High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 30 I’ll give you a deputy leader.

Chapter 30 I’ll give you a deputy leader.
Ming He smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist is indeed very smart. Yes, although the calamity of losing one's self is real, not all Daluo will lose one's self."

He continued: "Long ago, countless epochs ago, there were not enough Daluo at that time, and there was no such thing as the prehistoric calamity now. Everyone lived their own lives. Daluo was omnipotent, and could do whatever he wanted. People constrain.

But as endless time passed, when Daluo exhausted all methods and tried all the possibilities of life in the world, many Daluo fell into self-loss.

They still maintain the origin of Daluo, but their behavior is dull, they no longer respond to external events, and they remain eternally still in the time and space before the creation of chaos. "

He sighed and said: "Many Da Luo feel sad when they see this scene, but this kind of thing is almost unavoidable. If it is not stopped, more Da Luo will lose interest in the heavens and the world, and then lose themselves. .

At this moment, Daozu stood up and proposed a way. "

Hearing this, Chen Feng already had some kind of guess in his mind: "Is this the method you mentioned?"

Styx smiled and said: "Yes, it's exactly what you thought. Reopening the ancient world and re-enacting the catastrophe of heaven and earth."

"Da Luo is omnipotent and has no enemies in the world? It doesn't matter, then let Da Luo become Da Luo's enemy."

"Life is boring, will you lose yourself in the end? It doesn't matter. Let the Daluo people fight with each other and always have a trace of obsession in their hearts. In this case, they will not lose themselves in the end. Even after Daozu proposed this method, he awakened A few big guys who lost me."

"Wait a minute, can Da Luo wake up again after losing me?" Chen Feng was shocked.

Minghe said strangely: "That's of course. Once Da Luo is certified, they will lose themselves. It's just because they feel that there is nothing in the world that can interest them, but they are still Da Luo.

Now that something can interest them again, of course they can return to their lost state. "

"..." Chen Feng opened his mouth, wanting to complain.

These losers are just autistic.

Styx continued: "It is under this background that the current prehistoric situation will exist. Everyone initially agreed that in order to maintain a sense of freshness, the timeline could not be allowed to go on endlessly, so we stipulated that a prehistoric era would be the time for all heavens and the universe. A great reincarnation of the world.”

“Before the beginning of each prehistoric era, everyone would fight for Pangu, fight for their own right to speak in this era, and then agree on the world view and the situation of this great catastrophe.

Don't tell me, since this kind of game came into existence, Da Luo's activity has been fully mobilized, and everyone has a great time playing it.

Everyone discovered that only by scheming with the enemy who is also a big Luo can they enjoy the fun.

Therefore, a series of events such as the Lich War, the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the Journey to the West to obtain scriptures, the rise of Buddhism, the collapse of the ancient world, and so on, are particularly interesting.

Even if they lose this time, it doesn't matter. On the contrary, it will arouse the loser's fighting spirit and want to regain their place in the next era.

So everyone played Daluo's game round after round, until now. "

Chen Feng nodded. Except for the initial part where Da Luo lost me, the rest of the things were similar to what he knew.

By the way, Daluo is superior to all heavens and worlds, and there is no secret in everything in their eyes.

But Da Luo is not omniscient and omnipotent.

At least Chen Feng is not.

Because he didn't know about other Daluo matters.The calamity of losing one's self happened to be an internal matter within Daluo, so even though he had attained enlightenment, it would have been really unclear if no one had told him.

However, Styx told him so much eloquently that he was definitely not doing science popularization for him out of kindness and must have other purposes.

So he was not in a hurry, waiting for Styx to reveal his fox tail.

Sure enough, after Minghe explained everything, he smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, the best way to prevent the calamity of losing one's self is to participate in the great calamity and personally participate in the Da Luo game.

But the catastrophe is dangerous, Daluo are all people who are good at calculations, and they will inevitably become cannon fodder alone, so the best way is to join a big force. "

He coughed twice and looked at Chen Feng eagerly: "What do fellow Taoists think of my Shura Dao? Although my Shura Dao is not the largest force in Da Luo, it is also the pillar of the Demonic Dao. If you Taoist fellows come to me, I will I grant you the position of deputy leader of the Demonic Path. In the next era, we will join hands to develop and expand the Demonic Path, and we will surely make those righteous Daluo look good."

"..." Chen Feng was speechless. After going around in such a big circle, the old man Emotion also wanted to get him to join the gang.

It's a pity that Chen Feng's favorite thing is to say NO to other big guys!

He showed a smile and said: "Ancestor, it's not that I don't want to go, it's just that I heard that the results of the demonic path are not very good every time. Your Asura path seems to have become a stepping stone for Buddhism for several epochs, right?"

When Ming He heard this, he became anxious and said angrily: "Who is spreading rumors about our ancestors? What are the stepping stones of Buddhism? They are cheating and do not dare to confront me head-on. They only rely on the large number of people to bully others. I don't accept it, ancestor! I don't accept it." !

In the next era, no, in this era, the ancestor will definitely find his place again, for sure! "

He sounded excited and worried about this.

"Then keep going." Chen Feng shrugged, as if it had nothing to do with him.

When Styx saw this, he couldn't help but feel angry. This is a master who can't get in with oil or salt.

But then he rolled his eyes slightly and said with a kind smile: "Friend Daoist, our Shura clan is a little weak, but it is not without merit. Even if you don't want the main body to come, you can still think about it.

How about this, you leave an incarnation in my Shura clan, and I give you a demonic background, maybe you can use it in some era? "

He said it sincerely, but Chen Feng shook his head like a rattle.

He looked at him very warily and subconsciously took a step back.

This Styx River is full of bad water and digs holes everywhere. If you are not careful, you will fall into his path.

When he was chatting with Zhao Gongming before, he had heard that Styx was pulling people everywhere, making cakes at will, and asking all kinds of big people to open trumpets in his Shura tribe.

He patted his chest to show that he had no bad intentions, but in the end he calculated the opponent's large account with his backhand, and tried every means to cheat the opponent's large account in the calamity. He forced the opponent to play with Shura Dao's small account, and finally fought with him. Bound to a chariot.

He even heard that the two current Da Luo of the Shura clan, Bo Xun and Da Fentian, had other Da Luo names before.

As a result, after a few epochs, he just changed his mind and became a native of the Shura clan.

I can't afford to suffer this loss.

(End of this chapter)

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