Chapter 314: Inconsistency with Xingtian

A chat group from all over the world.

A group leader named Da Luo.

It aroused Chen Feng's interest to the extreme.

"Isn't this another big Luo's trumpet?"

He couldn't help but curl his lips, secretly thinking that the group of people in Honghuang were really boring sometimes.

Of course, other possibilities are not ruled out.

But in the end it is related to a big Luo.

Because in fact, from the moment Chen Feng appeared in the main god space, these people represented by IDs such as "Twilight of the Gods", "Saint Ancestor", "Heaven and Earth Man Yuanzi", "Dao Heart Demon Seed Tianzun".

He already knew it.

Nothing can be hidden from Da Luo.

And if Chen Feng is willing, he can catch all these people across the endless wild universe in a single thought.

But that would be boring, and he wasn't going to do it.

At least for now.

The most important thing is that the group leader named "Da Luo" is related to another Da Luo, which he cannot see through.

That's exactly what he said.

The only one who can stop Da Luo is another Da Luo.

At this time, in another remote universe in the entire Hongmeng universe.

There was a man sitting alone in the fairy mountain cave. His whole body was surrounded by fairy light, and three flowers appeared on his head.

This is an absolutely powerful creature, whose specific realm is unknown.

It is not Da Luo, because there is no Da Luo light spreading around it.

But it is definitely much stronger than the Dark Immortal Emperor.

If I had to describe it, the strength of this figure exceeded the limit of "traveler".

It already belongs to another dimension.

I just don’t know why, but such a powerful creature is a little uneasy at this time.


The creature shook his head in confusion, seeming to be concerned.

After all, how could a creature at his level affect his mind for no reason?

He immediately calculated with his fingers, but couldn't figure out the reason for a long time.

However, the voices of "group leader" and "group leader" kept coming out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the creatures could only temporarily withdraw their minds.

"That's all, this matter shouldn't involve us."

After saying that, he transferred his attention to the chat group, but there was an obvious sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Da Luo: "You should all remember what happened to Di Ming last time."

The greatest demon of all time: "Of course I remember."

Between this question and answer, the atmosphere in the chat group became even more silent.

In other words, there is still a hint of obvious nervousness.

Da Luo: "The result of that incident has come out."

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "What do you say?"

Dao Heart Demon Seed Heavenly Lord: "Group leader, please stop showing off."

The atmosphere in the group became more tense.

And "Da Luo" obviously sighed and said: "You can see for yourselves."

After saying that, in the vast white special space, a group of colorful mist floated out, and various scenes evolved in the void.

Then, through the particularity of the chat group, it is manifested in the eyes of every group member.

The picture is very clear, just like experiencing it personally.

It is a world that is simple and transcendent just through your eyes.

The khaki low mountains seem to be telling the time.

The dim sky seemed to be telling some kind of Taoist rhyme.

Yuanzi, a man of heaven and earth: "This is probably the prehistoric era..." Someone in the group sighed, with indescribable ambition in their tone.

No one answered because they were attracted by the scene in the next second.

I saw a Taoist wearing a black robe standing in the void. The Taoist robe moved automatically without wind, and it had a fairy wind of its own.

As soon as the figure appeared, someone in the chat group exclaimed.

"Isn't this Di Ming!"

Di Ming, one of the first "travelers" to have visited the prehistoric times in this era.

He once wanted to stop Houtu's reincarnation and replace it.

I thought it was just a coincidence, but Di Ming came out of this chat group.

It was also the people in the chat group who deliberately participated and planned it.

At this time, through the picture, Di Ming's strength showed again aroused exclamation.

Holy Ancestor: "The prehistoric era is indeed the prehistoric era. When this place died, I was just a little kid who had just awakened the system. I didn't expect that after dormant for a period of time, I would have such a level of cultivation!"

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "Looking at this momentum, I'm afraid the system has been leveled at least twice."

Lord of All Realms: "What is Earth Ming doing now? Is he going to fight with someone?"

Everyone in the group subconsciously held their breath at this time.

Then they saw a mighty man holding a big ax in one hand and a shield in the other.

And this person quickly started fighting with Di Ming.

However, as the battle progressed, everyone in the chat group became confused again.

"Is the Underworld so strong?"

From the picture, they saw that Di Ming was invincible at this time and almost completely defeated his opponent.

And they know the strength of Di Ming. Even if its system has been upgraded in the prehistoric times, these people in the group can still crush it easily.

Because after all, Di Ming is just a newcomer in the group to them.

And through the group leader, they have an understanding of the ancient wilderness, so the creatures there will naturally not be so weak.

So this was very strange, and no one spoke for a while.

Da Luo: "Keep reading."

The group leader's voice was a little dull, but after his reminder, everyone could only watch patiently.

As for this scene, Chen Feng was also watching it at this time and immediately smiled.

Isn't this the scene when Di Ming and Xing Tian fought (acting).

At that time, he even criticized the silly guy's acting skills crazily.

"Someone should notice soon."

Sure enough, not long after, the Lord of All Realms made a frowning expression, and then said: "Die Ming's opponent must be acting, this acting is too fake..."

Chen Feng took a moment to take a look when he heard this, and saw Di Ming hitting Xing Tian on the chest with his palm.

The latter took three full seconds to fly out.

Seeing this scene in his memory, Chen Feng couldn't help but shake his head and hold his forehead.

"At that time, I just thought it was because Xingtian's acting skills were not good, but now he is looked down upon by these people. It's so embarrassing..."

At this time, he had the illusion that Xingtian was "incompatible" with him.

Except for the Lord of All Realms, others naturally noticed something was wrong, but they couldn't be sure.

Because they have no idea what reason Di Ming's opponents have for acting like this.

Yuanzi, the man of heaven and earth: "Perhaps the power of the earth and the underworld has recoil?"

Some people even came out to speak to that stupid big guy Xing Tian.

Chen Feng was even more embarrassed, thinking that someone really did it for you Xing Tian.

But if this scene is not obvious enough, then this group of people will be completely unable to clean up.

The scene reappeared, and Xing Tian's acting skills became more and more exaggerated.

The kind that flies out first before Earth and Ming can touch him.

Everyone in the chat group was dumbfounded.

"Is that person mentally abnormal..."

(End of this chapter)

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