High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 305 Everything has its own way, except Daluo

Chapter 305 Everything has its own way, except Daluo

Zhao Wuxia admitted.

For a moment, she wanted to punch this man in the face.

For a moment, she wished that Araya would come to this world with her.

Then come this sentence.

"Who dares to claim to be invincible? Who dares to claim to be invincible?"

Huang is the most disgusted with this guy who talks about being invincible.

Zhao Wuxia was fine before, but now, he looks a little disgusted.

This man is really too crazy.

What's more important is the action of shaking the whisk and the righteous look on his face.

It's really excellent.

Zhao Wuxia simply stopped talking. She had no emotions towards this madman's ideas.

But the Taoist had no intention of letting her go.

"You may not understand, but Pindao gives you a chance to become my disciple and teach you the way to invincibility and immortality."

The Taoist actually wanted to take Zhao Wuxia as his disciple.

For this world and Zhao Wuxia.

This Taoist who came out of the Taoist temple is somewhat mysterious.

The origin cannot be guessed.

Because there is no Taoist inheritance in this world.

Therefore, the conversation between the two just now should not belong to this world.

It's a scene that shouldn't happen.

So the Taoist is also very curious about Zhao Wuxia's identity and origin.

It's just that he is too arrogant and wants to be accepted as his disciple.

In terms of seniority, Zhao Wuxia was naturally a generation lower.

"I have a master." Zhao Wuxia hesitated, but still said it.

Of course, she wanted to directly say that she was not interested in your so-called invincibility.

She wasn't afraid to tell the truth, but she didn't want to mess with a crazy person.

"I have a question."

Then, without waiting for the Taoist's reply, she asked again: "Why are everything in this wilderness so deviant from common sense?"

At this time, she was naturally 100% sure that all the weird things in this wilderness were related to the person in front of her.

Even though this man still seems to have no power.

But Zhao Wuxia knew that this man was definitely not a pure lunatic.

"What is common sense?" The Taoist snorted coldly and said, "In the face of Pindao's invincible way, Pindao's words and deeds are common sense and the will of heaven."

As he spoke, he pointed at the endless wilderness in front of him.

"The vast wasteland is endless, but it is just Pindao's back garden. There are countless species here, but after all, they are just watchdogs helping Pindao guard the gate."

"If the master Pindao doesn't open his mouth, how can they dare to fight?"

Zhao Wuxia sighed after hearing this.

"I cannot agree with fellow Taoist's argument."

"There are no fixed numbers in the world, but rules are rules, just as big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimps, and shrimps eat floating fish."

"False!" The Taoist sneered and said with a hint of coldness: "Then how do you explain everything in this great wilderness of Pindao?"

"You don't understand." Zhao Wuxia shook his head and didn't want to say more.

What she said about fish, shrimp and floating.

In fact, Tai Chi generates two phenomena, two phenomena generates four images, and four images generate Bagua.

All things are in harmony with each other, and there are natural laws.

The same is true for Daluo's prehistoric land.

Although the Daluo people escaped, all living creatures in the entire prehistoric world must also survive according to this iron law.

Otherwise, everything would be in chaos.

If the fish doesn't eat the shrimp, how can the fish survive?

Forcibly reversing the rules with force is just an act of overestimation and willfulness.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved." The Taoist seemed to have lost interest in continuing the conversation.

Looking at Zhao Wuxia, there was some disappointment in his eyes.

"Pindao thought today that by chance, he could meet a fellow disciple and wanted to continue the relationship between master and disciple, but unfortunately you don't seem to be qualified anymore."

The Taoist's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Of course, the so-called accepting disciples is just an excuse.What he wanted to know was Zhao Wuxia's origin and identity.

He originally wanted to show off, but the disdain in Zhao Wuxia's eyes greatly irritated him.

How could he tolerate this? He wanted to directly kill people and steal their souls.

"Frog at the bottom of the well!"

Seeing that the Taoist's murderous intention was fully realized, Zhao Wuxia was not polite at all.

The other party wanted to kill her and search for her soul, but she had almost the same idea.

To complete this mission, we need to explore the secrets of this world.

And this secret is naturally the Taoist in front of him and the broken Taoist temple.

Since you can take action, you don't have to listen to this man's crazy words.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate!"

The Taoist stared angrily and suddenly gained some momentum.

That is an unparalleled confidence.

But Zhao Wuxia still couldn't feel the slightest bit of power from this Taoist.

But she didn't have any intention of underestimating the enemy. She moved her right hand and moved the sword horizontally, pointing directly at the opponent.


The Taoist snorted coldly. At this moment, he stood in front of the Taoist temple, as if he was integrated with the entire Taoist temple.

"It turns out that the biggest secret is this Taoist temple."

Zhao Wuxia understood clearly in his heart that the biggest secret in the world was not this Taoist, but the dilapidated Taoist temple.

After all, that Taoist has been bragging and arrogant for a long time, but he is just a puppet of some material thing.

But after all, there is a Taoist temple to rely on, and the strength shown by the Taoist is indeed very strong.

Even a little unexpected.

The Taoist suddenly stood up from the ground, and then slapped Zhao Wuxia from the air.

There is no material energy like palm wind appearing, just such a light and fluttering palm.

But Zhao Wuxia felt extremely terrible pressure.

It was as if that palm transcended the concepts of time and distance.

Zhao Wuxia's hair moved without any wind, and a terrifying force was about to fall on her.

That power even made her feel like she was facing the Dark Immortal Emperor again.

But when Huang and she faced the Dark Immortal Emperor, they could only look up.

But now, she has become much stronger.

Zhao Wuxia slashed out with his sword, like a goddess dancing between heaven and earth.

The sword light came out, and a ray of light suddenly appeared.

This sword was extremely fast, without any warning. It was just a little bit at first, but spread out in an instant, turning into an extremely pure sword light and sword intention.

Sword light and sword intent merge into one, turning into the most direct killing weapon in the world.

The bright sword light shot straight into the sky, like a brilliant fairy light coming from the sky.

Naturally, there is an ethereal and transcendent connotation.

Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor.

Immortals hold my beard, knot my hair, and live forever.

It was as if this sword really came from the sky.

A mysterious sound sounded naturally.

Beyond the will of this world, it was as if the fairy sword in Zhao Wuxia's hand came out by itself.

This is sword cultivation, not just the strongest cultivation in all the worlds.

It is also the most chic one.

This point is vividly reflected in Zhao Wuxia.

She has a beautiful appearance. Today she is wearing a light blue palace dress and holding a fairy sword.

When the sword is drawn, it is like a goddess dancing to a song, which reflects the graceful and unrestrained swordsmanship.

There is another exquisite beauty.

of course.

The sword is still a killing sword.

The gorgeous and noble sword spirit and the vain palm finally collided together.

In an instant.

The whole world was completely shaken!
(End of this chapter)

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