High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 299 When will the battle of gods come?

Chapter 299 When will the battle of gods come?

Throw the fishing rod.

Chen Feng secretly said that Daluo people can be impetuous sometimes.

At least he couldn't keep doing the same boring thing for a long time.

Fishing is okay, but if you really want to play chess with Haotian for thousands of years.

It's better to do it yourself.

He couldn't help but shudder just thinking about it.

Thinking of this, he really admired Daozu.

That is a master who can play for an era just by teasing ants and bugs.

Anyway, Chen Feng didn't know how Daozu did it.

He also didn't want to know.

But after fishing for a while, he felt a lot calmer.

So he walked back to the cave and closed the door.

He needs to sort out what he has gained from this expedition to the sky.

"I'm afraid those three people didn't agree upon it."

As soon as he entered the state, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes instantly.

No matter how you look at the matter of Xuanyuan Fatian at this time, it reveals something evil.

This matter of attacking the sky seems like Xuanyuan is stuck at a difficult time for Haotian, but it is not fatal.

Because everyone knows that Haotian can appear at any time.

This thing is different from Hou Tu tearing up the script with his hands. The consequences of that thing were too bad.

It led to the restart of the entire era at that time.

But the matter of Fa Tian was different. Xuanyuan made plans again and again.

Just for the authority of the Emperor of Heaven, which is less than 3 years old?

And also when Haotian will appear at any time?
Chen Feng couldn't help but curl his lips, because if it was just like this, it would be too underestimated for Xuanyuan and too underestimated for Da Luo.

The calculations between Da Luo have been planned for a long time.

In order to kill Qiang Liang, Di Jun even resisted taking action for an entire era. In the end, he used a time traveler as a cover to severely damage the Wu clan.

As the Human Emperor, Xuanyuan's calculations would be too farfetched.

Of course, from Xuanyuan's point of view, it would be better if he could fight for the power of the Emperor of Heaven for tens of thousands of years.

But if he doesn't get it afterwards, he will definitely not lose.

Otherwise, it would not have just been a human emperor who conquered the sky at that time.

Fuxi had been Pangu and probably didn't like this, but there was also a Shennong in the Human Emperor.

But this time Xuanyuan Feitian, both Fuxi and Shennong, naturally remained silent.

Chen Feng didn't know what Xuanyuan had planned or gained through cutting the sky.

But these should have nothing to do with him.

The next step is between Di Jun and Haotian.

According to Zhao Gongming, Di Jun had some intention of sending the head to Haotian in the end.

If there was nothing fishy between the two big guys, Chen Feng would never believe it.

"Speaking of which, these two people can be regarded as the handover persons of the Emperor of Heaven's authority."

This is true, but in the past, when liches fought, the demon clan and the demon court were gone.

When Haotian appears, he will naturally become the Emperor of Heaven.

"These big Luo are really not fuel-efficient lamps."

After thinking for a long time, Chen Feng could only sigh.

He could not participate in the calculations and exchange of interests of those figures in Haotian at this time.

But he must understand these relationships. He didn't know that the province was sold that day.

It is essential to be on guard against others, especially between Da Luo.

In the end, it was himself. Chen Feng thought about it seriously this time.

After all, this time he was truly involved in a relatively major script.

Although he was only facing Xing Tian.

But after all, it is in the entire Fatian script.

"Although it was Queen Mother Xi who stopped Xing Tian in the end, the scenes I deserved were enough."

Chen Feng knew this.His battle with Xing Tian was considered a full-strength fight.

At least in terms of the result, it was he and Queen Mother Xi who joined forces to stop Xing Tian.

This is what the final script was about.

"Now I have accepted Senior Brother Haotian's love."

Chen Feng squinted his eyes and considered the pros and cons.

This benefit was given directly to him by Haotian this time.

Not too big, but not too small either.

At least it was better than the Battle of Zhuolu scene. At that time, he was just a soy sauce actor.

And even if he wanted to add to the drama at that time, he had nowhere to add, so he could only settle down and be a bastard.

Haotian deliberately gave him the benefits that he could bear at present, which was one thing that made him clear.

That is, in the next era, Haotian really wants to give up the position of the Jade Emperor to him.

It's unclear whether Haotian is really fed up or has other plans.

Queen Mother Xi seemed to have seen this from this incident, so she chose to appear just when Xing Tian was killing him.

It can be regarded as expressing an attitude and goodwill.

At least it's better than those twenty flat peaches.

"It seems that we should go to West Kunlun if we have time."

Chen Feng has set a goal. He will become the Jade Emperor in the next era, and he must hold on to Queen Mother Xi's thigh.

This is an ancient giant that makes Xing Tian extremely fearful as soon as it appears. It is very powerful.

Of course, Chen Feng was still a little speechless when he thought of Queen Mother Xi's loli figure.

He definitely has time. I have never heard of a big Luo who doesn't have time.

This is what Da Luo lacks the most.

But Chen Feng planned to wait for a while before going, otherwise it would be too humble for him to come to the door just after the matter was over.

He shouldn't be a dog licker.

What's more, the fact that he missed the end of the Battle of Fighting Heaven also has something to do with the Queen Mother of the West.

Although it was aimed at Xing Tian at that time, he "happened" to be exiled in the cracks of time.

I don't feel angry at all, that's impossible.

To put it bluntly, if he didn't have any means, by the time he came out, the Battle of the Gods would be over.

When thinking of the Battle of the Gods, Chen Feng's eyes instantly became more serious.

"Become a God...How far we can go in the next era depends on this battle."

At this time, the light flashing in Chen Feng's eyes was particularly bright.

The Battle of the Gods was very important to him.

After all, he is a newly promoted Ronaldo.

He really had no qualifications to participate in some of the things that happened after Pangu opened heaven.

If he hadn't been counted as a disciple of Tao Ancestor, he would probably be practicing hard somewhere now.

Let’s not mention the struggle between the three clans for hegemony. At that time in this era, he had not yet attained enlightenment.

In the Lich War, he is not strong enough.

In the Battle of Zhuolu, he went up to make soy sauce and became a bastard.

This time Fa Tian, ​​to put it nicely, is a male number 5.

But Fengshen is different.

First of all, whether it is Da Luo in Chan Jiao or Jie Jiao, with his current strength, he will not be as powerless as facing Xing Tian.

Furthermore, this is a script given by Sanqing, and is distributed to their disciples.

After all, Sanqing is Pangu, and the benefits of this whole apotheosis are unimaginable.

So what Chen Feng has been planning is this battle to confer the gods!

After all, things like the last rush to Yuxu Palace are something that can only happen but cannot be sought.

But the Battle of the Gods has many benefits and enough drama.

How about he put this to good use.

I'm sorry for myself!

(End of this chapter)

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