High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 311 The best director in history is none other than me, Chen Feng

Chapter 311 The best director in history is none other than me, Chen Feng

In a universe full of mystery and endless mysteries.

This is how the Taoist people perished.

Silent and breathless, life does not bring it, death does not take it away.

Just like the meteors streaking across the endless starry sky at this time.

Short-lived and of little concrete significance.

And that's the gap.

Zhao Wuxia's strength at this time has definitely reached a terrifying level among all the worlds in the world.

If placed in the desolate world, he would be a standard Immortal Emperor.

The state that countless people aspire to achieve is to turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain.

It is no longer difficult to control the life and death of living beings, establish divine palaces, and create reincarnations.

But that Taoist is a "traveler" after all, and he has a system.

As for the system, Chen Feng once felt that it was invincible.

After all, if you are just a time traveler, it is not that simple to become a peerless powerhouse in a different world.

To be realistic, this is simply impossible.

Therefore, the birth of all kinds of systems is also destined.

It can be regarded as a work that conforms to the general trend, or is a work made by a certain Da Luo when he was bored.

But no one pays attention to these.

If he hadn't traveled to the ancient world where Da Luo was, Chen Feng would also have a high regard for the system.

But when he learned what kind of existence Da Luo was, he instantly became indifferent to the system.

Especially now that he himself has attained enlightenment, the system is just a gadget at best.

It's still the kind that grabs a lot.

Daozu once showed it to him.

The Taoist is obviously a lucky person and a time traveler.

It's just that he didn't travel to the ancient wilderness where Da Luo was.

With the help of the system, he has managed endless years.

It's just that I seemed to be hiding from something in this large universe where the power system was not high.

Soon, the last piece of the Taoist's body turned into dust and drifted away like a galaxy.

There is no trace of his existence in the entire universe.

Because after all, that Taoist temple does not belong to him alone.

And the moment the Taoist lost his breath of life, the Taoist temple suddenly shook.

The door opened naturally, and the word "Tao" on the low wall in the center glowed crazily.

The light was hundreds of millions of feet high, reflecting the entire universe.

"Oh, do you want to escape?"

Chen Feng smiled lightly but did not make any move.

The Taoist temple is still emitting a blazing light, and most of the system can be considered intelligent.

Just like magic weapons in some worlds, they can generate spiritual wisdom independently.

Such magical weapons are basically very powerful, because once the weapon has intelligence, it is easier to be one with the user and exert its greatest effectiveness.

However, this does not apply in prehistoric times.

Very few of the innate spiritual treasures in Da Luo's hands gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

Because Daluo doesn't need it at all.

Da Luo is superior to all heavens and everything.

Moreover, in the ancient times, as long as some material gave birth to spiritual intelligence, the level of life would evolve.

It's hard to say that you can still earn a lot of money.

A typical example is Taoist Hongyun.

This is an extremely ancient Da Luo.

And this Hongyun Taoist was the first Hongyun in the world to attain Taoism after the beginning of a certain prehistoric era.

This is the ancient world. If it were placed in other worlds, Taoist Hongyun would have been captured and refined into a magical weapon before he could attain enlightenment.

As for various systems, there is nothing wrong with understanding them as powerful spiritual treasures with spiritual wisdom.

So when the Taoist body dies and the Taoist spirit disappears, the Taoist temple will run away without looking back.

Boom!The Taoist temple roared again, exerting its power to the extreme.

It was like turning into a shooting star and escaping into the distance.

The speed was extremely fast, even close to the speed of light. With a beautiful tail, it seemed to disappear in this big universe in an instant.

Chen Feng still stood where he was, taking some time to relax.

Even a little to laugh.

It's just a broken system, how can it escape the palm of a big Luo.

Ever since, Chen Feng just raised his hand and tapped it gently in a certain direction.

A stream of light came back in reverse direction, faster than when it left.

In just an instant, a radiant sphere appeared in his hand.

It can be clearly seen that in the sphere, the shadow of a dilapidated Taoist temple disappears and appears.

Chen Feng played with it for a while and said with a smile: "It's a pretty good system."

This is true, this system is called the "Dao Emperor Invincible" system.

The obtained creature can call itself Tianzun, has invincibility, and is infinitely close to Da Luo.

And the system itself can still be upgraded.

But it's nothing more than letting the host earn various points.

Chen Feng naturally didn't need this. As soon as he thought about it, he saw that the Taoist temple in the sphere began to change.

From the dilapidation at the beginning to the construction of palaces and pavilions one by one, the Taoist temple itself has become more Taoist and more majestic.

In the end, a majestic Taoist temple appeared like this.

This is obviously the ultimate form of this system, and the power it can give to the host has been doubled.

Of course, no matter how much you look through it, it's just like stacking boxes.

Infinitely close to Daluo, and really infinitely close to Daluo.

It depends on how you understand it.

After Chen Feng studied it, he suddenly lost interest.

With another thought, the system disappeared from his palm, and he took it as a reward from the main god space.

At the same time, Zhao Wuxia, who was reincarnating in the main god space, was suddenly startled.

She was about to exchange her points for something, and while browsing the list of the main god space, she suddenly discovered this system called "Dao Emperor Invincibility".

"Could it be Senior Feng..."

At present, she has solved the knot of fighting with Taoist.

However, there are also speculations about what happened at that time.

But she never expected that it would be Chen Feng who would save her this time.

However, this Taoist's system was sent to the main god space, so she naturally woke up.

"The kindness of Da Luo."

She silently remembered these words in her heart, and the look in her eyes became more determined.


After settling the matter with the Taoist and his system, Chen Feng's figure slowly disappeared into the endless starry sky.

However, he did not leave the main god space.

It’s still too early for the Battle of the Gods.

He had to complain about the great Luo people in Honghuang. In addition to their poor acting skills, they were not even good at writing scripts.

After so many eras, there are still too few scripts that have been continued.

From the Battle of Defeating Heaven to the Battle of Conferring Gods, the time span in between is really boring.

Chen Feng was also a "victim" in this, so he thought viciously in his heart.

"When I become Pangu, I will overthrow all these for you."

Of course Pangu, that means becoming a director.

Honghuang's script is not that he can do whatever he wants.

For example, let's film the Lich War into "The Lich Family"

Then film the Battle of Defeating Heaven into "Three Kingdoms of Defeating Heaven"

Or add something like "The Love and Hatred of Hou Tu, Nu Wa, and Chen Feng", "Stories That the Female Daluo and I Have to Tell", etc...

(End of this chapter)

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