High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 313 These are all “protagonists”

Chapter 313 These are all “protagonists”
Shouting a certain slogan to become stronger.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

Moreover, there are many such slogans, and it is not uncommon for them to have the attributes of a second grader.

Even Chen Feng was once one of them.

But after becoming Da Luo, these things lost their meaning to him.

But there is fun.

Although he has attained enlightenment, he has surpassed a certain limit and is immortal and eternal.

But after all, it is still a kind of living being, and at most it can be given a special label.

Therefore, in the endless years of Daluo people, in addition to pursuing the benefits of the prehistoric era, fun is also indispensable.

Even a lot of Daluo gave up the former and only enjoyed the latter.

Play a stand-alone game in Hongmeng Universe.

Chen Feng obviously had this mentality at this time.

Even if he just saw the names of these people in this group, he still found it a lot of fun.

Because this naturally brought back some memories for him.

He even felt that these IDs were not good enough, otherwise it would be more interesting.

After all, it's just a way to kill boring days.

It is purely for pleasure, but it is also very dangerous for Da Luo.

Because this will lead Daluo people to eventually lose themselves.

This actually reminded Chen Feng of a science fiction novel he had read before traveling through time.

In that novel at that time, human civilization had reached a point where it was almost omnipotent.

Human consciousness can be brought forward and implanted into a small chip.

In a sense, this can be regarded as achieving some kind of eternal life.

Unfortunately, all this is doomed to be in vain.

Because at that time, humans no longer needed physical bodies, they were just stored in small chips.

In the entire Blue Star, there is no need for a building for people to rest. The only thing left is the "host" standing in the center of the world.

Everyone's consciousness is connected to the host.

As a result, everyone has become a creator god, and any world can be constructed with a single thought.

Although that was all illusory, at that time humans were the data themselves, so who cared about these things.

In the end, human beings have gained endless enjoyment in this civilization that can last forever as long as your imagination is not exhausted.


This is easy to understand, just like Da Luo.

When you really see everything, even down to the root of all quantum matter, then what awaits you is endless silence.

If it were Da Luo, he would go crazy and lose himself.

Let alone a civilization.

Of course, Ronaldo is different after all.

Because Chen Feng thought that after learning the material truth behind all the world, he would be omniscient and omnipotent.

And there is such a person in the whole prehistoric era.

That is Daozu.

And this may be why it is special.

Because even if Da Luo achieves omniscience and omnipotence, Pangu, such as Sanqing, cannot do it.

Without thinking about this, Chen Feng now prefers the atmosphere in this chat group.

The Lord of All Realms: "Where's the Archmage? I haven't seen you for a while. I miss you a little."

Fallen Archmage: "Come on, I don't know you yet, I'm afraid you are thinking about the world in the plane where this mage is."

The Lord of All Realms, looking at this ID, Chen Feng guessed that his system was the one that harvested all the heavens and all realms to become stronger.

It is considered a collection system.

The reason for finding this fallen archmage whose name was more or less known as Dian Zhong Er was unknown.

Everyone discussed and joked.

On the contrary, it made Chen Feng feel that it was much more harmonious than the so-called Da Luo channel in the prehistoric era.After all, every time I open it, there is a intrigue inside.

The "flavor" is too strong.

A gathering place for internet trolls.

Look at this house, how harmonious it is!
However, this also shows that the leader of this chat group is very sophisticated.

After all, these "Destined Protagonists" who are in charge of the system are naturally arrogant.

Although they are not all clamoring that their orders will be taken care of tomorrow by my troops, they are definitely not easy to convince.

Chen Feng listened with interest, and at the same time waited for the group leader to speak, but did not interrupt for a while.

But as this group of people chatted, the tone of their words changed.

Huang Quan Ghost Emperor: "I have swept across countless heavens and realms, but this Ghost Emperor's way can no longer advance."

Dao Heart Demon Seed Heavenly Lord: "Who can say otherwise? I have sucked the essence and blood of countless living beings using the Dao Heart Demon Seed method, but I can't even make an inch of progress."

Yuanzi, the Man of Heaven and Earth: "Listening to what you are saying, have you reached the point where you have completely given up on the scriptures and abandoned the system?"

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "Of course, although we rely on the system to become stronger, the system has a limit and can no longer improve our strength."

It can be seen completely through the dialogue.

The person in this chat group is really a big boss in "Travelers".

Because not only have they upgraded the system, but their own strength has also returned to its original state, reaching the point of surpassing the system.

"What brings them together is ambition."

Chen Feng smiled calmly in his heart.

He has seen everything.

The original systems of the time travelers in this chat group are all top-notch, and this seems to be the basic condition for joining the group.

At the same time, this group of people upgraded the system to the full level and lived for a long time.

A few people even completely abandoned the system and truly became giants.

And under such circumstances, after enjoying endless loneliness, ambition rekindled.

They long for a higher realm, higher power and higher authority.

It happened that the Ten Thousand Realms chat group appeared at this time, and the so-called ambition was given to them by the group leader.

That is Daluo where prehistoric times were.

Holy Ancestor: "Let's put aside the system matters for now. Those of us who haven't reached this point probably won't take long."

Ragnarok: "That's true, so we need stronger power, just like the group leader."

This is an ID that was suddenly added up, and it seems that the status is not low.

Yuanzi, the man of heaven and earth: "The deputy group leader has appeared. Where has the group leader gone?"

Ragnarok: "It should be coming soon, and the group leader seems to have something big to announce this time."

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "That's a good relationship. Brothers have been lonely for too long."

The Lord of All Realms: "Top one."

Fallen Archmage: "Two of them."


After the so-called deputy group leader of Ragnarok came out, the chat group became lively again.

Moreover, some IDs that were previously invisible also spoke one after another.

Chen Feng didn't deliberately remember it, but now he wanted to see what the names of those leaders were.

Fortunately, he didn't wait too long.

Because after all the chatter in the chat group, it suddenly became quiet.

Daluo: "Everyone, please be quiet."

As soon as this ID appeared, everyone shut up instantly, including the deputy group leader.

Obviously this person named "Da Luo" is the leader of this chat group.

Chen Feng also laughed at the same time.

"Daluo, that's interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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