Chapter 315: Prehistoric Imagination
How does Chen Feng feel now.

I just made a bad movie and was sprayed all over my body.

This wasn't the end of the story. A few years later, this piece of crap was discovered again by someone with a conscience.

Then he scored twice and was sprayed again, which made his heart haggard.

Of course, you can't blame him as a "director" and "screenwriter" for this.

He directed and acted this one at that time, and he was confident that the effect would be much better than some other works.

It's just that Xing Tian, ​​the "actor" at that time, was too much of an "actor".

This means that no matter how good the script is, the filming will only be worse, not the worst.

If someone touches you on earth or underworld, you just fly?
Vomiting blood all the way?

Xing Tian simply pulled out everyone's intelligence, threw them to the ground, and gave them a heavy stomp.

That's not the end of it. After stepping on it, you have to crush it as hard as you can.

As soon as this kind of scene appeared, the members in the group naturally couldn't wash themselves away.

The No. [-] Demon in Eternity: "This person treats Di Ming as a fool..."

Ghost Emperor Huangquan: "I have three words that I don't know whether to say or not..."

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "..."

Dao Heart Demon Seed Heavenly Lord: "..."

In short, the final battle between Xingtian and Diming.

Everyone could see that the former was deliberately teasing.

Then at last Di Ming broke out, Xing Tian sneered, and the truth of the matter was completely exposed.

It's directly another person's turn to appear.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Hey, where is my role?"

The group leader named "Da Luo" gave a complete picture this time.

But the scene ends here.

The chat group became quiet again.

After being silent for a long time, Pan Gu walked around the three gardens and then said: "Group leader, what happened to this matter in the end."

If you listen carefully, there is a bit of solemnity in this tone.

Through the pictures, they have seen the Great Luo, whose strength is terrifying.

After falling out, Di Ming was as fragile as an ant.

However, they are not afraid. After all, the information displayed on the screen is limited.

At that time, Xingtian didn't use the so-called Daluo method, so they couldn't see it clearly.

As for crushing the underworld, these people in the group can also do it, but it's not that easy.

Da Luo: "The result of the matter...forget it, I'll tell you."

The group leader visibly sighed, his voice a little dull.

"Di Ming was beheaded nearly ten thousand times and experienced ten thousand rebirths and deaths..."

"Later, Di Ming jumped across the heavens and the world, found the most ordinary world, and turned into the most ordinary person. But later, that person was already waiting for him there..."

"In the end, Di Ming naturally died, and even his own system was taken away by that person at will."


The chat group was silent again, and you could hear a pin drop.

a long time.

Twilight of the Gods: "Lord, is the Great Luo in the prehistoric era really that strong?"

Although he is the deputy group leader, he has nothing to do with this chat group.

It's just that he joined the group early and is stronger than the others.

In addition, the "Da Luo" group leader often doesn't speak, so he can also help deal with some things and conflicts.

Over time, he became the deputy group leader.

It's just that he doesn't know much more than anyone else.

Da Luo: "It's naturally like this. It can easily destroy us who have systems in our bodies."

Dao Xin Demon Seed Tianzun seemed a little unconvinced: "Have we reached this point, even surpassing the limits of the system itself, and we are still no match?" Daluo: "Of course it is, they are a very special group of beings."

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "Can we reach that state?"

Ronaldo: "What we are doing now is this process."

"This guy knows a lot."

Seeing this group of leaders pretending to be sophisticated here, Chen Feng's interest became even more intense.

The other party seemed to know Da Luo better than she thought.

But he also saw that the so-called "Da Luo" group leader was not a real Da Luo.

I just had contact with a certain Da Luo and knew some things about the ancient world.

But what has to be said is that this group of masters understands the prehistoric world better than the Dark Immortal Emperor and Zhao Wuxia.

"Interesting, coincidence or ulterior motive?"

Chen Feng suddenly muttered to himself.

It's just that he now uses a special substance to integrate into this chat group, otherwise you can see the depth in his eyes.


Da Luo: "Don't be discouraged, there is still a big gap between Di Ming's strength and yours."

Yuanzi, the man of heaven and earth: "So it is not an exaggeration to say that those people in the prehistoric era are not strong?"

Da Luo: "Absolutely. Some of you also have innate spiritual treasures in your hands. The group of people in the prehistoric era also used this when fighting, so the realm is not out of reach."

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "This makes sense. Speaking of which, I am also a person who can create new things in the world where I am. How bad can I be?"

Holy Ancestor: "So, group leader, what is our plan? Are we going to directly invade the wilderness?"

Da Luo: "That's absolutely impossible. After all, only those in the group can reach our level, and the number is too small."

Ragnarok: "So what does the group leader mean?"

Da Luo: "This is also the reason why I came forward this time. According to the news, someone is alone in the wilderness, and it is not far from us..."

There was some kind of confusion in the group leader's voice.

Others didn't have much suspicion.

Because they all know that the group leader is very strong, even the same as those in the prehistoric times.

Of course, they have also known the term Da Luo for a long time.

It’s just that no one usually points it out.

And the group leader’s ID happens to be “Da Luo”!
In short, everyone's eyes lit up at this time.

Holy Ancestor: "Does the group leader mean that we give that lonely Da Luo..."

As he spoke, he also sent a bleeding kitchen knife emoji.

Everyone suddenly understood.

"It seems you know I'm here."

Chen Feng thought silently in his mind, but he still showed no emotion, but the curve of the corners of his mouth became more and more upward.

"Things are really getting more and more interesting."

Da Luo: "That's pretty much what it means. A Da Luo who is alone is naturally no match for so many of us."

As if aware of the thoughts of the group members, the leader of the group also called Da Luo by his first name.

Holy Ancestor: "Then arrest him and study it. The leader of the group agrees."

Soon, someone understood what the group leader meant.

In fact, at the end of the day, this group of people gathered here to show respect to the group leader.

It's nothing more than the other party saying that there is a way for them to go one step further, that is, to become Ronaldo.

But now that the news has finally been confirmed, they are inevitably excited.

Flattery naturally comes naturally.

But at this moment, someone bubbled up again in the group.

The invincible little Taoist priest: "Fellow Taoists, how are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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