Chapter 300 Daluo celebrity, Chen Feng

In terms of acting skills, Chen Feng considers himself to be at the movie king level.

Don't look at the great Luo people who have lived for endless years.

But in real comparison, he was really dissatisfied.

So for him, the entire Battle of the Gods is the biggest stage.

Of course he had already started planning.

From the day he led people to rush into Yuxu Palace, the Battle of the Gods in this era has been inseparable from him.

In short, in the Battle of the Gods, Chen Feng is destined not to have a role like the fifth male lead.

He wants to be the protagonist!
And it has to be the kind that can make you a god in one battle.

It was Chen Feng's wishful thinking to be crowned the best actor in one fell swoop with the help of the Battle of the Gods.

Of course, what he doesn't know is that he is now considered a famous person in the entire Great Luo.

It is the kind of enlightenment that transcends his era.

No longer thinking about Fetian, Chen Feng sat cross-legged in the cave and subconsciously opened the Daluo channel.

Since Zhao Gongming reminded him last time, he would open this channel to take a look and listen whenever he had something to do.

Just take a chance and save yourself from being noticed by a big guy like Sanxiao.

It didn't matter if he didn't open it. After seeing it, he immediately understood that he was on the "hot search".

"Does any fellow Taoist know about Fellow Taoist Chen Feng's cave? He had just attained enlightenment in this era. Pindao was in retreat at the time, but he forgot to give his blessing."

"Same request."

"Same +1."

"Same request +2."

Chen Feng was startled, they were all looking for him.

But then he understood.

Let’s not talk about the matter of Fa Tian, ​​the three big guys Xuanyuan, Di Jun, and Haotian. After all, the three of them have all gone to Tai Yi Ji.

During the entire battle, only a few Da Luo spread some fragments of information.

But Chen Feng was the one who stole the most limelight.

"I didn't believe it before, but in this era, Da Luo has just been enlightened and can fight with Xing Tian for a long time. Fellow Taoist Chen Feng really has a bright future."

"Who says it isn't? And I heard that Xing Tian can't do anything to him. It's incredible."

"Perhaps Fellow Taoist Chen Feng borrowed some innate spiritual treasures, but this highlights his methods and connections."

"Stop talking nonsense, brother Chen Feng doesn't show up often, so among us, no one knows where his cave is?"

Everyone was talking about it, but they all wanted to express some goodwill to Chen Feng.

It's a good relationship.

Chen Feng has been involved in all major and minor events in this era. Naturally, the big Luo people cannot simply regard this figure who has a high chance of leaving the country as a "junior".

There are even some very ancient beings in these big luoli who are very powerful.

There are also Buddhist Daluo involved.

Of course, the ones who responded most enthusiastically were the great Luo people who taught Jiejiao.

When they talk about Chen Feng, they say "Brother Chen Feng" when they talk, and "Brother Chen Feng" when they talk silently.

But in contrast, those who explain and teach don't express their opinions very much.

Regarding these, Chen Feng just smiled.

He didn't pay much attention, but he was obviously in a good mood.

Because he could see that although these Da Luo did not fully recognize him, they also had the intention to truly make friends with him.

He then wrote down a lot of IDs that showed kindness to him.

And just when he was thinking about whether to show up in the channel, Zhao Gongming took the initiative to find him.

"What's wrong, brother Gongming?" Chen Feng took the initiative to say hello.

"You are really here, now it will be easier." Seeing the response, Zhao Gongming was obviously relieved in his tone.

Then he added: "Many people are looking for you, and they all asked about me."

"You didn't say it." Chen Feng was startled.

He didn't want to be exposed. These big guys seemed to have praised him to the sky, but they were all very hypocritical.

As long as he understands kindness, he really has to wait for Da Luo to come to him.

It can bore him to death.

And Zhao Gongming is one of the few people who knows the location of his cave.

"Of course I didn't say it." Zhao Gongming replied with good news, but at the same time he said: "When did you come back? Xingtian went back to Changyang Mountain before. I thought you were dead."

Chen Feng still felt angry when he mentioned this.

"Don't mention it. Queen Mother Xi set a trap for me before she left. It took me a long time to come back."

"Hahaha." Zhao Gongming laughed a little unscrupulously and stopped after a long time.

Just when Chen Feng couldn't help but curse, he sighed.

"This is normal. Although I don't know about this matter, in the end Xingtian returned to Changyang Mountain honestly. Of course Queen Mother Xi gave her conditions, which she didn't want you to hear."

"That's true. It just makes Xing Tian give up his rebellion. I wonder what Queen Mother Xi promised." Chen Feng also sighed.

"Xing Tian doesn't necessarily give up if he goes against heaven." Zhao Gongming said with a cheerful smile: "Anyway, the old heaven is gone now, and the new heaven has not been born yet. Who knows whether Xing Tian will continue to cause trouble."

This is true when Chen Feng thinks about it.

Xing Tian hasn't died yet, so it's really unclear what he will do.

But that has nothing to do with him anymore. Anyway, if he does it again, he will just kill Haotian.

Anyway, he didn't want to participate in this matter, and he had already taken the benefits.

"Look, even your senior brother Haotian is hiding something from you. Just come and teach him." Zhao Gongming suddenly said.

As for the fact that Haotian and Chen Feng belong to the Tao Ancestor's sect and are both senior fellow apprentices, Chen Feng never mentioned it.

But these Daluo people are smart. Chen Feng went to stop Xingtian when it came to conquering the sky. This benefit was naturally given by Haotian.

After thinking about it for a moment, Zhao Gongming understood the cause and effect.

"Don't tell me, I really have this plan now." Chen Feng smiled back and didn't agree, but he didn't refuse like before.

When Zhao Gongming heard that there was something going on, he immediately became energetic.

"Why are you still hesitating? Let's do this. At worst, I will give you an origin in Sanxian Island and let Sanxiao accompany you every day. Not many people will envy you."

He sold Sanxiao on the spot.

But Chen Feng sneered.

I'm so envious, I really think it's a honey trap.

If he really went to Sanxian Island, Bixiao alone wouldn't be able to handle it.

But he still didn't finish his words.

"Let's talk about this kind of thing later. Anyway, it's still some time before the Battle of the Gods."

Zhao Gongming nodded, but did not press forward step by step. He just said: "Then I will listen to you, but don't forget to make a fuss once in a while, otherwise you will keep pretending to be cold and cold, and those big Luo people will not be able to get away with it. .”

"What do you mean by pretending to be cold?"

Chen Feng curled his lips, he was really cold.

No, this is called the depth of a mature man.

You, Zhao Gongming, know nothing.

Thinking like this, he still cleared his throat and spoke on the Da Luo channel.

"Chen Feng would like to thank you fellow Taoists for your support. However, I have recently gained insights into the practice of Taoism and have no time to visit my friends. I will definitely visit each of them in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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