High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 298: Defeat the sky?Beat the loneliness

Chapter 298: Defeat the sky?Beat the loneliness
Maple boy.

This is the name given to Chen Feng by the Queen Mother of the West.

To be honest, this title is naturally much more affectionate than a simple fellow Taoist.

It was somewhat beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

Queen Mother Xi not only appeared before he was "hacked to death".

It also expressed enough goodwill.

Of course, if Queen Mother Xi really didn't show up, Chen Feng would be confident enough to protect himself.

But now that he has appeared, he has saved some means.

More importantly, Chen Feng is very confused now.

If Queen Mother Xi really looks like a mother who respects the world, she will recognize him when he is called Feng Xiaozi.

But the other party is a loli.

She is still the kind of loli who really sounds like she is fifteen or sixteen years old.

But the other party was wearing a luxurious Xiapei, a phoenix crown, and riding a unicorn.

There is an elusive laziness and mature temperament in his eyes.

All these together made Chen Feng unbearable.

In contrast, he would rather face Nuwa and Houtu at this time.

Of course, they were here to save him, so Chen Feng could only imagine what Queen Mother Xi would look like when she grew up.

Only then did he bow and thank him.

"Thank you very much, Queen Mother of the West, for your generous intervention."

Queen Mother Xi nodded, but raised her little hand towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng naturally knew the meaning and took out the golden hairpin with some reluctance.

If possible, he would not want to return the gold hairpin.

After all, this innate spiritual treasure may not be that important to the Queen Mother of the West, but this golden hairpin was a great help against Zhan Xingtian before.

And he was extremely satisfied with the results.


Chen Feng sighed, it was okay if he didn't want to part with it, after all, it was someone else's thing.

Seeing this, Queen Mother Xi moved her little hand slightly, and the golden hairpin automatically fell into her hand.

Then she put the gold hairpin randomly on the phoenix crown on her head.

Chen Feng turned his head speechlessly and no longer thought about the golden hairpin.

After all, it was someone else's. The golden hairpin fell on the phoenix crown, which added a bit of charm to the Queen Mother of the West.

Given the gold hairpin, Chen Feng didn't care about anything.

Anyway, the Queen Mother of the West has appeared, and her mission has been completed.

So he simply came behind Queen Mother Xi.

As if his position was taken, the unicorn raised its head and glared at Chen Feng.

"What's your name? Don't think blindly. We are different. You are the younger brother."

Chen Feng secretly exclaimed that this Qilin was very courageous and dared to stare at such a big Luo like him.

Even if you are Queen Mother Naxi's car, it won't work.

So Chen Feng simply stopped doing nothing and lay on the Qilin like the Queen Mother of the West did just now.

The latter was naturally dissatisfied and wanted to scream a few more times.

But when Chen Feng's Daluo aura relaxed a little, it suddenly became honest.

Queen Mother Xi's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

She couldn't understand Chen Feng's thoughts at this time.

The other party acted much more calmly than she expected.

Her appearance at this time was naturally calculated.

At the very least, Chen Feng owes her a favor.

This not only helped Haotian God, his ally, but also earned Chen Feng's gratitude.

But the latter's performance was somewhat unexpected.

"Little Daluo, he is really good at pretending to be serious."

Queen Mother Xi smiled in her heart and stopped looking at Chen Feng.

But she was ready to replace the Qilin afterwards.

Chen Feng relieved himself of the task, and Xing Tian confronted Queen Mother Xi.During the whole process, this stupid guy had a gloomy face. It seemed that Queen Mother Xi was really afraid of him.

However, the two finally made a move.

The golden hairpin in Queen Mother Xi's hand suddenly showed the difference between her and Chen Feng.

It is still a time chasm, but the concept is completely different.

For just a moment, Chen Feng felt like he was being exiled.

He was exiled to any point in time that did not belong to the world of the prehistoric world.

Like a duckweed, exiled indefinitely in the chaotic black hole of time.

But Chen Feng felt that Queen Mother Xi's move was not to change the battlefield with Xing Tian, ​​but just to isolate him.

"It seems that Queen Mother Xi is well prepared for Xing Tian this time."

Chen Feng knew it well.

Queen Mother Xi seems to be preparing for a "literary fight" with Xingtian.

But what exactly Queen Mother Xi promised Xing Tian was unknown to him.

When he slowly broke through the power of the golden hairpin of the Queen Mother of the West and returned to the ancient times.

The matter of conquering the sky has already been settled.

As for the result, it was not beyond his expectation.

It's just some details that he cares about.

In the end, Xing Tian did not cause any more trouble to God Haotian, and there was no life-or-death fight with Queen Mother of the West.

It seems that the benefits given by the Queen Mother of the West are enough.

As for the battle between the three big guys, Xuanyuan, Di Jun and Haotian, it did not last long.

Not long after Queen Mother Xi appeared, the results were obtained.

Di Jun was successfully killed, and the entire demon clan completely withdrew from the stage of this era.

And the one who got this head was Haotian.

In order to know the details, Chen Feng made a special trip to Mount Emei after he came out.

I learned it from Zhao Gongming’s mouth.

Na Dijun was somewhat suspicious of this battle.

Zhao Gongming's original words are.

"The entire demon tribe seems to be quite satisfied with the plan for this era. After all, Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun don't dare to do too much. If they take too much, it will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of other Da Luo."

Chen Feng understands this.

After all, as strong as the Three Pure Ones, in order to balance the interests of all Daluo and the public opinion, they did not dare to go too far.

However, Zhao Gongming mentioned one detail.

That was the time when Emperor Jun, although he "sought death", was finally destroyed by the violent attack of Xuanyuan and Haotian God.

He approached God Haotian more or less deliberately.

In other words, this Emperor Jun sent the head to the hands of God Haotian.

Anyway, Xuanyuan left with a dark face in the end, and the entire Daluo of the ancient world knew it.

The Human Emperor's plan to conquer the sky was considered a complete failure at this point.

The script is quite good, but some actors don't have martial ethics.

After successfully defending his authority, God Haotian was not in a hurry to let Heavenly Court be born in advance.

He changed the prehistoric time again and changed the time back.

And it will take at least 2 years before the real heaven is born.

At this time, it is still the script for the development of the human race.

There is nothing that can be done about this. As the human race with the largest number of people in Daluo, the proportion of the prehistoric time occupied by each era is naturally longer.

Chen Feng left Mount Emei and returned to his cave.

Without thinking about the gains and losses, after experiencing the battle with Xingtian, he just wanted to rest at this time.

Occasionally eat salted fish.

For this reason, he even opened a pond in front of the cave, where he could enjoy fishing every day.

The peaceful days continued like this for a while.

Until one day Chen Feng stood up and threw away the fishing rod.

He was tired of fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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