Chapter 295: I’ll knock out your brains
"This kid actually has such a method?"

Xing Tian looked at the chasm in front of him with some surprise.

Although the Daluo people have great means, they are not absolute.

At the very least, this move is definitely not something that a newly promoted Ronaldo can pull off.

His brows furrowed deeper and deeper. At this point, he still dared to look down on Chen Feng.

"It seems that this guy is serious about trying to stop me."

Xing Tian remembered that Chen Feng went to Changyang Mountain to find him, but he didn't take it seriously at the time.

Just think that Chen Feng is doing his ideological work.

At that time, he refused vaguely, thinking that this guy had given up.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I, Xing Tian Zongzong, was tricked by a new boy today!"

He could already imagine at this time that Chen Feng was naturally well prepared for this day.

It's just that he has some doubts.

"Except Nuwa's lotus lantern, what happened to that golden light just now?"

He remembered how Chen Feng had drawn this time chasm just now.

Of course, although I couldn't see it clearly, I could see a golden light coming out of his hand. It must be an extremely powerful innate spiritual treasure.

To be honest, although he, Xingtian, could break this time barrier, ordinary methods would not be able to do it.

"Brother Feng, if it is to anger me, I, Xingtian, will admit that you succeeded."

Xing Tian's expression completely dropped, and his attitude towards Chen Feng was no longer as good as it was at the beginning.

He was completely serious.

Cutting down Haotian and other things were even put aside by him at this time.

He had to make this kid understand what would happen if he offended him.

And just when Xing Tian was fantasizing about how to capture Chen Feng and use various means to torture him, the chasm suddenly dissipated.

Then in the former's naturally dilated pupils, a figure came quickly!

Ever since, Xing Tian saw a fist getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes.

In the sky above Xingtian's head, the sky dimmed for an instant, and clouds gathered, blocking the rising sun, until the faint sound of thunder sounded.

This punch is extremely powerful, otherwise it would not be possible to achieve such an effect in Taishi Ji.

And there is no way to avoid Xingtian.

This punch really took Chen Feng some effort. The moment the effect of the golden hairpin in his hand was canceled, he used the last remaining power of the dissipated time chasm.

He locked Xing Tian's figure in a certain time dimension, and all he had to do was blast it into this world dimension.

Another bang.

Chen Feng's punch hit Xing Tian's face hard, causing him to stumble.

Then he didn't dare to stay, for fear that he would be grabbed by Xing Tian and go away in an instant.

Then scored twice.

The golden light flashed in his hand, and for the second time, a time chasm was opened in front of the two of them that even Da Luo could not cross.

This is the effect of the golden hairpin given to him by Queen Mother of the West.

It is beyond common sense to be able to accumulate the timelines of the entire prehistoric world and heavens in one place.

The two of them were obviously very close, but Xing Tian couldn't reach him.

Because as long as he is willing, his figure can instantly appear at any point in time in the world.

It can also lock Xingtian in any time dimension.

This is the strategy he has been thinking of for a while against Xing Tian.

Maximize the effectiveness of lotus lanterns and gold hairpins.

In other words, this is an evolved version of kiting.

As for pure escape, it would be difficult to chase Xing Tian with Jin Hairpin.

But Chen Feng couldn't bet on whether the other party had any special means.

This group of Da Luo, especially Xing Tian, ​​a top Da Luo who came to visit with great supernatural powers.Chen Feng showed due caution.

Xingtian's ID should still be respected.

So he simply used the lotus lantern and the golden hairpin to attack as quickly as possible, and then retreated with the mysterious and mysterious golden hairpin.

There is a direct tug-of-war with Xing Tian.

In this way, if the other party wants to use any means, he can respond immediately.

"I'll chop your ass off!"

Xing Tian was hit in the face with a punch from Chen Feng, and Xing Tian, ​​who had just vowed to catch this kid and beat him up, was suddenly filled with smoke.

"You think you can do whatever you want with this?"

Although he didn't know where Chen Feng got his second innate spiritual treasure, Xing Tian was not interested in knowing at this time.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, and his narrow eagle eyes narrowed slightly.

The stems in the hand are held at an extremely mysterious angle.

His aura was arrogant and domineering, as if at this moment he, Xing Tian, ​​was the war god of the Wu clan who roamed the ancient world.

"Brother Feng, let me make you understand that these are just small tricks!"

Xing Tian shouted angrily.

In Chen Feng's slightly shocked eyes, he slammed the big ax in his hand onto the chasm of time.

Boom boom boom!
This ax seemed random, but it caused endless overlapping shadows, and a dazzling golden light burst out from Xing Tian's arm.

This is the light of Da Luo!

The ax brought up the terrifying Daluo Way, and in an instant, the time barrier became unstable.

This was originally a line, but now it was forcibly pulled into a "big net" by Xing Tian.

What makes up this great network is the time itself of all the worlds and heavens.

Chen Feng used gold hairpins to gather them into a line, so that he and Xing Tian could create an insurmountable concept.

But at this time, time itself was chopped into pieces by Xing Tian with an axe, and turned into countless time fragments.

Then the fragments of time were divided in various ways in an instant and turned into quantum sizes!
Although this is an extremely small quantum, for Xing Tian, ​​a top-notch giant.

The chasm of time had flaws and turned into a large network with flaws.

This kind of method is too amazing, and it is not something that ordinary Da Luo can do.

"Is that an exaggeration?"

Chen Feng was naturally shocked.

What he was worried about really happened.

The time chasm has become a "broken net", then Xingtian can seize the time as small as a quantum and pull the time between them to the same dimension.

In other words, Xing Tian can attack without restraint.

Of course, even if his method becomes a big network of time, it still has some effects.

It can weaken Xingtian's attack to the greatest extent.

"Run away! Why are you pretending to be a man now?"

At this time, Chen Feng completely ignored his image and ran away.

Light emitted from the lotus lantern again, and his speed was still very fast.

Xing Tian chased after him with a dark face, and occasionally hit Chen Feng a few times, but they were always aimed at the neck.

Feeling the chill on his neck from time to time, Chen Feng ran away and cursed.

"Xingtian! Where are you cutting!"

"Boy, what I am going to chop off is your head!"

"Otherwise you go kill Haotian, I surrender!"

"It's too late! If I don't blow out your brains, I'll take your last name!"

(End of this chapter)

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