Chapter 324 The end of the sword
The Holy Ancestor, the First Demon of Eternity, Yuanzi of Heaven and Earth, and the Ghost Emperor of the Underworld.

These are all among the most powerful beings in the chat group of all worlds.

So they are not really just trying to stand out.

They are confident enough to completely obliterate Chen Feng.

The first time he took action was to seize the opportunity to kill Da Luo.

Of course, it wasn't just these four people who took action together, there were seven more.

It was one person who attacked Chen Feng.

For a moment, even deep in the starry sky battlefield, the sky was completely turned into darkness.

The evil spirits of Taoists, demons, and ghosts, and all kinds of magical weapons and weapons came at Chen Feng one by one.


The entire Hongmeng Universe seemed to be shaking at this moment.

After all, these are real protagonists, and their strength has reached a certain limit.

According to their own words, they have reached the end of the road.

The power is already terrifying, but at this time, they are all joining forces to besiege, and the power displayed is too terrifying.

It was as if a new era had opened, and the most terrifying power shattered everything, as if it was opening up the other side of the universe.

Endless light is bursting out, illuminating the past, present and future.

The destructive power exploded, and the entire world and the heavens were trembling. All kinds of energy rays surged, as vast as Wang Yang, and seemed to be eternal.

At this moment, Chen Feng was still standing amidst the bursts of gorgeous Taiqing light, his whole body shimmering with precious light.

Facing such an onslaught, he still maintained a calmness and indifference that was not typical of ordinary creatures.

But his right foot has been slowly raised, and then he stepped lightly.

The magnitude of this movement was almost negligible, but in an instant, the entire formation, including the extermination space that just enveloped him in it, was immediately bent!
As a result, the entire Hongmeng universe seemed to be blurred, as if it had been lowered to another dimension by life.

In front of the Saint Ancestor and others, Chen Feng's figure was also a little blurry.

But they knew that the great Luo from the prehistoric times was still standing there, looking at them calmly.

"I can only say that your path is narrow."

Chen Feng shook his head, still holding the Taoist fly whisk in his hand.

With a slight shake, clear light suddenly appeared, and the cold light shone!

Using the fly whisk as a sword, Chen Feng slashed out a streak of pure light.

This is sword energy.

The sword energy is like Taiyi Ji slashing, and the endless sword energy is derived from the beginning of this real time, like a bright galaxy hanging upside down outside the world.

The light of the sword has no light and no image, no color and no sound, no sect, no thread, no master. In the shadows, the interpretation comes to an end, vast and indifferent.

A sword without any murderous intent completely subverted the entire dimension of Hongmeng Universe in just an instant.

Wisps of "Taiqing Sword Qi" spread like rays of light, and Qingyun was connected to the entire world and the heavens, seeming to replace everything from the Taiyi Era to the End of Time and Space.

This kind of sword energy can no longer be described in a certain realm or vocabulary.

And this is also the ultimate dream of all sword cultivators in the Hongmeng universe.

They long for such a sword till death.

But this was just what Chen Feng did casually.

"It's such a bad thing, the performance almost failed."

But at this moment, Chen Feng, the rightful owner, was blaming himself, because when he slashed out this sword, he deliberately used power that those people could barely understand.

But the indifference belonging to Da Luo is still the same as before.

Of course, this sword is naturally terrifying, but the sword intention in it is without desire.

It is very much like a Supreme Being who advocated inaction in the Three Purities.

So this sword is more like the sword of inaction.

"We agreed to play the role of Yuanshi, but why did it involve the Supreme Being?"

Chen Feng was also speechless for a while. For him to play Yuan Shi was because he couldn't get along with Chan Jiao.

Anyway, those people who cursed before were all directed at Yuan Shi.But if it involves the Supreme Being.

To be honest, Chen Feng is usually very careful.

He didn't want to have anything to do with the Supreme Being.

This was an intuition, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

Or maybe it's because the other person is simply too powerful.

After all, Pangu was the strongest among Daluo.

Among Pangu, Sanqing, who has been Pangu for more than ten epochs, is the strongest.

Among the Three Pure Ones, the Supreme Being is the most respected.

So if we really want to talk about it, it is not an exaggeration to say that this Taishang is called the No. 1 of Great Luo.

Of course, we must send out the Dao Ancestor who is no longer within the rules.

"That's all, just use it."

Don't think about these things in detail. Chen Feng just doesn't want to get involved, but he can't say he's afraid.

And those who attacked him at this time naturally didn't know what he was thinking, just when the sword light rose into the sky.

A fear arose in their hearts.

A kind of primitive fear, not directed at any substance, but from the moment they saw the light of the Taiqing sword, their hands and feet were already cold.

No matter how big or small his body is, he can't help but tremble at this moment.

Pan Gu was the first one to rush out and was the closest to the Three Gardens. At this time, the upright Pan Gu body was directly beaten back to its original shape.

It's not that his body has shrunk, but that the concept of his Pangu true body has been broken.

He is still so tall, but now he is looking at the endless stars in the distance, and he wants to look up.

This discovery frightened him to the extreme, or it could no longer be called a fear.

It is a tremor from the deepest part of the soul.

After an indescribable sword sound, Taiqing sword light erupted completely.

Then he erased everything. It was as simple as smoothing out a piece of white paper that had never been folded or squeezed.

With a bang, the extinction space of Ragnarok was broken.

For a moment, all the Taoists and other attack methods above the starry sky disappeared in an instant.

The eleven destiny protagonists who took action were stunned on the spot, their consciousness seemed to be completely wiped out like their attacks.

Of course, there is no need to act as if.

Because Chen Feng's floating dust shook again, the entire eleven people instantly disappeared.

In other words, it is gone, completely and fleetingly.

The endless years that belonged to them were wiped out at this moment, without any trace of their existence.

The world is quiet.

The remaining people were as silent as ice, looking at the place where the 11 people stood before with great fear.

That was an existence at least equal to their strength, and it was just wiped out.

But what's even more frightening is that now, in addition to having to endure such fear, they also have to endure a terrifying will in their minds.

That will actually wanted to forcibly erase any memory they had of the existence of those 11 people before.

At their level, how could a place like the Sea of ​​Consciousness allow others to pry into it.

But now it's more than that, that will is like turning into a heavenly sword to completely destroy the target.

They had no way of resisting and could only bear it silently.

In an instant, the way they looked at Chen Feng changed.

Like an ant looking up at the sky.

It's like a dead soul that has been wandering for hundreds of millions of years and met the emperor who controls the reincarnation of the underworld!

(End of this chapter)

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