Chapter 310 Isn’t it Daluo Jinxian?
The Taoist murmured in his heart.

Ever since he got the system, he was the one who installed the cup all the way.

But now, there is someone who makes him feel ashamed.

But when he heard it was Da Luo, he laughed again.

"Da Luo? Da Luo Jinxian?"

There was a clear contempt in his tone.

"Pindao travels all over the world, and he has seen a lot of Daluo Golden Immortals, but they were all beaten to death by Pindao."

The Taoist seemed to be even more arrogant.

But after hearing Chen Feng's "specific realm", he no longer had any worries.

Because he was telling the truth.

The entire prehistoric world and the heavens, including all the heavens and worlds, cannot be calculated at all.

Even Chen Feng once visited some worlds with the ancient wilderness as the background when he was bored.

In these worlds, there are also Taozu, Pangu, Sanqing, Nuwa, Houtu, and Zhulong.

But it's just a name.

It is not the real prehistoric period, nor is it the real Da Luo.

It’s really a metaphor.

The prehistoric game where Da Luo is located is an official game, while the others are pirated private servers and the like.

Therefore, throughout all the worlds in the world, the title of Daluo Jinxian is not a strange title.

In short, everything is the inner activity of the Taoist himself.

Chen Feng smiled and did not respond.

In fact, he could calmly slap the opponent to death.

But that would be too boring.

"I heard that you are taking the invincible path?"

He made an interested look.

"Are you really the master of that girl doll, similar to the grandpa in the ring?"

The Taoist narrowed his eyes and laughed a little.

"You know a lot of tricks." Chen Feng nodded as if to praise him.

"It seems that Pindao guessed it right." The Taoist said confidently: "Then there is no need to talk nonsense. You have probably seen Pindao's strength. If it is not invincible, what is it?"

"Are you referring to the fact that you destroyed this universe?" Chen Feng asked again.

The Taoist raised the corner of his mouth and said very proudly: "Otherwise, invincibility is the ultimate way of destruction, and this universe will eventually cease to exist."

He said it quite confidently because he was simply stating a fact.

With the blessing of the Taoist temple, he destroyed all matter in this universe with one palm, not even the quantum particles escaped.

This place will forever become a dark prison, and even after endless years, any matter may be born.

"not necessarily."

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, then ignored the Taoist's reaction.

He stretched out his hand and moved forward casually.

Ever since, in the Taoist's frightened and disbelieving eyes.

A miracle happened.

Chen Feng touched his right hand, then spread it out, and something like a ball appeared in the palm of his hand.

It's not really round, because it seems to have many small thorns on it.

More like an irregular sphere.

The Taoist couldn't figure out what this was.

Chen Feng told him generously.

"This is the big universe."

"What nonsense!" The Taoist was startled, and then laughed, a little crazy.

Don't be ridiculous, he is the existence of the system.

I absolutely do not believe in the creation of the universe by flipping hands.

Besides, even if it is a universe, how can you hold it in your hands?

Chen Feng did not defend himself, and just stared at the irregular sphere in his hand quietly.

A blink of an eye seems like a period of time.

Then the Taoist was a little surprised to find that something seemed to be evolving in the sphere.What was even more terrifying was that he actually felt the earth shaking.

In the dark prison where the universe was shattered, there was nothing the earth could say, but he felt it.

"Could it be..."

In a few more blinks, the Taoist was completely shocked.

Because the shattered universe here actually began to extend outwards, and at the same time, the small thorns on the irregular sphere in the opponent's hand also slowly extended.

"No way..."

The Taoist had lost his ability to think at this time. The facts were right in front of him, and he somewhat believed Chen Feng's words.

But what frightened him even more was that he couldn't figure it out at all.

Both the opponent and he were standing in this universe, so why did the sphere appear in the opponent's hand again.

"This is too ridiculous..."

Can anyone tell him what happened.

In short, if this method really exists, he is not willing to believe it at all.

Because it is simply difficult to understand.

"Nothing is impossible." Chen Feng spoke again.

Then he didn't look at the Taoist's panic as if his heart had been penetrated.

He tossed the irregular sphere lightly.

Ever since, the entire universe began to change completely.

Endless stars began to be born and converged into a galaxy.

The galaxies converge into the sea of ​​stars, and then into the star field.

The entire universe actually became full of vitality again.

Soon, on every star, the earth, fire, and geomantic omen began to repeat themselves, creatures were born, and civilization continued.

"What the hell did you do..."

The Taoist's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

A large universe that he had destroyed to the extreme was actually reborn like this.

Believe it or not is meaningless.

At this time, he couldn't care less about shock or panic, he was just full of curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat, this saying is sometimes true for all intelligent creatures.

"Actually nothing."

Chen Feng did not hide anything, and explained with a smile: "I just changed the time here. Maybe you only experienced it for a moment, but to Fangda Universe, it is already countless epochs."

"..." The Taoist was completely confused.

This is a neurosis, right?
If I want to understand any of your words, I am the one.

He wanted to complain like this now, but the facts were right in front of him, and he really couldn't find any reason to argue.

In short, he didn't want to believe anything.

At this time, Chen Feng's voice became calm again, and he looked at the Taoist temple.

"It seems your system isn't working very well."

Being told his biggest secret so openly, the Taoist's expression could no longer be described with a certain vocabulary.

Twisted together, he had no idea at this time what kind of existence he had encountered.

"Da Luo... Da Luo..."

He began to carefully study the two words Chen Feng said before.

I don't know why, but when I looked at it carefully at this moment, I felt that these two words were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he couldn't get through them.

Then, for some reason, his eyelids became a little heavy.

"I'm dying?"

This is the last consciousness of a Taoist, and there is nothing more after that.

Chen Feng did not kill him, but when he realized what Da Luo might be.

The moment I had this thought, it was already gone.

He had no qualifications to take a peek at Da Luo.

Not at all.

(End of this chapter)

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