Chapter 320
Naturally, you don’t understand the meaning of Da Luo when you walk around the Three Gardens in one go.

At this time, he transformed into the "Pangu True Body", with overwhelming power and strength reaching the limit.

Not to mention himself, the other 19 people watching the battle silently behind also nodded secretly.

Silently in my heart.

As expected of Pangu.

Who was Pangu in the minds of these people?
That is the pioneer of the entire Hongmeng Universe and all the realms, that is the saint among saints.

These people have traveled across countless heavens and realms, and naturally they also know the existence of the prehistoric world.

Of course, it is not the prehistoric place where Da Luo is.

They just know that there is such a world as prehistoric, and there are powerful saints.

To be precise, this group of people now position themselves as "quasi-sages". Having reached the end of the road, as long as the fog is broken, they will be in the realm of saints.

And what is a saint?

Achieve the Hunyuan, rule the universe, go through thousands of calamities without weariness, and be stained by cause and effect without being stained.Always with heaven, coexisting with Tao.

This is the saint.

The sage understands all things, the vast world, the past, present, and future in his eyes, and time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in the palm of his hand.

When a thought moves, there will be changes in the way of heaven, infinite and boundless, without birth and death, returning to the stillness of space, gathering and dispersing, non-birth and non-destruction, ten thousand kalpas, transcending time and space, cause and effect do not stick to the body, wandering outside things, not Based on the reincarnation of time and space, it will last forever.

In short, to be called a saint is to be the supreme being among the heavens in Hongmeng universe and all realms.

They all believe one thing.

Under the saints, all are ants.

If you can't become a saint, even if you are infinitely close to a saint, you will end up as an ant.

Chen Feng actually agreed with the last sentence.

But the so-called "saint" has to be replaced by Da Luo.

It's just that the word "ant" is not accurate, or this group of people don't understand it thoroughly.

So, what are ants?

That is Da Luo's perspective on other non-Da Luo beings.

That was not a downward view, nor was it normal.

This is a kind of indifference that can never be regarded as the same kind.

It is a perspective from which high-latitude creatures look at low-latitude life. It is very calm and without any emotions.

Moreover, although Daluo is the end, it is only the end.


Some people can become Daluo, that is because they can only become Daluo.

And some people become Daluo because the end of the road is just Daluo.

After half an era, Chen Feng has a deeper understanding of this point.

If we really want to set a limit for Da Luo, perhaps the only way to explain it is to throw out the omniscient and omnipotent Dao Ancestor.

Therefore, the people in this Ten Thousand Realms chat group want to plot against themselves, or even kill themselves.

Chen Feng didn't think it was ridiculous, from beginning to end.

Because that doesn't make sense to him.

How can creatures at high latitudes care about provocations from life at low latitudes?

Just like ordinary people teasing ants, they may laugh because of some of the ants' behaviors.

But how can you laugh if you know that from the ants' perspective, they are trying to kill you.

The truth is that simple.

If you don't reach Daluo, if you don't reach this dimension, you will never understand.


At this time, Pan Gu's killing intent and momentum reached its peak.

Everything between heaven and earth seemed to merge at this moment, and everything was filled with chaos.

The battlefield turned into a world of chaos, and then a cold light passed through, and the world opened up again.

Chen Feng didn't know if this Pan Gu would be involved in such an "outrageous" show every time he made a move.

However, after each "opening of the sky", Pangu's strength has indeed strengthened.At the same time, I sighed in my heart. The energy of chaos was so mixed that these "travelers" were eager to get there.

But he also knew it, because he had been like this before.

They are all harmed by the saying "Chaos is the beginning", but until you reach Daluo, you will never know the truth.

The world of chaos appeared before the sky opened.

And if the energy of chaos is a treasure and a sacred object for cultivation, those great people in the ancient times will fight for Pangu when they are full.

Since the opening of the sky has cleared away the miscellaneous energy of chaos, only then will all races be born.

But the real beginning is the Five Innate Epochs.


The battlefield shook again, and Pangu's momentum at this time was very terrifying.

The "Open Sky Ax" in his hand has not yet fallen, but everything on the battlefield has been broken down into particles by its spreading power.

All the rules seemed to be shattered into nothingness at this moment.

Pan Gu's whole body suddenly erupted with immeasurable light.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said: The light of Daluo.

Just like the former Dark Immortal Emperor, the light surrounding Pan Gu at this time is not the real light of Da Luo.

But it already has the characteristics of Da Luo.

And the root of all this is because of the "sky-opening ax" in his hand.

"It is indeed an innate spiritual treasure produced in the ancient times."

Chen Feng looked at the big ax and revealed a shocking truth.

Because it is really an innate spiritual treasure!
Of course, it is not a real sky-opening ax, and it is not accurate to say that it is an imitation. It is more like a certain Daluo deliberately made it and used certain methods.

"Even I just tricked you into using a lotus lantern, but these people actually have innate spiritual treasures."

Chen Feng shook his head secretly, and the "envy" in his eyes did not seem to be fake.

After all, he had been living in the ancient world for so long, and even after getting the lotus lantern from Nuwa, his life was somewhat stretched.

So much so that he still felt aggrieved when Queen Mother Xi took the golden hairpin back directly.

Originally he didn't plan to pay it back, but Queen Mother Xi finally showed up in person to deal with Xing Tian, ​​so it wouldn't be appropriate for him not to pay it back. After all, he couldn't think of any reason.

In the end, during the entire Battle of Futian, apart from earning some acting roles, he received no other benefits.

Of course, his role is definitely not low.

When the benefits come, the innate spiritual treasure will be secondary.

Of course, it is impossible for Pan Gu to know what Chen Feng is thinking at this moment.

He only saw the sky-opening ax facing him, and the other party still just stood there quietly without making any movement.

This made him extremely angry.

"What do you mean, you look down on me?"

He didn't expect Chen Feng to go in such a direction that he was frightened.

Because there was always a calmness and depth in Chen Feng's eyes that made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

So all that's left is to look down on it, the fire is naturally like an erupting volcano.

But he had wronged Chen Feng.

The so-called mayfly shakes the tree. The mayfly tries its best, but how can the big tree deliberately take precautions?

Just make your move and I will follow.

Chen Feng has such a natural mentality now.

And the big ax with endless anger finally fell on his head, and it hit hard with a force that seemed to be able to shatter all the worlds and the heavens.

At this moment, the heaven and earth must be cut open, and the sky must be cut through.

That is the will and concept that shatters everything.

It seems that under this axe, any resistance is in vain.

"Da Luo, suffer death!"

(End of this chapter)

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