Chapter 296

His brains were blown out.

While Chen Feng was running away, he felt angry when he heard Xing Tian's threat.

At any rate, he and Xing Tianshi had had a few drinks and were friends.

I want to be friends with you.

But you want to blow my head off.

Of course, he didn't want to think about whether he was responsible for all this.

But there was nothing he could do. Who knew this was an errand from Haotian?

What's more, the tighter he pushes Xing Tian, ​​the more benefits he will get.

But now he kind of wants to give up.

Xing Tian was clearly on his head at this time and wanted to blow his head off.

And he couldn't beat it.

"I wonder if those three have finished fighting..."

While thinking about it, Chen Feng waved the lotus lantern in one hand and the golden hairpin in the other hand even more vigorously.


Tai Yi Ji.

At this time, this belongs to the endless era at the beginning of the prehistoric era.

Xuanyuan, Haotian, and Dijun are fighting here.

These are three beings who are one level stronger than Xing Tian, ​​and only second to Pangu level Da Luo.

I think back when Di Jun knocked out Qiang Liang's health bar with one palm, the method used was not something Chen Feng could understand now.

But now, there are three such Da Luo.

However, the conditions had been set before, and Haotian and Xuanyuan also put aside their "prejudices" for a while, and attacked Di Jun together.

The entire Taiyi Ji was filled with the aftermath of the transcendent beings.

Simply incomprehensible.

However, in the face of the siege, Di Jun still looked calm.

The same is true for Haotian and Xuanyuan.

This feeling is as if the three great figures are not fighting, but drinking tea and chatting.

This time it was not a sneak attack by Emperor Jun on Qiang Liang, but a head-on confrontation.

So the winner is not determined so quickly.

The light of the three great figures burst out, and their methods and concepts were indescribable.

Seeing Xuanyuan's sword split Di Jun into two, but the next second Di Jun became whole again and continued to fight.

Then he was beaten by Haotian until he vomited blood and died, but the next second he was alive again.

Although I don't know the principle behind this, it is a trick after all.

Sometimes Xuanyuan and Haotian would also conflict.

Of course it's to grab heads.

The rules have been set, whoever kills Emperor Jun's blood bar in the end will get the title of Emperor of Heaven.

"Haotian, I am not trying to steal your position as Jade Emperor this time. When you, Haotian, are born in Heaven, I will naturally give way."

The Human Emperor violently collided with the Haotian God with the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and took the opportunity to say.

It's not that he's trying to compromise, but that's his true purpose.

As the Human Emperor, what Xuanyuan planned this time was not really the position of the Jade Emperor.

He also knew that the Emperor of Heaven was Haotian's base, which was almost impossible.

It would be strange if the other party didn't risk his life for him.

So what he really wants to obtain is the status of Emperor of Heaven during the period before Haotian's Heavenly Court was born.

To put it bluntly, he is the Emperor of Heaven who has acted for a period of time.

When will the real heaven be born? I, Xuanyuan, will give it to you.

But he didn't expect that Haotian would not give him a chance and would not hesitate to change the time of the ancient world so that the future Heavenly Court would be born in advance.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan has a good plan, but I won't allow it!"

In this regard, God Haotian just smiled and expressed his attitude.

Xuanyuan's words seemed to be just to take charge of the Emperor of Heaven on his behalf for a period of time.

But in the final analysis, it is also for the authority of the Emperor of Heaven.

According to normal time, it will take tens of thousands of years for his Haotian Heavenly Palace to be born.

And as long as he relies on these tens of thousands of years, Xuanyuan can naturally do many things with the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

God knows how many benefits can be gained.

And any benefits Xuanyuan gets will ultimately come from his Haotian.

So this is something that doesn't need to be discussed.However, Haotian modified the prehistoric timeline, which somewhat broke some rules.

It can be regarded as giving Xuanyuan a chance.

"Since you two can't make sense, then just act according to the rules. You may not end up calling me Emperor Jun by his name today."

Di Jun on the side was still smiling calmly.

So the three Da Luo continued to attack, and Tai Yi Ji was already surrounded by the three of them anyway.


"Xingtian, don't go too far!"

On the other side, Chen Feng turned around and shouted while covering his neck.

After a long period of running away, Xingtian's attacks landed on him one after another.

To be precise, the neck was already bleeding.

This was also thanks to the lotus lantern and the golden hairpin, otherwise he would have been beheaded by Xing Tian, ​​the reckless man.

Of course, this is also a matter of time. At this time, Xing Tian is becoming more and more skilled at chasing him.

If it had taken 1000 million attacks before to land on him, now it would take almost [-] million attacks to hit him with the axe.

"Why, are you not crazy anymore?"

Xing Tian laughed loudly behind him and kept greeting with the ax in his hand.

He seemed to be in a good mood.

The previous depression and anger seemed to have been vented out by Chen Feng, who was extremely embarrassed at this time.

"This is not the way to go."

Chen Feng couldn't help but frown, he suddenly realized.

Only the lotus lantern and the golden hairpin could no longer stop Xing Tian at this time.

If the opponent cuts him off and continues to fight for Haotian, then all his previous efforts will be in vain.

"I have no choice but to use the last resort, take a gamble!"

Squinting his eyes, Chen Feng suddenly stopped.

Of course, he didn't just sit back and wait for death. Instead, he held up the golden hairpin and made it fiercely in front of him and Xing Tian.

Because the force was so fierce this time, Xingtian saw the appearance of the golden hairpin.

"This is……"

For a moment, Xing Tian thought a lot.

Because he recognized who the golden hairpin belonged to.

After all, the prehistoric world is only so big, and Daluo is only so small.

So looking at the golden hairpin in Chen Feng's hand, he actually stood still for a moment.

"It seems that Jin Zhan Xingtian really knows him."

Seeing this, Chen Feng was slightly relieved.

But he soon brought it up again.

Because the gold hairpin is still a small matter, the main thing is the Queen Mother of the West herself.

After his trip to Kunlun Mountain, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Haotian asked him to stop Xingtian.

But his strength lies there.

So Haotian is naturally not really relieved.

So he made the assumption that if Xing Tian could not be stopped, God Haotian would naturally have other arrangements.

Da Luo will definitely take action.

After all, in this era, God Haotian was busy competing with Xuanyuan and Di Jun and had no time to take care of Xing Tian.

So that Da Luo is most likely the Queen Mother of the West.

As Haotian's most trusted and strongest ally in several eras.

The Queen Mother of the West has no reason not to take action.

Of course, Chen Feng tried not to expose the golden hairpin before, to see if he could stop Xing Tian alone.

But for now, he can't stop it.

Simply not installed.


Of course, he couldn't say exactly when Queen Mother Xi would take action.

What if he is killed?

Wouldn't that be a big loss.

(End of this chapter)

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