Chapter 31: Conquer Styx in reverse
Seeing Chen Feng shaking his head like a rattle again, Minghe became anxious.

He has only a few Shura Taoists. Apart from him, there are only four Daluo. They are not even comparable to the ancestral witch tribe of the witch tribe, let alone the Taoist and Buddhist sects with strong military strength.

Because of this, every time in the prehistoric era, he is not even a marginal supporting character, let alone the protagonist.

Even in the Demon Sect, he is not the leader. Ever since he attained enlightenment, Rahu has dominated him, and the conflicts between the two have accumulated a lot.

This is why he immediately decided to stab him in the back as soon as Hou Tu provoked him.

People who work together are enemies, let alone colleagues from the Demon Sect.

The backstab was always on his mind.

If you want to successfully backstab, you cannot rely on the current strength of the Shura clan. You must have enough power.

A new Daluo like Chen Feng who has achieved enlightenment in this era is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Xinda Luo is also a Da Luo, a transcendent person, a fragrant steamed bun that is sought after by any force. Before the creation of the sky, and even during the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, he was the top combat power.

If you perform well, you can even reverse the situation in one fell swoop.

But precisely because of this, Chen Feng is extremely popular and has received invitations from several major forces.

He is now being kidnapped by Hou Tuban.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, please think about it carefully. It's just an incarnation. It's no big deal. Which country in this world doesn't have ten or eight small ones? Besides, our Shura tribe has many beauties, all of them are great beauties. We can't eat here. A loss."

Ming He tried his best to persuade him, but Chen Feng refused to let go.

He didn't believe a word Styx said.

Da Luo is the Tao itself. Every word and action has cause and effect. If he opens his mouth, it will cause endless troubles.

In addition, the reputation of Patriarch Minghe is too bad. If he really tricks himself and ties himself to the Shura clan's chariot, I am afraid that he will only be able to confront Daluo from the two branches of Buddhism and Dao in the future.

Those gangsters are notorious for their lack of martial ethics, and their small bodies cannot withstand the abuse.

He really refused to let go, and Styx could do nothing. He could only sigh: "It seems that my fellow Taoist has no fate with my Asura path."

Chen Feng just laughed and did not answer the question.

On the contrary, seeing Styx like this, his heart became lively, just as Styx was eager to recruit people to join his group, wanting to strengthen the Shura clan.

Chen Feng has also been thinking about becoming the Jade Emperor in the next era.

Although Xing Tian was hinted at, he did not dare to reveal too much, and even if Xing Tian joined the gang, it would not be easy for him as a newcomer to be the Jade Emperor.

If he could bring Styx to his side, it would be a secret move.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a lot to be done.

Although this Ancestor of Minghe became a Taoist later than Luohu, he is also a powerful master of the Demon Sect. Although he has never been Pangu, he is actually the first-level master of Daluo.

He rolled his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Ancestor, although I have no connection with the Shura Tao, we may not have no chance of cooperation."

"Oh?" Ming He became interested: "Fellow Taoist, are there any other ways to cooperate?"

Chen Feng did not answer, but asked with a smile: "Ancestor, what do you think of Heaven?"


About two hours later, Chen Feng left Jiuyou and returned to the Houtu tribe.

What exactly he and Styx talked about, no one knows.

They wanted to keep the conspiracy of the two great Luo from being known to anyone, but no one really could know about it.

Hou Tu didn't ask much about his late return.

After that, the time returned to the time before.

Chen Feng had nothing to do in the Houtu tribe, either drinking with Xingtian or being played around by Houtu.As for the time traveler, it has long been forgotten.

Who remembers.

Chen Feng wanted to leave several times. After all, the time-travelers had been dealt with, and there was really no need for him to stay with Houtu.

If he stays for a long time, he may be able to confirm Hou Feng's identity as the great witch in this era without having to wait for the next era.

It's a pity that every time he sees Hou Tu, he swallows his words as soon as they come to his lips.

His instinct told him that it was best not to mention this matter.

He had no choice but to hang out with the Houtu tribe now. He silently calculated in his mind that according to the script that Da Luo had planned in advance, it was time for Houtu to go through reincarnation.

The inferior reincarnation established by that time traveler was simply not enough to support the billions of living beings in the ancient world.

And there is no need for him to rush this matter, naturally someone will be anxious.

Just a few days ago, a great shaman from the Zhulong tribe came to visit Houtu. He didn't say anything, he just paid his usual visit and then left.

But Chen Feng and the others all understood that it was the other ancestral witches who came to urge them.

After all, Houtu could not reincarnate, so the battle between the lich and the lich had to be dragged on. In addition, Houtu had a criminal record before, some ancestral witches were frightened, thinking that something had happened again, so they sent someone to find out.

The great witch who came was also a well-known great figure.

Hou Yi.

I heard that it used to be from Houtu's side, and was borrowed by Zhulong a few epochs ago.

Then it became Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou.

Chen Feng was very surprised when he heard the news from Xing Tian.

There are actually people who can take the wool out of the dirt.

I felt a sudden respect for Zhulong in my heart.

Later, Xingtian also explained the detailed process, which was very interesting.

That's why Hou Yi was borrowed. The most direct reason was that Kuafu, the great witch from the Zhulong tribe, had taken down a number.

Expressing that he wanted to rest for a few epochs, he left his Da Luo Dharmakaya behind and traveled around the world from its origin.

Before leaving, he gave his Dharmakaya to Hou Yi and asked him to play for him.

Zhulong also took advantage of the situation and lent Hou Yi over, letting him play two roles.

And according to Xing Tian, ​​before Kuafu made the announcement, the legend of Kuafu Zhuri was mostly successful.

But since Hou Yi played on his behalf, Kuafu never succeeded again, and he died of exhaustion every time chasing the sun.

Or he would be besieged to death by ten Golden Crows.

In short, there is no escape from the word death.

After Kuafu's death, the heroic and invincible witch Hou Yi appeared on the stage, armed with a sun-shooting bow, to avenge his friends. He achieved extraordinary results every time, shooting nine golden crows as if they were trying to retrieve something from a bag.

When he heard the truth, Chen Feng really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Maybe this is just a mistake in making friends. I wonder what Kuafu will think when he comes back one day.

This is just a small episode, just laugh it off.

The most important thing is the answer given by Hou Tu. Faced with the hints of other ancestral witches, she finally said that she was going to reincarnate.

Chen Feng felt happy, this meant that he could finally run away.

(End of this chapter)

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