High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 319: With the sky above our heads, we must also look up to Da Luo

Chapter 319: With the sky above our heads, we must also look up to Da Luo

After all, everyone in the Wanjie chat group knows some details about Da Luo.

I know Da Luo is a special existence.

Powerful and timeless.

Especially when Chen Feng's move just now shocked them so much.

For a moment, he didn't even dare to take action.

Chen Feng was bored with waiting, so he asked, "I wonder why you guys are trying so hard to keep me here."


Ragnarok saw everyone looking at him at this time, and he cursed in his heart but still spoke.

"We are keeping our original Taoist friends, but we actually have questions to ask."

"Ask." Chen Feng waved his hand generously.

Ragnarok broke out in a cold sweat. He wanted to continue to say a few polite words to see if he could delay the time or come up with something to say.

But at this time, the voice of the group leader came from his heart.

"What are you doing? You haven't done anything yet. He's just one person, but there are twenty of you, and I'll be here soon!"

After hearing the group leader's instructions, Ragnarok immediately changed his face.

The embarrassed smile on his face was instantly filled with murderous intent.

He squinted at Chen Feng and sneered: "It's not a big problem, I just want to use fellow Taoist's title as a bonus!"

"You are more direct."

Chen Feng shrugged and felt relieved.

If this group of people had not taken action, wouldn't it be a loss of status for him to take action first?

Seeing Ragnarok's sudden change of expression, the others apparently guessed that it was under the direction of the group leader, so they all suddenly became murderous.

The speed of changing faces is the same as the former.

Holy Ancestor: "It's just a big Luo. We have all reached the end of the road, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

The First Demon of Eternity: "That's true. This bullshit is so primitive. It doesn't need anyone to take action. Just three or five fellow Taoists can kill it."

A group of people were completely disrespectful in their words.

But Chen Feng didn't care, since the person he was scolding was Yuan Yuan, not him.

Of course, there is a reason for this group of people to be arrogant.

Although Chen Feng's appearance just now was exaggerated, it was very deliberate.

Coupled with the fact that he now took the initiative to step into the battlefield, this group of people naturally thought that they had closed their doors and returned to their original ways.

Especially when facing so many of them, Chen Feng always had an indifferent expression on his face, and the depth in his eyes made people unable to extricate themselves.

This feeling made twenty people extremely irritable.

To put it bluntly, the more I look at it, the more I feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Pangu walked around the three gardens in one step, sneering frequently.

"Three or five seems to be too many. One is enough for me."

As the sneer fell, he saw the hill-like figure suddenly take a step forward.

In just a moment, there was a roar in the entire battlefield, and the air began to twist, as if such a vast world had been stepped on by a giant.

Yuanzi, the man of heaven and earth: "Fellow Taoist Pangu is indeed powerful, so I wish you a triumphant victory in advance."

Some people immediately complimented him, and even took a few steps back after saying that.

But the smile on his face cannot be hidden, and his true thoughts are not difficult to guess.

Having cannon fodder is naturally a good thing.

After all, these people are still very afraid of Chen Feng. After all, although they saw that Chen Feng's appearance was somewhat deliberate before, they still remember some scenes that were shocking and beyond imagination.

Everyone present was smart, and they all followed suit and took a few steps back.

Huangquan Ghost Emperor: "Then I am waiting to see the heaven-reaching methods of fellow Taoist Pangu." "Exactly, if fellow Taoist Pangu wins, then the position of leader of this group will be taken by fellow Taoist from now on."

Ragnarok even threw out the position of deputy group leader, but at the same time, it also blocked Pan Gu's way to visit the three gardens in one go.

Of course, the latter already regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth.

It's not that he has a low IQ, it's mainly because he's used to being arrogant, so he just said it smoothly.

When I realized it, it was already too late, even the way back was blocked.

So I could only send messages secretly in the group with a gloomy face.

Pangu walked around the three gardens in one breath: "It's not impossible for me to make the first move, but the other party's idea is too tough, so please don't sit idly by."

This is also a helpless move, although it is a bit embarrassing.

But it's good if you can save your life.

These people have all become "travelers" many years ago.

It took a lot of effort to get to where we are today, and I naturally live a thorough life.

Twilight of the Gods: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, you all know the truth behind dying lips and cold teeth. Besides, the leader of the group is coming soon."

After getting such news, Na Pan Gu walked around the three gardens and breathed a sigh of relief.

After receiving the guarantee, he no longer hid it, and crossed over again, confronting Chen Feng on both sides.

In the final analysis, these people are all arrogant people, and they are all invincible "travelers" who control their own side of the world.

Before seeing Da Luo's strength, it is impossible to be too timid.

The two sides confronted each other, and a chilling air rushed towards them.

Of course, this was what these people were thinking about, and Chen Feng was getting bored waiting.


Fortunately, Pan Gu finally took action.

As soon as the word "kill" was heard, the demon-like body expanded infinitely until it reached the point where its head was in the sky and its feet were on the earth.

Of course, this is a concept.

The entire Hongmeng universe is infinitely wide at the top and far below.

That is a distance that only Da Luo can reach, and this pelvic bone is naturally not at that level.

Only because he has the "Open Sky System" and can transform into "Pangu" himself can he have such power.

Transformed into the "Pangu True Body" holding a giant axe, Pangu's momentum reached its peak when he walked around the three gardens in one breath.

He lowered his head as usual, wanting to look down at the tiny Da Luo, but he couldn't see him.

Until he raised his head and looked straight, he was shocked to find that the other party was right in front of him.

"This is impossible!"

The occurrence of such a strange situation shocked Pangu's heart.

Now that he has used "Pangu True Body", all living beings must be looked down upon by him.

Why does the opponent need to look straight at him even though he is only an ordinary person's height?
"No, my neck is a little sore. Are you looking up?"

The strange feeling coming from his neck made Pan Gu completely horrified. He was already standing upright. What other living beings and substances in the heavens of Hongmeng Ten Thousand Realms could reach the point where he even needed to look up to him?
But the real scene happened in front of him, and he was completely confused.

"No, this must be an illusion!"

Pan Gu shook his head vigorously. He did not believe or accept such a result.

He even sneered: "Da Luo is nothing more than that. He wants to make me afraid by making some fantasies? Wishful thinking!"

He could only attribute all of this to some flashy special means used by Chen Feng.

Of course, Chen Feng just stood there quietly from beginning to end.

He is Daluo, and all things look up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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