Chapter 316 Da Luo has sneaked in
There are more than 20 people in the Wanjie chat group.

Except for the strongest ones, the others would occasionally say a word or two.

And this invincible little Taoist priest.

But it came out of nowhere.

It's not that this ID is not from the group, it's that he hasn't spoken for at least a while.

Of course, for these people in the group, this ID has another meaning.

Except for the group leader, who is slightly mysterious and aloof, everyone in the group actually knows each other's identities.

And this invincible little Taoist priest is a newcomer who joined the group tens of thousands of years ago.

He possesses the "invincible Taoist system".

This is a top-notch system.

After all, the threshold for joining the group is right there.

And not much worse than these big guys in the group.

However, this invincible little Taoist priest became completely invisible soon after entering the group.

And these people naturally know the reason.

Because originally the mission of Di Ming should be completed by this invincible little Taoist priest.

However, the other party seemed to be aware of their plan and escaped in advance.

As a last resort, Di Ming will come to make up the numbers.

Therefore, the chat group fell into deathly silence again.

Everyone is thinking about how this ID suddenly appeared.

After all, it was too late for the other party to hide from them, so why did they show up on their own initiative.

After some calculations, they thought that Di Ming had already been taken over, so the existence of this invincible little Taoist priest was not that important.

Dao Heart Demon Zhong Tianzun: "Fellow Daoist was not very active in the group before."

The invincible little Taoist priest said: "Aren't you busy upgrading? I just happened to see you fellow Taoists discussing important matters, so I came here to participate."

At this time, the person speaking for the Taoist was naturally Chen Feng.

He had recycled the other party's Taoist system before, so he could naturally pretend to be his.

Of course, even if this is not the case, for a great Luo.

Wearing a vest in this so-called Wanjie chat group is also quite casual.

He can even be the leader of the group if he wants to.

But that's not necessary. This time he got involved and had his own plans.

Naturally, the people in the group didn't know that this invincible little Taoist priest had been impersonated.

At this time, I am calculating the gains and losses.

Pan Gu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "Now is the time to employ people. Since this Taoist appears at this time, there is nothing wrong with letting him participate."

The greatest demon of all time: "Exactly. Besides, we can let him charge into battle when the time comes. Wouldn't it be nice to be a cannon fodder?"

Yuanzi, the man of heaven and earth: "If you do it like this, he is the one who took the lead. You can't blame us."

Dao Heart Demon Seed Heavenly Venerable: "After all, if you come out halfway, don't ask me to wait, even others won't be happy."

After some private chatting, most people in the group reached a consensus.

Of course, they thought they were doing it very secretly and used the function of the chat group.

But in Chen Feng's eyes, this was "conspiracy in person".

Ragnarok: "Since fellow Taoists are willing to participate, I will agree to this matter on behalf of the group leader."

The deputy group leader finally came out to express his position.

Chen Feng also pretended not to hear what they said.

The invincible little Taoist priest: "Then thank you all. This time the poor Taoist will definitely charge forward and make the first contribution."

Everyone was happy to see him so successful.

The atmosphere in the chat group suddenly became harmonious again, and various business exchanges even started.

"My fellow Taoist entered Taoism late, but now the system has almost reached full level. He is truly a genius."

Such compliments were dished out by these people without hesitation.

Anyway, they all regard this little Taoist priest as cannon fodder. It can be said that he has a sinister heart and can kill people without seeing the sword.

Chen Feng also responded one by one, with all kinds of humility.Except for him, no one else noticed.

The moment Chen Feng spoke, the group leader named "Da Luo" never spoke again.


Narrowing his eyes slightly, Chen Feng was completely certain of some of his guesses.

This is a game.

A game that was targeted and calculated against him from beginning to end.

The place where the Taoist appears is a reincarnation world in the main god's space. This must not be a coincidence.

At least the group leader's silence now is not a coincidence.

The group leader knows the truth.

And he also knew that after entering the main god's space, the Taoist would have no chance of survival.

At this time, Chen Feng appeared with the ID of the invincible little Taoist priest. It is estimated that the group leader also guessed that there might be someone else.


Holy Ancestor: "Hey, where is the group leader? Why don't you speak?"

As time passed, someone finally noticed that the group leader seemed to be missing, so he shouted a few times in the group.

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "Group leader, come out quickly, we haven't made a plan to capture Da Luo alive yet."

A group of people hurriedly urged, and the atmosphere was still very lively.

Because of the addition of the invincible little Taoist priest and the cannon fodder, they were more confident about targeting the so-called Daluo in the ancient times.

At this moment, I can't wait to find the target and take action.

The group leader was still silent. After a long time, he finally seemed to pay attention and sneered.

"There's no need to look for it, Da Luo from the wild has already arrived."


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The members in the group immediately went crazy.

Holy Ancestor: "What, Da Luo actually has such a method, even sneaking into our chat group?"

Obviously, the group leader’s words were very impactful to these people.

It's unbelievable to get into the chat group belonging to the system.

However, remembering the uniqueness of the group leader's description of Da Luo in the Great Desolate World, they quickly suppressed their shock.

Ever since, everyone looked at a certain ID in the group in unison.

The invincible little Taoist priest.

They were so familiar with each other that their tone and tone of speech were instantly recognisable.

It cannot be counterfeited.

The only possibility is the sudden appearance of the invincible little Taoist priest.

These people are all "real protagonists", and naturally they are all thoughtful people.

After being reminded by the group leader and thinking about the previous events, I naturally understood everything.

Holy Ancestor: "I didn't expect that prey would actually come to my door."

The No. [-] Demon of Eternity: "Young Da Luo, I admit that you have some tricks, but how dare you sneak in so blatantly and rush to your death!"

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "Hahaha, it really takes no effort at all to get here!"

A group of people kept sneering and taunting.

It was as if Chen Feng was already meat on the chopping board for them to slaughter.

The invincible little Taoist priest (sighed): "I had a great time chatting with you all, but I thought it was too late for us to meet each other. Who knew that in the blink of an eye, you would wield a butcher knife against me."

Ragnarok: "Shut up, you sneaked in and tried to trick us. This is a capital crime!"

A group of people did not hide their murderous intentions at all.

The invincible little Taoist priest said: "It seems that there is no need to talk about this matter, but you are far apart at this time, I am afraid that there will be no trace left."

Holy Ancestor: "Zhenzhen, since you are here today, don't even think about leaving!"

(End of this chapter)

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