High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 323 The Actor’s Taiqing Immortal Light

Chapter 323 The Actor’s Taiqing Immortal Light

Acting naturally requires a full set of skills.

This is Chen Feng's stubbornness as a senior actor.

No matter what, he can't be reduced to Xing Tian's ilk.

Even to deal with these time travellers, the script must be completed to the highest degree.

At this time, he appeared in the name of Yuanshi Tianzun, and his shot was Taiqing Immortal Light.

The brilliance of Qingyun shimmered slightly, and all kinds of brilliance of Supreme Ancestral Qi were seen flowing in brilliance.

The three qi of Xuan, Shi, and Yuan condensed into all kinds of supreme power, rising and rising in the Qingyun.

And each has its own unique way of teaching, and the avenue is endless.

Of course, Chen Feng was simulating the Supreme Immortal Light. If the opponent was Da Luo, he would naturally be self-defeating.

It's a pity that the other party is not.

Of course, even the Pangu flag on his head was forged by him.

The innate spiritual treasure is naturally an innate spiritual treasure, but its effectiveness is naturally much worse than the one in the hands of Yuanshi Sanqing.

There is naturally no shortage of innate spiritual treasures in Da Luo's hands.

The so-called innateness is just a thought in Daluo.

If they are willing, a stubborn stone, a piece of jade, or even a grain of dust.

All can become innate in his hands, and there is no need to go to Taiyi Ji.

After a little practice, you will become an innate spiritual treasure.

It's just that this is a secret exchange concept, just changing the origins of stone, jade, and dust.

But it doesn't change their role.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the Pangu flag that Chen Feng rolled out was naturally greatly reduced.

But if it were placed in the hands of these time travellers, it would already be at the heirloom level.

The Pangu ax in Pangu Sanyuan's hand was something that Chen Feng randomly picked out.

Then, Chen Feng moved his hand again, and the next moment Qingyun shone brightly. From the endless Taiqing Immortal Light, there were also five qi and five fortune silk threads hanging down like a canopy.

It seems to reflect the final birth and death of all the heavens in Hongmeng Universe.

He grabbed it from the air, and a Taoist fly whisk appeared in his hand again.

With a slight flick, Chen Feng's whole body suddenly became full of vitality, and the whisk was like a wisp of clear water, and it shone like a Taiqing sword.

Stand up, billions of golden lotuses bloom everywhere.

Chen Feng is covered in thousands of colors, and the light around him is flawless, as if there is only one in the world and the beginning of all things.

"Is this the Tao?"

With such a scene, many people naturally sighed like this.

Even though they and Chen Feng were enemies at this time and were going to fight to the death, they still envied the scene in front of them.

Especially seeing Chen Feng standing in the center of all these visions, with everything around him echoing him, it was too sacred and majestic.

As a result, many people secretly glanced at the Holy Ancestor.

In the entire Wanjie chat group, if the saint ancestor is the second in the discussion of Taoism, naturally no one dares to be the first.

But now that Chen Feng has mastered Taoism, it is inevitable for everyone to compare with the Holy Ancestor.

However, the Holy Ancestor still had a proud look on his face at this time. He took two quick steps to the front, shook the dust in his hand, and sneered.

"Little Doyle!"

"The way of Taoism is natural, how can it be deliberately gorgeous? The evil arts are always evil arts and have tarnished the purity of my Taoism!"

This was said in a leveled manner, in a way of looking down.

Twilight of the Gods: "My Taoist friends have great opinions, but at this time, my Taoist friends can just use Tao arguments to prove that this Daluo is nothing more than this."

This deputy group leader came up with a high hat, but Mingzhi asked the Holy Ancestor to take action.

After all, I can say it.

Of course, there is another reason. His Ragnarok aims to trap the enemy, but his killing power is not quite there.

Now he just hopes that someone will take the lead. If Chen Feng can be seriously injured, he will have a chance to kill him.

"Hmph!" The Saint Ancestor snorted coldly. It was not that he didn't understand the meaning of Ragnarok, but now the arrow was on the string and he had to fire it.

Otherwise, what he did just now was just pretending to be tactless.

So, he took action directly with anger.

There is another light rising between heaven and earth.

The immeasurable Dao-light is neither yin nor yang, neither subtle nor grand, neither supreme nor humble, neither existence nor destruction. It is both mysterious and mysterious.

The Saint Ancestor's Taoist robes were flying, and a burst of Taoist power really erupted. He gave a cold shout.

"I have attained the Tao and Fruition, and all heavens, all realms, and all heavens in all realms honor me, the Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

The sound of the word fell, and the sky was filled with flowers falling from the sky, forming a heavenly barrier.

Then the sound of the Tao hit the wall and reverberated suddenly.

"The Heavenly Lord is here. The so-called gods, demon gods, so-called immortal emperors, and saints... are all incarnations of my Heavenly Lord at this time!"

The Holy Ancestor used the secret technique of the Supreme Taoist Sect, and a giant hand of the Heavenly Lord that seemed to be composed of the purest and only Tao light reached out from the void.

The Taoist master, with layers of immortal power and the power of the trillions of heavens in all realms, grabbed hold of Chen Feng.

When this scene appeared, Ragnarok stopped speaking.

I have to say that when it comes to aura, this Saint Ancestor is somewhat capable.

The Taoist hands volleyed in the sky, as if they were overwhelming the entire world, and the power within them was terrifying.

It has surpassed the previous Kaitian Yiaxe who walked around the three gardens.

And this palm seems to have made a good start.

For a moment, those people behind the Holy Ancestor also took a step forward, and waves of terrifying momentum rose in vain on the battlefield.

Nearly ten people took action at the same time.

Ragnarok was also shocked, and then there was another sneer in his heart.

"It's hard to achieve anything big if you can't keep your composure, but it's best to start fighting, so you have more chances to grab someone's head."

In short, everyone present had their own thoughts.

Those who followed the Holy Ancestor were naturally worried that Chen Feng was too weak. If he was really killed, they would have no chance.

And some people who are waiting and watching have almost the same thoughts as the deputy leader of Ragnarok.

After all, even if it is evil magic, Chen Feng is still intact.

Anyway, they believe that, let alone the strength of the Great Luo, his vitality alone is terrifying enough.

To change the metaphor.

The former are wolves, baring their fangs at their prey.

The latter is a snake, hiding in the darkness, waiting for a fatal blow.


With an angry shout, after the Holy Ancestor, the first demon of all time also displayed his magical power.

He saw that the demonic energy around him was constantly surging, and he was constantly exerting terrifying supernatural powers. In the endless distance, endless calamity clouds were coming.

This first demon in all eternity, accompanied by endless chaotic demonic energy, is so powerful that it appears like an ancient god and demon descending upon him.


In an instant, another magical power came. ,

It was a golden creature, so huge that it shattered the sky and stepped on the light.

Its whole body is filled with radiant light, shining on the nine heavens and ten earth, it is too bright and brilliant.

This terrifying aura is like a tsunami, or like a rolling river of stars, vast and endless in the starry sky.

This is the Yuanzi of Heaven, Earth and Man.


There was lightning again in the sky, and the sky was shattered.

A ghostly and gloomy figure stepped out in one step. He was wearing a golden robe and a crown on his head. His eyes opened and closed like two will-o'-the-wisps rising.

The aura of terror was overwhelming, and the sounds of howling ghosts and wolves were everywhere, as if they were welcoming their emperor!
Ghost Emperor Huang Quan also took action!

(End of this chapter)

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