Chapter 304 Another one called invincible

The creature in the Taoist temple seems to be a real mortal.

Zhao Wuxia was very sure.

This is not the reason why the power does not leak out.

Without Daluo, no strong person can return to his true nature even if he spends his whole life.

Zhao Wuxia didn't understand what returning to one's original nature meant.

But she remembered the feeling of looking up to Chen Feng every time.

It was a figure standing there quietly, as if blending into the world.

No, it is more accurate to say that the figure just stood with his hands behind his back and had already trampled the world under his feet.

The entire world is just the background of that figure.

But you won't feel abrupt at all, as if it should be that way.

This is an artistic conception that is difficult to describe in words, but Zhao Wuxia made a guess.

Maybe that's a return to nature...

Instead of entering Daluo, the more powerful the creature is, no matter how he pretends to be.

Control your own power to the limit.

But the more you can feel his power.

Just like the Dark Immortal Emperor before.

That was a terrifying existence that was once infinitely close to Da Luo.

But he still couldn't return to his original nature because Zhao Wuxia could feel a terrible sense of crisis from him.

There is absolutely no way this person is Da Luo.

Zhao Wuxia knew this very well, because although she did not have the sense of crisis that the Dark Immortal Emperor gave her.

It is impossible to have the feeling she had when she looked up to Chen Feng.

However, the other party raised his head and glanced at the colorful vision of heaven and earth.

There was still calm in his eyes.

Just when he looked at her, a look of interest would burst out from the depths of his eyes.

It's still that weird feeling.

Zhao Wuxia couldn't help but tremble. At this moment, the figure in front of her was no different from the feeling given to her by the monsters before.

It's an extremely weird nature.

He is obviously a mortal, how can he be so calm and calm.

It was as if this whole world was under his control.

Zhao Wuxia couldn't figure it out and couldn't see through it.

She subconsciously looked past the figure and saw a low wall through the open door of the Taoist temple.

It seems to have been deliberately placed in the Taoist temple.

There are words on it.


A simple word that Zhao Wuxia had never seen before.

But the moment she saw this word, she knew it was the word "Tao".

"The word is the avenue itself."

Zhao Wuxia looked a little touched at this time.

Just one word reveals the great road itself, which is not some kind of Tao.

But in that word, it is the essence of the three thousand avenues and the infinite charm of the Tao.

There are three thousand great avenues in all the heavens in the ancient world. If you understand one of them, you will be the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

After comprehending three thousand paths, he is still the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"So mysterious characters, so weird temples, and people who can't see through it."

Zhao Wuxia finally defined this weird scene.


The figure suddenly spoke.

Only then did Zhao Wuxia notice that he was holding a whisk in his hand, and he gently shook it and placed it on his raised left arm.

He was making a salute with his left hand and was looking at her with a smile and narrowed eyes.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate."

At this time, Zhao Wuxia also squinted his eyes, like peach blossoms.

Only then did she realize that the other party was indeed wearing a Taoist robe.

The Taoist robe is a bit plain, without any brilliance.

As ordinary as this Taoist.

I have been reincarnated in the main god space for so long, and I have seen one world after another.

Zhao Wuxia naturally knew about the so-called Taoist system.only……

The Taoist's salute did not exude any malice.

So she also put her hands together and performed a ritual.

It is exactly the same as the Buddhist "Amitabha" time.

Taoist priests also salute like this when their hands are empty.

It is also controversial as to whether this posture of folding hands comes from Buddhism or Taoism.

Among the various reincarnation worlds that Zhao Wuxia has experienced, those with strong Buddhist sects say that this is a gift from Buddhism.

If the Taoist sect is strong, it will be the opposite.

In other worlds, the promotion of Buddhism and Taoism belongs to the same family.

Of course, Zhao Wuxia was not interested in these, but she also had some doubts of her own.

"Fellow Taoist is a member of the Taoist sect."

Zhao Wuxia spoke softly.

There was obviously a hint of surprise in the man's eyes, but he still nodded.


"I wonder which Heavenly Lord your friend is?" Zhao Wuxia asked again.

This was also the puzzle in her heart.

Because she had a lot of dealings with Taoist people in the world of reincarnation.

I know that although this "Infinite Heavenly Lord" is only used to greet people in the Taoist sect, it actually contains great knowledge.

It is actually wrong to just respect the "Infinite Heavenly Lord".

Everyone in the Taoist sect knows that the Infinite Heavenly Lord is not a single person.

Just like the Buddhas in the Buddhist sect, there are also many deities in the Taoist sect.

If a Taoist priest calls out "Infinite Heavenly Lord" when they meet, who knows who you are calling or honoring?
The correct Taoist slang should be like this: "Infinite Heavenly Lord of Blessings" or "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord of Savior", or "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord of Functions", etc. In short, you have to call them all, you can't just say "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord", otherwise it will It is considered disrespectful to the Heavenly Lord.

Anyway, that's how Zhao Wuxia understood it.

This is true in all the world she has experienced.

"It seems that fellow Taoist disciples know a lot about Pindao." The Taoist smiled.

But he turned around and pointed at the word "Tao" on the low wall of the Taoist temple.

"What the poor Taoist respects is not the specific Heavenly Lord, but the Tao itself."

These words are very mysterious, but this man keeps squinting his eyes and shaking his whisk.

It seems to be a fairy-like style, but it is somewhat of a cup-filling meaning.

"Then I dare to ask my friend, what is the Tao itself?"

Zhao Wuxia asked again softly.

"Poverty Tao." The Taoist pointed at himself and said with a smile, "It is the Tao itself."

This is a fanatic.

Zhao Wuxia had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

This man seemed polite, but the arrogance in his eyes could not be hidden.

It was a bird's eye view from a high dimension.

Including Zhao Wuxia, this has been the case since the Taoist appeared.

"The road is hard to find, I'm afraid what you said is a lie." Zhao Wuxia shook his head and expressed his attitude.

"Oh." The light in the Taoist's eyes seemed to be brighter at this time, and he said again: "The poor Taoist asked you, where is the end of the road."


Zhao Wuxia said in her heart, but there was no need for her to talk about Da Luo.

Because the other party won't understand.

In front of Da Luo, the so-called avenue is just a joke.

As a result, the Taoist now labeled Zhao Wuxia as a frog in the well.

Seeing that she was silent, the Taoist thought that his question was too profound.

The fly whisk in my hand shook again, thinking I was very cool.

"The end of the road is invincibility."

Zhao Wuxia: "..."

She had nothing to say. What this man showed was already close to a lunatic in her heart.

But the Taoist is still talking crazy words.

"A poor Taoist is invincible, so a poor Taoist is the Tao."

"Only the world respects me, but I don't see the world."

(End of this chapter)

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