Chapter 326 Da Luo is outside the setting

The river of time is still there.

Blue and eternal.

The entire time and space of Hongmeng Ten Thousand Realms and Heavens is wandering in this long river.

Except for the prehistoric existence as a special existence.

At this time, a figure was slowly coming along the long river of time.

To be precise, this is a figure sitting high on a throne.

A terrifying pressure followed, much stronger than those in Ragnarok.

This is the group leader in the Wanjie chat group.

It is also the last hope for Ragnarok and others.

Time and space were shaken, and the figure traveled through endless time and space and came from ancient times.

Like a ferocious beast from ancient times.

The long river of time drifted for a while, until it coincided with the current timeline.

A throne made of countless immortal jade suddenly appeared, and the way was natural.

The rhyme of the Tao soared into the sky, and the immortal energy filled the air and stretched for thousands of miles.

The figure on it is shrouded in layers of light, looking slightly sacred.

The group leader named Da Luo was sitting high on the throne, looking down at everyone.

"This is the light of Da Luo!"

"Is the group leader also a big Luo?"

Ragnarok was shocked. When Chen Feng took action before, the sky was filled with pure fairy light, shining across the starry sky.

He had some insight and knew that it was the light of Da Luo.

At this time, the light of Daluo also appeared around the leader of his own group.

This gave the deputy group leader an instant confidence.

He bowed respectfully to the figure on the throne and said, "I met the group leader before..."

He was about to report the information, but saw the figure on the throne wave his hand.

Then there was a cold voice.

"Don't say anything more, I already know."

Ragnarok's heart suffocated, and he felt the extreme coldness in the other party's voice.

His scalp suddenly went numb. This was because the group leader was always very kind when talking in the chat group.

But now, for some reason, he could feel the distance deliberately maintained by the other party.

The outer belt has a kind of overlooking view from above.

For a moment, he thought of the 11 dead people again, and a trace of sadness suddenly flashed across his face.

He suddenly understood a lot.

I and those in the group are just tools of the group leader.

The group leader already knew that the Great Luo had sneaked into the chat group, but he still allowed them to talk loudly.

Perhaps the purpose was to let them arouse Na Daluo's anger.

He didn't understand, but he knew that they were definitely being used.

Lead out that big Luo, and then use the death of 11 people to find out the strength of that big Luo.

Thinking of this, he felt even more sad because at this time he had almost completely forgotten those eleven people.

Of course, other people besides him were obviously aware of this.

At this time, they were all standing stiffly in place, seeming to be thinking about life and the meaning of existence.

"The great Luo in the wilderness."

The group leader on the throne spoke again, his voice still cold to the bone.

His eyes in the great light seemed to be staring closely at Chen Feng, with a certain kind of hostility.

At this time, Chen Feng seemed to be sizing up the other party, but compared to the other party's fierceness, his eyes were still deep and calm.

After a long time, he suddenly smiled.

"How dare you talk to me like that? It seems like your adults haven't taught you what politeness is."

The moment Chen Feng's voice fell, everyone felt as if something had changed in the world.It's very mysterious, just a momentary feeling.

Then, they made a shocking discovery.

The extremely precious throne seemed to have changed its position, and the ancient Great Luo sat on it at some point.

So they looked in the direction of the previous leader of the Da Luo group in confusion.

Just then, he saw that the light of Daluo around the other party dissipated, revealing his true appearance.

He was dressed in ordinary linen clothes, with long messy hair that seemed to have never been modified, and an appearance that had nothing to do with handsomeness.

If it weren't for it, I would still be able to feel a terrifying power from him.

This group of people all thought this was a mortal beggar.

In short, the remaining nine people could not accept that the group leader, who had always been in a high position in the chat group of all worlds, looked like this.

Ragnarok feels it the most, and he can be said to be the person closest to the group leader in the entire group.

But what the group leader looks like, he saw it for the first time today.

Suddenly, I felt sick in my heart.

"Emotions, have we been used and dominated by such a person for so long?"

Although at their level, they naturally would not judge people by their appearance, but they could never equate such a sloppy person with the "Da Luo" in their hearts.

Especially after meeting Chen Feng.

They felt deeply the indifference and profundity that belonged to the Great Luo.

Their group owners are completely incomparable.

It's too far.

"you wanna die!"

After their true identity was revealed, the group leaders were now looking ferociously, staring at Chen Feng and the throne that originally belonged to them.

At the same time, the light of Daluo manifested again.

His origins are mysterious, but his personality seems a little twisted.

He doesn't like to modify himself, but he just likes the way that every time he appears, those creatures that he regards as low-level look up to him and the light of Da Luo.

Who would have thought that as soon as he appeared this time, his twisted mask would be revealed.


On the throne, Chen Feng remained as calm as water, sitting in a very comfortable posture.

Then there was no movement from him, and the great light around the group masters dissipated again.

"It's not your own, so why bother pretending."


The leader of the group shouted loudly, his anger reaching the extreme.

However, he no longer deceived himself and others by manifesting the light of Daluo. He knew that he had already been seen through by Chen Feng.

But he was still unconvinced and sneered: "Although I am a "half-step Da Luo", I am still a Da Luo. Why do you, fellow Taoist, bully others with your strength!"

"Half-step Daluo, that's what you say." Chen Feng shook his head and said no more.

The leader of this Ten Thousand Realms chat group is a tool man, and he is even more of a pitiful person at this time.

Even the concept of "half-step Da Luo" has emerged.

It's simply ridiculous, and of course it's also too deeply poisoned.

In this infinite universe of Hongmeng and the heavens, there are various power systems.

There are countless divisions into realms, such as Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor.

Or half-step fighting god and fighting god.

In fact, that's right, because the power system is different, it is really difficult to make a detailed classification when reaching a certain level of strength.

That’s why words like “quasi” and “half-step” appear.

This is also true in the ancient world. There are billions of Taiyi Golden Immortals, and the gap between them is also huge.

But this setting can never be applied to Da Luo.

Daluo is Daluo, and he will always prove the innate five great epochs, and he is immortal in the true sense.

(End of this chapter)

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