High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 293 Is Chen Feng so good at fighting?

Chapter 293 Is Chen Feng so good at fighting?

In Changyang Mountain.

A black shadow once again formed a perfect parabola and rolled out.

After kicking away this elite subordinate, Xing Tian raised his hand.

There were other great witches who fearfully handed a wine flask into his hand.

ton ton ton...

After drinking it in one breath, Xing Tian wiped his mouth and said to the side.

"Just leave two bottles of this wine, I will be of great use to you."

After that, he picked up Qiqi again and looked up to the 33rd day.

At this time, the fighting between the human race and the demon race continued.

The two vast and majestic heavens are entrenched on one side, just like two man-hungry beasts.

Of course, what is even more dazzling is the view of the three-day sky.

The power shook the entire prehistoric world and the heavens.

But now, in the three great suns, the figures of Emperor Jun, Xuanyuan and God Haotian have long disappeared.


Xing Tian suddenly sneered and put the ax in his elbow.

He raised his free right hand and counted with his fingers.

If you want more magic sticks, there are more magic sticks.

After all, I just "blooded" a big Luo, this feeling is different.

Xing Tian was a little distracted.

Why do you say that sentence? Sometimes I don’t know why, I just want to fill a cup.

He wanted to figure out where Haotian and the others had gone.


"Xingtian is back. It seems that the battle has been decided."

"This is too fast, but it is still too early for Fellow Daoist Chen Feng to face Xing Tian."

"It's a pity. Fellow Taoist Chen Feng has a bright future. I didn't expect that he would fall into Xing Tian's hands in this first era."

"I don't know what benefits Haotian promised him, but to stop Xing Tian."

"That's right, the benefits are not life-threatening. I have also met fellow Taoist Chen Feng. He is a very smart person. How could he..."

Seeing Xing Tian reappearing in Changyang Mountain, the great Luo people in the prehistoric era naturally knew what happened.

Didn't you notice that Xing Tian's big ax was still dripping with blood...

Anyway, all the big guys said it was a pity.

"This Xingtian is very cruel."

"Yes, I heard that the two of them had a lot of friendship before."

"Isn't that right? Let's stay away from this Xingtian from now on."

"Bah, scum!"

All the Daluo people felt sorry for each other, and finally even began to denounce Xing Tian.

Of course, these are just chats and slaps between Da Luo.

Can't be true.

You can never guess what a big guy is thinking.

Those who had pitied Chen Feng the most just now were even those who explained the teaching.

However, Chen Feng's popularity is not that bad.

At this time, in Mount Emei, the two "walnuts" in the hands of Zhao Gongming, who was nestled on the recliner, fell to the ground.

"Brother, how could you be chopped down by someone..."

Zhao Gongming cried and became a "man of tears". This emotion simply moved the world.


"Brother, now that you are gone, how will you be able to contribute when you become a god?"


Bah, it’s just a plastic bromance after all.

Da Luo has many tricks to bully honest people.

I don’t know if Chen Feng is an honest person, but this is the situation.

Slightly thin and cool.

Anyway, Xingtian in Changyang Mountain is more attractive at this time.

He picked up Qianqi again, and after calculating for a long time, he still couldn't figure out why.

This cup is not very round.

"No matter what, I'll come looking for you with an axe!"

Xing Tian grinned widely, and he was about to cross the time span to the fifth era of Yuanshi.

But at the same time dimension, his eyes suddenly widened.But his body reacted faster than he could, and the shield in his left hand was raised above his head in an instant.

A dull and crisp sound suddenly erupted.

The news spread all over the world.

All Daluo also heard it.

So they were all stunned, and all looked behind Xingtian in Changyangshan.

"It's Chen Feng!"

"how can that be!"

At some point, Chen Feng, who was supposed to be killed, appeared behind Xing Tian.

At this time, he was holding a magic lamp in his hand and had just made a waving motion.

As for Xing Tian, ​​the person involved, he had no time to think about it, and he jumped out instantly.

"Who tricked me!"

The back of his head was hit hard and it was still buzzing.

Of course, the health bar didn't drop much, but he was in pain!

After pulling away, he turned back suddenly and glared angrily.

"Chen Feng!"

How could this person who was killed by him with an ax appear here!
Then he suddenly looked at the lotus lantern in the other person's hand and understood everything immediately.

Looking at Chen Feng again, he had a smile on his face.

He held the lotus lantern and waved it a few times with unsatisfied meaning before saying: "Brother Xingtian's head is quite hard."

He was indeed killed before, but that didn't mean he was really dead.

Of course, he resorted to means.

In fact, Chen Feng was not the one who first came to Changyang Mountain.

To be precise, he is not himself in the timeline of this era.

He slightly modified the timeline to allow himself to appear in the past timeline.

Some people may ask that Chen Feng in the past timeline was not Da Luo.

But this is a wrong understanding.

Because from the moment he realized Daluo, Chen Feng had already stood on all the timelines of all the worlds and heavens.

This is Daluo, who returns to his original nature when he attains enlightenment.

In other words, the time of his birth is actually as old as the top big Luo like Sanqing and others.

Of course, Xing Tian would see the flaw at a glance just based on his own words.

But he has a lotus lantern.

After using this innate spiritual treasure, he got rid of this hidden scene.

"I have to say, I still underestimate you."

Xing Tian squinted his eyes and sighed.

But you can clearly feel the anger in his heart.

It was a cat chasing a mouse, but now the pain on the back of his head told him that he was not that cat.

So, so irritating.

As a Daluo Jinxian who has reached the top level of supernatural power, Xing Tian felt that he had lost a lot of face at this time.

It's really humiliating.

Because he could imagine the faces of those Daluo people in Daluo channel at this time.

He was right.

Apart from the initial shock, all the Daluo people quickly understood Chen Feng's methods.

"A newly promoted Da Luo will be quite a surprise."

Putting aside all kinds of ridicule towards Xing Tian, ​​Da Luo said this.

The evaluation of Chen Feng in his words was naturally extremely high.

There was a brief silence in Da Luo's channel.

Everyone has their own concerns.

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​who was feeling embarrassed, slowly calmed down.

He became calm again.

Although he was tricked by Chen Feng, it was also because of his carelessness.

After all, if the fight continues, it will still be a matter of one axe.

Ever since, Xing Tian's ax moved again, and the two of them entered the vast cosmic space on that side again.

Chen Feng did not resist, he resisted lazily.

Of course, the only way for two Da Luo to fight each other is to be absorbed into one of the other's innate spiritual treasures.

The venue or whatever, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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