Chapter 325 is targeted
The remaining people in the Wanjie chat group are facing a great fear at this time.

It must go deep into the bone marrow and stay with the soul forever.

They didn't understand until this moment.

What is Great Luo?

Or maybe I just understand the gap between them and Da Luo.

The big Luo opposite could not only easily control their life and death, but also control them easily.

The heavenly sword in the sea of ​​consciousness was still slashing wildly, cutting off everything about the Holy Ancestor and others.

The images, text, and expressions are all the same.

And what if the endless heavenly swords were to strike at their consciousness.

This group of people couldn't imagine it.

"Prehistoric Great Luo... what kind of existence is this?"

Everyone murmured, unable to understand at all.

This is a state of surprise.

After all, if they were to target mortals, they could also display such terrifying methods.

But who are they.

Those are all the protagonists of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group who are destined to have their own destiny.

The strength reaches the limit and reaches the end of the road.

Why, there are creatures at other levels who regard them as mortals and as ants.

Even the fear they are suffering at this time is not even considered as ants...

"It seems you understand something."

Chen Feng spoke at this time, with a strange expression.

seems to be saying.

Look, I'm still very reasonable.

Da Luo's existence cannot be explained to you in just a few words.

Then let you experience it for yourself.

Of course, the effect is outstanding.

And the rest of them not only understood.

Eleven dead, nine more to go.

At this time, the nine destiny protagonists fell to their knees on the ground.

Ragnarok suppressed the huge fear in his heart and spoke tremblingly.

"I...I am so ignorant that I risk...offending Daluo Tianwei, please...please..."

Until later, the deputy group leader almost remained silent.

The fear in my heart is really too great.

But it could be heard that he was probably asking Chen Feng to show his dignity and let them go.

But Chen Feng didn't pay attention at this time, but stretched out his hand and gently grabbed it in the void.

Suddenly, eleven light groups appeared at the place where the eleven people died.

Needless to say, that is their system.

Without the existence of the host, these systems are nothing more than energy balls like this.

Chen Feng took these systems into his arms from afar.

Because despite what Daozu said last time, he could see that Daozu was very interested in the various systems of the time traveler.

"But I guess studying these systems is about the same as studying ants for Daozu."

Unable to help but curl his lips, Chen Feng picked a few good ones and threw them into his main god space as rewards.

After collecting the rest and giving them to Daozu, he raised his head and looked at the remaining nine people.

"Is your group leader here?"

Now that he has solved a few problems, he doesn't want to continue acting.

Really boring.

Speaking of which, he now somewhat understood Xing Tian at that time.

"I'm afraid it was because Di Ming was too weak that the stupid guy was so perfunctory."

If you think about it carefully, it really is.

At that time, Xing Tian just wanted to show off in front of Hou Tu, but later he felt that the script given by Chen Feng was too poor.

It was just a stepping stone, so I was naturally dissatisfied at the time.

There's nothing wrong with acting like that back then.

After all, according to Chen Feng's original words.Xing Tian, ​​the grandson, performed quite brilliantly in the battle against Tian this time.

The ax didn't leave any room behind when it greeted him.

In short, there is nothing to do with these destiny protagonists.

He gave him a chance, but the opponent's attack was too unsightly.

After all, rather than killing them, he hoped that the other party would remember his previous two appearances.

During those two performances, he deliberately put his heart and soul into them.

Is Taiqing Immortal Light so easy to fake?

He worked very hard.

It's just a pity that these people don't know how to appreciate it and can't grasp the key points.

Chen Feng naturally had no interest anymore.

Of course, he was not killing randomly, not to mention that these people were targeting him.

Even the things that happened during their growth are difficult to talk about.

Take Na Pangu’s visit to three gardens at once as an example.

In order to prove the so-called Pangu, he wiped out countless heavens and worlds, and then reopened them by himself.

Used to earn the so-called merit power.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it was just like when he woke up.

If you do what the system says, you will be nothing more than a puppet and a slave.

After all, some systems like to issue dozens of tasks. In order to get rewards, anyone will inevitably make some choices against their will.

He didn't like this, so he created the current Daluo Chen Feng!

Da Luo could not help but sigh.

Just like Chen Feng at this time, he also felt that the operation of directly handing over the system to Daobiao Zhongxin was his peak.

That's called a limit.

"Pre... Senior?"

Seeing that Chen Feng ignored them, Ragnarok bravely shouted again.

In response, Chen Feng retracted his thoughts and just smiled with his eyes narrowed.

There is no statement.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether these nine people are killed or not. At most, they are working on nine systems.

Chen Feng was mainly waiting for the group leader named Da Luo.

And these people are nothing more than the tools of this group of masters.

Just to lure him out, what he said before about capturing him alive and studying the method of enlightenment was just for the ears of these tool people in the group.

But the real purpose of the group of leaders is hidden deeper.

In other words, this Ten Thousand Realms chat group has been designed to target him, Chen Feng, since its establishment.

The implications are difficult to describe in one word.

Chen Feng seemed to be having fun with these destiny protagonists, but he was just waiting for the mastermind behind the scenes to show up.

The Taoist with the invincible Taoist system naturally did not appear in the reincarnation world of the main god space for no reason.

It was not a coincidence that Zhao Wuxia met him.

It was no coincidence that Chen Feng had nothing to do and turned his attention to the main god space.

Behind this, Da Luo in the prehistoric times is involved.

Chen Feng knew this from beginning to end.

And his ultimate goal in acting is just to cooperate with the mastermind behind the scenes.

As for the group of leaders, of course we can’t talk about the final behind-the-scenes, but someone else.

But some cutscenes must be conveyed by someone.

At the same time, the endless vast starry sky was shaken again.

The long river of time that runs through the entire Hongmeng Universe also begins to flow.

Then, he saw a figure coming from the long river.

The moment the figure appeared, a terrifying pressure filled the air.


Ragnarok exclaimed, with some surprise in his voice.

But then he regretted it. Chen Feng had already shown his strength. If the group leader was also defeated, then he would be the first to die.

(End of this chapter)

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