Chapter 292: One ax kill?

In the endless vastness of the universe.

A ray of light went away in an instant.

The stream of light transcends some material existences and instantly goes from one nebula to another.

Then he quickly disappeared in front of Xing Tian.

The speed of light is too fast and constant.

Any matter that cannot reach the speed of light can only eat ashes behind the light.

He missed with his axe, but there was a smile on his lips.

"Brother Feng, you can't escape."

He strategized, his eyes falling into the depths of this vast universe.

There was a teasing look in his eyes, like a cat catching a mouse.

"Sure enough, you can't escape directly."

In the stream of light, Chen Feng sighed.

He used the lotus lantern to escape, but his speed was too fast.

It stands to reason that the moment light appears, it can escape the vast universe created by Xing Tian.

But now he is still here.

"It seems that Xingtian used some method, but that's okay."

Instead he breathed a sigh of relief.

If he is sealed here, Xingtian will definitely be there.

Otherwise, it is just a universe created by one party, and it is not an innate spiritual treasure, so it cannot do anything to him.

This also means that Xing Tian has no time to interfere with Fe Tian's affairs before he is dealt with.

This just happened to be what he wanted.

"It seems that Xingtian has never taken me seriously. Is a cat catching a mouse? He thinks he can easily deal with me. You are a fool, so I don't mind giving you a surprise."

The stream of light once again cut through the sky of the universe.

Chen Feng maintained the speed of light and began to circle infinitely around the edge of the entire universe.

At this speed, even Da Luo couldn't lock him down.

But he didn't let his guard down.

If Xing Tian was only at this level, why did he make all kinds of preparations beforehand.

Sure enough, Xing Tian's voice quickly reached his ears.

It wasn't that he was locked on, but at this moment, Xing Tian's voice directly resounded throughout the entire universe.

"It seems that Brother Feng is good at this escape technique, but these are useless to me, Xingtian!"

The moment the voice fell, Chen Feng suddenly felt uncomfortable all over his body.

That was Da Luo's natural reaction when Da Luo himself was under extreme threat.

It's a deadly threat!

Time goes back to the previous physical time.

This is a time point that transcends any concept of the world.

Xing Tian, ​​who was deep in the center of the universe, raised his ax high and fell hard.

This ax is very powerful, surpassing any two previous axes.

Words cannot describe the power of this axe.

Xing Tian's ax was not aimed at Chen Feng, or at any substance.

Just as soon as the light of the ax appeared, it was like the light from the source of everything exploding.

Then the entire universe was distorted, performing endless changes in all kinds of time and space from prosperity to decline, and even from decline to prosperity.

Of course this may not be accurate.

But this is just the ultimate description of this ax in words.

This is Xingtian's Daluo way. If it were completely dissected, no publicity or concept could describe it.

But the scene under this blow is obvious, because no matter what kind of power it is, it must always be displayed in this universe.

One by one, the huge stars in the universe seemed to be captured by the ax light inadvertently.

As a result, these stars have experienced various changes from stars to red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes in an instant.

It disintegrated quietly and silently in the blink of an eye.

The stars and rivers rotate and the power of Da Luo naturally interprets the natural process of birth and death in various dimensions of time and space.The endless sea of ​​stars in the universe is aging and collapsing, turning into dead dimensional lines.

The dimensional lines then collapse and evaporate into a pure singularity of the universe.

In the end, the "singularity" exploded, ejecting countless rules and concepts, forming a vast dimensional line, and reopening the world!

The world changes, there is birth and death, but in its simplicity, it contains the supreme principle of cycle of birth and death.

The vast sky track, the orderly starry sky, and the cyclical whirlpool of birth and death.

The battlefield of billions of miles of galaxies seemed to have transformed into a small area under Xingtian's axe.

Yes, Chen Feng's perception is at this moment.

Although there is still a vast and boundless universe in front of him, the place he can move is only the size of a palm.

Looking up, it was Xing Tian's axe.

His speed remained the same, but his room to move became smaller.

So he couldn't avoid this axe!
In the center of the universe, Xing Tian held an ax and smiled: "Brother Feng, I can't catch you. Brother, I will split the entire universe. What will you do?"

This is his great way, which breaks through all illusions and nothingness.

Directly to the origin of matter.

And this time, he didn't hold anything back.


The light of the ax fell, and Xingtian saw more than just the stream of light.

He even saw Chen Feng hiding above it.

Then, the ax light tore apart everything, including Chen Feng.

It seems that my brother's health bar is not too thick.

Xing Tian took back his axe, thinking happily.

Under his axe, Chen Feng was forced into a desperate situation.

So there were no surprises in the results.

Xing Tian watched helplessly as Chen Feng was instantly torn apart under his axe.

The health bar was instantly cleared.

"Stay in Taiyiji honestly, brother!"

Xing Tian smiled stupidly, and he was actually a little honest.

He shook the ax in his hand and wondered whether he had struck too hard.

"Isn't it difficult to meet each other from now on? What if this brother really becomes the Jade Emperor..."

Chen Feng has a great future, which Xingtian agrees with.

Although this kid gave himself a lot of eye drops overtly and secretly, he was still much better than that group of more hypocritical Da Luo.

What's more, he Xingtian also has to consider himself.

I heard that the welfare of Heavenly Court is quite good.

"Forget it, prepare some small gifts for the next era and have a good drink. Brother Feng should have nothing to say."

After all, Xing Tian is a rough man and won't get entangled in anything.

The most important thing is, who told Chen Feng not to let him kill Haotian.

This was what he couldn't bear the most.

In his thoughts, the universe in front of him disappeared in an instant, and he returned to Changyang Mountain.

As soon as he appeared, the great wizard who was kicked out by him quickly came up to win.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but his face looked touched.

With a thump, he fell to his knees, hugged Xingtian's thigh and cried.

"The king actually fought with senior Chen Feng for the sake of the little one. I am so touched. From now on, I will work hard to repay the king for this kindness..."

After crying for a while, the great witch looked up and down, and then said: "But please don't forget to tell Senior Chen Feng that this matter cannot be blamed on me."

Xingtian: "..."

When did such a top talent appear among his subordinates? He was speechless.

Thinking that the other party was still holding his thigh, he simply exerted force.

"Fuck off!"

(End of this chapter)

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