High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 301 The prehistoric era is so lonely as snow

Chapter 301 The prehistoric era is so lonely as snow

Chen Feng got confused in the Da Luo channel and immediately went offline.

He doesn't want to get involved too much with these big Luo people yet.

What are the advantages of this era?

The advantage is that it is a blank slate.

Although this description is not appropriate, it is very direct.

He did not explicitly join various forces, at most he was regarded as a member of the Tao Ancestor.

But Daozu is special and does not involve the entire prehistoric era.

He will only act as a peacemaker when something irreversible happens.

That's why Chen Feng can sometimes do whatever he wants.

Of course, this description is a bit exaggerated, but there are really no restrictions on what he can do.

Therefore, he deliberately kept a distance from this group of great people in the ancient world.

As long as there is no interest involved and others don't come to him, he will naturally not go to others.

Why not just be a handsome man quietly?

It's a good thing he hasn't eaten it before.

Just like Emperor Jun, Nuwa, or Hou Tu.

But in the end, these people unknowingly took advantage of him afterwards, and he really couldn't protest.

So I can only accept it silently.

But behind that Emperor Jun there was Donghuang Taiyi, all of whom had done Pangu.

If he can't avoid them, he can't avoid others.

Of course, if you want to say that Chen Feng is someone who likes to suffer losses, that would be an injustice to him.

It's not that it is not reported, the time has not come.

Chen Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, although the attack on the sky was over.

But it will take some time before the "experience points" arrive.

He stood up and walked out of the cave. The tea tree, which he regarded as a treasure, was ignored by him.

Crouching down, he looked at the few peach seeds he had planted.

It gave him a surprise.

I saw that the peach core that was once there had actually broken through the many barriers and stretched out the green worm tenaciously.

Although they are the same size as ants, they represent different meanings.

Later, when walking between Da Luo, Chen Feng was able to carry the flat peach.

It can be considered that the Queen Mother of the West lost something invisibly.

If he can grow flat peaches, others can naturally grow them too.

But now in the whole prehistoric period, only the Queen Mother of the West would bring out flat peaches as gifts.

It's because no one will offend her. After all, things are rare and valuable. If the peaches are really everywhere, then they won't be valuable.

But Chen Feng didn't care about this. Although Queen Mother Xi took action this time, it was quite unreasonable.

With that loli figure of less than 1.5 meters, I bet Chen Feng definitely has a sinister heart.

Even if there was something to discuss with Xing Tian, ​​it would not cause him to fall into the time rift.

The most important thing is to let him come out on his own.

He was 100% sure that if he couldn't get out, Queen Mother Xi would never remember this.

"This scheming lolita."

Chen Feng had a dark face and finally labeled Queen Mother Xi.

If you think about it carefully, this great female figure in ancient times is not even a fuel-efficient lamp.

Anyway, he made up his mind to give Kunlun Pantao a semicolon.

No one can persuade you.


The Battle of Heaven has just ended, and Haotian Heavenly Court has not yet been born.

Chen Feng became idle again.

If Heavenly Court is not born, then naturally there will be no battle to confer gods.

At this moment, he wanted to let Chanjiao bring some more people to trouble him.

But after suffering the losses from the last time, the big Luo people in Chanjiao were obviously holding back their energy and waiting for the title of god.

Chen Feng was not afraid. He was not alone during the Battle of the Conferred Gods. It was not a bad idea to just put on the vest of a Jie Jiao disciple if he annoyed him.

Therefore, if Chanjiao wants to use the same method as last time to besiege him, it is nonsense.

He doesn't want to go to West Kunlun for the time being, because he wants to wait until the flat peaches he won mature and get a few before going.As for Xing Tianna, he was even less willing to go.

Anyway, in this era, he couldn't forget the time when that stupid guy carried his qianqi and chopped his neck.

That reckless man really killed him.

As for God Haotian, Chen Feng squinted his eyes and thought about it but was not ready to go.

Both of them knew very well what happened between their senior brothers.

Moreover, he, Chen Feng, got the benefits by relying on his own ability.

Anyway, if Haotian is looking for him, Taibai Jinxing will come again.

So with nothing to do, he simply lay down in the cave and continued to sleep.

"Honghuang is really as lonely as snow."


The main god space.

After taking some time to relax, Chen Feng cast his gaze here.

He was quite interested in Zhao Wuxia's growth.

Just like the ancient Luozi named Roots.

In the endless and truly immortal life of Da Luo.

Some big Luo always like to do something.

Or it would be no surprise if Da Luo did anything.

It's just that Daluo, who often hangs out in the wilderness, pays more attention to interests, and they want to go further.

Therefore, every era will take the trouble to repeat a script.

Or try every means to create a new script, a script that other Ronaldo can accept.

Of course, it is said to be repeated, but there will be changes in every era.

Just like the Lich War in this era, and like Xuanyuan Fighting the Sky before.

Daluo only cares about interests.

For a result, they even planned an era.

There are even more exaggerated ones, but they haven’t been revealed yet.

Chen Feng was convinced of this. The most obvious one was Fuxi, who seemed to be playing a bigger game.

This leads to the fact that each big Luo does not trust each other.

The so-called Twelve Ancestral Witches, or even the Three Pure Ones.

Maybe they will all become a thing of the past in some era.

If there are no interests, there will never be reliable allies between Da Luo.

Chen Feng doesn't really want to participate in this now, as that would easily make him tired with his current strength.

Of course, if there was a chance, he wouldn't mind giving it a try.

After all, he is willing to be the Jade Emperor in the next era, and he might also want to try being Pangu someday.

These are all uncertain things.

After all, he was in the wild.

As for those Da Luo who are no longer ancient, they take these powers and strength relatively lightly.

This is normal, after all, once you become a Daluo, you will have an eternal existence.

They don't cause trouble, and the stronger Da Luo will naturally not use any means to trap or lock them.

Because there is no conflict of interest.

And most of these Daluo are playing single-player in the worlds of the world outside the prehistoric times.

There are also all kinds of strange tricks, and you won't stop until you get bored or tired of playing.

Roots is such an ancient great man.

She discovered the Dark Immortal Emperor countless years ago and found that his talent was astonishing, and she wanted to train him into another great Luo.

But in the end this thought returned to dust.

In the endless years of Roots, he had long forgotten the existence of the Dark Immortal Emperor.

So she finally lost herself.

Daluo's life is really too long, and they will forget many things.

The Dark Immortal Emperor is more like a white mouse that Roz raised.

Maybe not even a guinea pig, which is cruel.

But it is also reality.

(End of this chapter)

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