Chapter 318 My Name is Original
Three big guys took action.

Endless civilizations and creatures were destroyed in an instant.

It actually opened up an infinite battlefield in this Hongmeng universe.

It is also the battlefield they have set up to kill Da Luo!
However, after the group leader took action, he disappeared again.

But this does not affect the subsequent situation.

A total of twenty system-savvy bosses were lined up in a row, coldly watching the goings-on around them.

"where is it?"

After observing for a while, the first demon of all time suddenly asked the Holy Ancestor beside him in a low voice.

"Not found..." The latter frowned and gave an answer.

When the first demon of all time heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Seems to have heard something incredible.

Although the conversation between the two was quiet, it was not deliberately hidden.

As a result, everyone frowned, with some confusion in their eyes.

This is because they know that the three people joining forces before were not just for the simple purpose of opening up a battlefield.

Instead, they used terrible means and built a terrible formation.

Not only does the formation have unparalleled killing power, it can also explore all information in the formation.

They were confident that their attack was like thunder, and the ancient Daluo must have been trapped in this battlefield by them, but the Holy Ancestor who participated was not aware of the opponent's existence yet.

Then, everyone looked at Ragnarok again, and he was also one of the participants in setting up the formation.

The deputy group leader's face looked even more ugly at this time.

The answer is obvious.

"Is it really possible for him to escape?"

Everyone's expressions darkened. They must have paid a lot for this action.

If no one was left, it would be so infuriating that one would vomit blood.

"The group leader hasn't come yet!"

Some people have become anxious and want to contact the group owner.

But did not get a response.

Ragnarok's face was also uncertain for a moment.

After all, if something like this happens, no one in this group of people can stabilize the overall situation.

"Are you... looking for a poor man?"

And just when 21 people didn't know what to do, a calm laughter came out.

Everyone's expression suddenly changed and they looked up in a certain direction.

But I saw the endless distance, suddenly the purple air was dense, the rays were like a cover, and the auspiciousness was inextricably linked.

So sacred!
The auspicious glow fell like a waterfall from the sky, and a figure appeared in the middle. Neither the clothes nor the appearance could be seen clearly.

Only one black hair danced lightly in the fairy light, like a dragon and snake gliding back and forth.

Everyone became frightened because this figure actually appeared outside the battlefield they had arranged.

In other words, they really did not trap the great Luo from the ancient times!

What's even more terrifying is that they can't describe what happened next.

But at this time, the entire Hongmeng universe was filled with a gorgeous spectacle of auspicious energy and glow, and the figure stood on the previous long river of time that ran through time.

Just as the figure walked, the long river of time seemed to turn into tiny, invisible bands of light.

In the blink of an eye, the colorful light strips became intermittent again, as if they had turned into discrete particles.

"What kind of method is this? Time has even been disintegrated!"

A scene beyond imagination appeared in front of them, and a look of extreme horror emerged from the depths of the eyes of twenty people.

And in the blink of an eye, from among the endlessly divided time particles, the figure seemed to turn into a ray of light.

The light is perfect like the full moon, and the bright and quiet Tao and the sound of Huilun are infinite.This is the appearance of Huanghuang Dao Zun!

And this Taoist Master spread out from every corner of the "Long River" in an instant, and set foot on the battlefield in an instant.

I saw another wave of Qingyun rising and falling, spreading silently.

The layers of Qingyun seem to have endless time and space, in which the universe and all realms arise and die, and all cause and effect seem to be separated.

Then, a hazy sound came from the sky.

No top, no bottom, no before or after, no beginning and no end.

When the sound of the word dissipated and the light was endless, the figure came close to everyone.

Everyone subconsciously looked up, the shock on their faces not receding.

But I saw that the figure of the person who came was not very tall, but it even covered the chaotic divine light floating in the battlefield at this time, and I didn't dare to compete with it.

He was wearing a very ornate robe.

The robe looks like new for a long time and is made of a special material, neither silk nor linen.

It's just that they can't see clearly the appearance of the person coming, they just feel young, but if they look at him.

Everyone felt that the light in the man's eyes was stagnant and blazing, like the frightened sun, pointing directly at the sins and ambitions deep in their hearts.

If you can't see the face, you naturally don't feel the majesty.

But at this time, everyone felt that it was difficult to breathe when the human figure came into their eyes, and the pressure hit them like a landslide and tsunami.

The person who came was none other than Chen Feng. Looking at the twenty shocked and frightened faces in front of him, he muttered to himself.

"Didn't the way you appear go too far?"

He had done all the previous visions on purpose.

Of course it is for some purpose.

Waiting lazily for the twenty people to react slowly, Chen Feng suddenly made a move with his right hand, and a fly whisk appeared. With a slight shake, he took the initiative and smiled: "I am a primitive person, I have seen you all before."

One of the Three Pure Ones, the name of Yuanshi Tianzun was stolen by him.

If this were in the prehistoric times, it would be inevitable to be invited to Yuxu Palace for tea.

But who is Chen Feng? He is not an ordinary Da Luo. Furthermore, it is not like he has never been to Yuxu Palace before, and he even led people to attack it.

Anyway, he was ready to become primitive at this time, but it was a pity that apart from the whisk, there was no such thing as the Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi in his hand.

Only after he "reported his family status" did the twenty people react.

But in almost an instant, they directly distanced themselves from Chen Feng.

The fear in his eyes has not receded, and he stared at Chen Feng with a gloomy face, not sure what he was thinking.

They've obviously already escaped, so why are they marching into the battle so arrogantly?

This is what they are thinking about at this time.

After all, Chen Feng's appearance was too arrogant.

No one dared to speak first anyway.

After Ragnarok frantically contacted the group leader in his heart to no avail, he spoke helplessly.

"That... I have met the original Taoist friend..."

The voice was distinctly stuttering and polite.

It was as if all the murderous intentions they had displayed before were all illusions.

Ragnarok also felt embarrassed, but without the group leader's instructions at this time, he really didn't know what to do.

On the other hand, Chen Feng frowned when he saw this, secretly thinking that his previous appearance was too gorgeous and high-profile.

It actually scared these people.

This was not worth the gain. He thought that as soon as he showed up, the other side would take action.

It's boring...

(End of this chapter)

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