High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 312 Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group

Chapter 312 Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group

Chen Feng is just enjoying himself in his heart now.

He was still too far behind when it came to being Pangu.

There were only so many Da Luo in the whole prehistoric period, and only a few of them had served as Pangu.

Anyway, just take your time.

Chen Feng doesn't expect too much, after all, his growth rate is fast enough.

Put aside this unrealistic fantasy.

Chen Feng's thoughts of Daluo did not return to the prehistoric times.

Because the reason why he took action this time was not for Zhao Wuxia or that person.

It was only through the latter that I learned something more interesting.

With a thought, his great light shines in the heavens.

In an instant, the endless worlds of heaven and earth were broken open.

No one knows where he went.


The ancient world is located in the center of all the worlds and heavens.

It is also the source.

Prehistoric times exist independently and are special.

If it were outside the Ten Thousand Realms, the prehistoric world would appear as a flat continent.

Not the stars, not the universe.

But the whole prehistoric era is still so dazzling.

It's just ordinary people who don't have the means to discover this place.

And surrounding Honghuang is a Hongmeng universe that extends infinitely outward.

Hongmeng Universe is so big that even Da Luo can’t tell you a specific value.

Of course, Daluo people just know how big it is.

Anyway, for them, wherever they want to go is just a matter of thought.

And throughout the Hongmeng Universe, there are irregularly shaped spheres floating around.

A sphere is one of the heavens and all the realms.

And the heavens and realms on one side contain hundreds of millions of great universes.

This is the size of the entire prehistoric world and the heavens.

There is no specific value, but there is a specific concept.

Of course, the concept is a little scary.

But only in the prehistoric era can we get out of Daluo.

And aside from Da Luo, there are naturally very powerful creatures in such a majestic and vast world.

For example, the Dark Immortal Emperor, or the Taoist with a top-level system.

Of course, when these two people are thrown into this vast world, they are not the most eye-catching ones.

At this time, in a not-so-remote corner of the Hongmeng universe, a mass of white matter was glowing.

It is not a planet, nor is it a universe.

It’s not even the universe.

But it appeared in this vast Hongmeng universe in this situation.

It is a very special existence.

This is actually a space.

It is an independent space in this Hongmeng universe.

The material in space is very pure and very special.

I don’t know if it was opened by man or if it was a natural extension.

At this time, energy spreads out from inside this space.

If there are living beings nearby, you can even see some flashing ripples through the white brilliance.

These ripples are transmitting some data.

And if someone can interpret it, they will find that it is actually a conversation.Holy Ancestor: "As for the group leader, he hasn't organized any activities recently. Our chat group is too boring."

The No. [-] Demon of Eternity: "What fellow Taoist said is that we have been dormant for too long this time. Did what happened last time have such a big impact?"

Ghost Emperor Huangquan: "Are you talking about that thing about the underworld?"

Yuanzi, a man of heaven and earth: "It's not him, but who else? The group leader planned for him to go get some information, but he didn't expect that he never came back."

"Did something happen?"

The crowd was all talking and it was quite lively.

If Chen Feng were here, he would definitely find that the white space before was actually a chat group of all realms.

Some people scattered in this Hongmeng universe will be brought into the group, and they can communicate through the chat group.

Of course, this chat group itself is also a system, and the host is the so-called group leader.

It was just a coincidence that this group of people seemed to mention Earth and Ming at this time.

That is, as a time traveler, he wanted to replace Hou Tu and establish the six paths of reincarnation.

The appearance of Di Ming seems to have been planned by this chat group.

Their goal was to point directly at Da Luo's ancient wilderness!

This is an exaggeration. After all, prehistoric times are the game of the great Luo people.

And when it comes to Da Luo, how can the people in this chat group be qualified?

In fact, Chen Feng's focus this time is also in this chat group.

After he entered the main god's space, he learned all this through that person.

Because that person was once a member of this chat group.

In other words, it has always been the case, but for some reason, that person blocked the information in the chat group.

At this time, Chen Feng was standing outside the vast white space.

"It's a bit interesting. Behind this so-called group leader, there is actually a big Luo involved?"

"Is it a stand-alone game played by a certain Da Luo when he was bored? Or something else..."

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, this matter actually involved another Da Luo.

And once Da Luo appears, the truth behind all this will be difficult to tell.

"It doesn't matter, it's boring to be idle anyway, so just play with these people."

Chen Feng thought for a moment, but his face showed no emotion.

He instantly turned into a piece of brilliance, which was some kind of substance, the same kind as the white mysterious light.

With this, he easily got in.

Of course, at this time, people in the chat group did not know that an uninvited guest had arrived, and the discussion continued.

The Lord of All Realms: "Let's not talk about the earth and the underworld for now. Ghost Emperor, has your system been fully upgraded?"

Ghost Emperor of the Underworld: "It reached fullness 1 years ago, just to feel how lonely it is to be invincible."

Dao Heart Demon Seed Tianzun: "Pull him down, you, the last one, dare to brag. The second to last system-leveled Pan Gu in our group is 5000 million years older than you."

Pangu walked around the three gardens in a hurry: "You are talking about yours, don't involve me, the title of second to last cannot be erased, right? Now my strength is not much worse than yours."

Chen Feng listened to the discussion of this group of people, which was quite interesting.

Including the group leader, there are only about twenty people in this group.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all time travellers.

And they are all "ruthless people" who have upgraded their respective systems to the full level.

He is also the so-called "protagonist" in each novel.

Anyway, it’s the kind of person who can become a giant with the protagonist’s script in hand without having to do anything.

And in a sense, these people are much more powerful than the previous ones.

Because that Taoist's Taoist temple is still far from reaching the full level.

Chen Feng had previously considered that after the Taoist temple system reaches the full level, it will not only be comparable to a small broken Taoist temple.

"It seems that this group leader does have something."

Chen Feng couldn't help but praise him, and his interest became even stronger.

Because these people in the group must be the "real protagonists" who shout "My fate is up to me" and "30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi"!
(End of this chapter)

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