instant, the void shattered, stars came and went, countless creatures, and trillions of landscapes flashed past in this ethereal space.

Everything is lost.

But the next second, everything that had been wiped out returned again.

This is Xing Tian's thoughts and thoughts!

Xingtian's eyes at this time also had a vague meaning of being too great to be with someone else.

To put it more bluntly, this is a kind of overlooking.Even a kind of contempt.

He is putting pressure on Chen Feng!

We need to make him understand the difference between him and the great supernatural beings in Da Luo.

But in this regard, Chen Feng's expression did not change at all.

He glanced at Xing Tian and then took steps.

For a moment, he seemed to start to grow bigger.

Ever since, two vast demon gods appeared in this universe!
Obviously, a trace of surprise flashed in Xing Tian's eyes.

This matter is simple to say, Chen Feng just simulated all the methods he used just now.

But just because of this, it is definitely not simple.

Who is he, Xingtian, the great supernatural power in Daluo?

He is powerful and his fists are hard enough.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to dare to come up with the script of rebelling against the sky and stir up trouble on the head of God Haotian.

Nor will it be accepted by all Da Luo.

To put it bluntly, the script in Ancient Times involves other Da Luo, which means shaping enemies.

There is no point in looking for weak ones.

If you find someone strong, they won't even be willing to talk to you.

I just ignore you and get killed without any benefit.

Therefore, Da Luo can write scripts at will, but not all Da Luo can write whatever he wants.

Everything seemed simple just now, but Xingtian used many methods in it.

But Chen Feng also did it.

Even Xingtian had to admit it at this time.

As a newly promoted Daluo who had just attained enlightenment in this era, Chen Feng's strength was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Of course, this expectation is just that Chen Feng's strength improvement speed has crossed a certain line.

That's it.

Xing Tian looked directly at Chen Feng and spoke with an indifferent expression.

"It's a pity that Brother Feng has such talent."

Without waiting for Chen Feng to answer, he continued: "It's a pity that you have to stand on the opposite side of me, Xing Tian, ​​then this brother Ji Yuan will have to send you out."

This is actually going to be a fatal blow.

Directly "beat to death" Chen Feng, disqualifying him from participating in this era.

He was really angry, and his anger at being beheaded by Haotian for several epochs was still there.

Now that he has finally survived the bad things like the Lich War, the time comes to face Haotian again, but he is blocked by others.

How is he not angry!
What's more, if this rebellion fails.

In a sense, Chen Feng has already touched his base.

"Brother Xingtian, don't say too much, just use whatever means you have."

Facing the aggressive Xing Tian at this time, Chen Feng seemed very calm.

"That's fine. Since you appear here, I'm afraid you've already made up your mind. Let's wait for the next era."

Xing Tian laughed, and the last sentence seemed to declare Chen Feng's fate.

He suddenly stood up.

It was like a terrifying vast god and demon had completely awakened.

He held a big ax in his hand, and the light of Da Luo completely exploded.

This ax was serious, Xing Tian did not hold back and used his own Da Luo method!

The air blade flew across the sky, extremely sharp and brilliant.

That represents the explosion of Xingtian Daluo's light. Wherever it passes, the entire universe is left with nothing but annihilation.

An ax cuts across the sky and cuts through the clouds in the sky!

At the same time, Chen Feng also made a move.

A treasure lantern appeared.

The lotus lantern comes out!

In an instant, a ray of light shot out, and Chen Feng hid himself in the light.

If you want to keep the speed of light unchanged, this eternal law must escape Xing Tian's axe.

(End of this chapter)

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