Chapter 327 The irritable Zhao Gongming
Half a step too big, it's not even a joke.

However, Chen Feng didn't reveal anything, and just looked at the other party quietly.

In fact, whether it is the leader of this group or the members of the Holy Ancestor.

There is no difference in his eyes.

It's just that he wanted to see how long the real mastermind would be able to endure it.

The Taoist appeared in the reincarnation world of the main god space, and was involved in the chat group of all worlds.

Naturally, it was a game against him.

He had already seen through this.

Behind this group of leaders is not only Da Luo, but also Da Luo who is specifically targeting him.

As for who it was, Chen Feng had already guessed it.

It's just that the other party hasn't taken any action, and he just pretends not to know for the time being.

"The Great Luo of the Great Desolate Realm are indeed all virtuous."

The hostility in the eyes of the group leader seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

There is Da Luo behind him, but the relationship between the two seems not harmonious.

And the hostility in his heart seemed to be caused by this.

Compared to Chen Feng and Zhao Wuxia, as well as the female Da Luo and the Dark Immortal Emperor.

This group leader is more like a voodoo raised by a giant, and the chat group of all worlds is a tool for cultivating voodoos.

Leave it there for a long time to rest, and take it out when you need it.

It’s such a simple relationship, but this group leader is ambitious.

He is a time traveler and is not willing to be reduced to a tool, especially when he learns what kind of existence the ancient Da Luo people are.

His ambition reached a terrible level, so his character and human heart were distorted.

Just like the way Chen Feng looked at him at this moment, it was the same as the big Luo behind him.

He hated this look extremely because he couldn't stand the indifference in it.

He once tried to imitate this look when looking at some creatures he regarded as low-level creatures.

But they all ended in failure. His indifference was a kind of superior overlooking, which was different from Da Luo.

Just because he is not Da Luo, he cannot understand the meaning of this look.

In fact, it is very simple. The indifference in Da Luo's eyes is just that he simply does not regard non-Da Luo creatures as the same kind.

"Don't allow others to trample on my glory!"

Suddenly, the group went crazy.

The oppression from Da Luo over the long years completely broke out at this moment.

Today, whether voluntarily or forced, he had to prove his worth to Chen Feng.

Proving that he is half-step Da Luo, he should have the power of Da Luo.

He wanted Chen Feng to recognize that he was the same kind, and he wanted to change the way these big Luo looked at him.

Of course, all this is doomed to be in vain.

Just as Chen Feng said of him, he is just a pathetic person.

But poor people must have something to hate.

It's just that this group of owners is deeply involved in it, especially without knowing it.

The light of Daluo erupted from his body again, and the terrible pressure came again.

This was too terrifying, and then a wave of destruction began to occur from the center of this group of lords.

Boom boom boom!
The battlefield that the Holy Ancestor and others had tried their best to lay out was completely destroyed, and the entire starry sky began to shake and move toward destruction.

"Da Luotian, you are crazy!"

Ragnarok screamed, because this was an indiscriminate attack!
The terrifying wave of destruction was coming towards them, and the power it carried was simply not something they could resist.

So much so that he called the group leaders by their real names.

Da Luotian, the ID in the chat group is Da Luo, so he really has a very deep obsession.Da Luotian just raised his head and glanced at them coldly and said, "Don't you understand that trying to go further is just in vain!"

As he spoke, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"It's just that I'm different. Once I kill this Da Luo, that person won't dare to look down on me anymore!"

"When the time comes when I come to the Great Desolate World, I will also attain Daluo enlightenment!"

Da Luotian went completely crazy, and he was unwilling to succumb to others.

In fact, he didn't want to fight against a big Luo like Chen Feng at this moment. His real purpose was to go to the prehistoric era.

It's just that he wants to go to the prehistoric world and get rid of the restrictions of his own Gu. He can only complete the current task.

What's more, that person has promised him that they can come out of the wilderness just by holding Chen Feng for a moment.


As Da Luotian roared loudly, Da Luo's light illuminated itself.

He used all his strength to attack Chen Feng on the throne.

The aftermath also enveloped Ragnarok and the others at the same time, and screams and curses could be heard endlessly.

After all, Da Luotian was cruel, and the lives of those in Ragnarok were ignored by him.


Ancient times, outside the Luofu Cave in Mount Emei.

As usual, Zhao Gongming was sitting on the recliner with two Dinghai Divine Pearls in his arms, closing his eyes and relaxing.

But suddenly he opened his eyes and frowned.

"It's weird, why am I so uneasy all of a sudden?"

When this happens to Da Luo, it's natural that something is wrong, so he immediately pinches his fingers.

"I want to see which of the ignorant people in Chanjiao dares to plot against me, Zhao Gongming!"

As a disciple of Jie Jiao, Zhao Gongming naturally attributed this to Chan Jiao.

Although the battle to confer gods has not yet begun, the contradiction between the Jie and Chan religions still exists.

This is the brilliance of the Three Qing Dynasties, looking at the prehistoric era.

The conflict between Jie and Chan sects has always been involved in the big script of Battle of the Gods.

In addition to their respective racial stances, the disciples of the two religions can cause some conflicts at any time.

Of course, it's okay to make a small fuss, but it's not allowed to really get out of hand.

And in this case, a group of disciples from the Jie and Chan sects can always be brought into the Fengshen script.

After this era, the benefits obtained are naturally much greater than those of the great Luo who only have one script in an era.

After all, Sanqing had been Pangu for more than ten epochs, and it was understandable that he opened a small shop for his disciples.

But other Da Luo could only acquiesce to this.

It was also a credit to the Supreme Being who advocated inaction, as if apart from denying Pangu's position, nothing else in the ancient world could enter his eyes.

Of course, Chen Feng had thought about this before.

That’s because the location in the sky is too high, so what you think is naturally different.

After all, the so-called Three Purities are not the real Iron Triangle. Maybe it is not impossible that Yuanshi and Tongtian will be deceived by others in the next era and form a new Three Purities.

Therefore, the Supreme Being always has to keep an eye on some people who want to rebel against him.

It’s quite tiring to think about it.

Of course, Zhao Gongming doesn't care about this, he just plays his role as a disciple of Jie Jiao.

He wished that someone who explained the religion was plotting against him, so that he could have more of a role in this prehistoric era.

It's just that he counted with his fingers for a long time, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

This or that would work, but he couldn't stand it on the spot, so he directly opened the Daluo channel and started complaining regardless of Sanqi 21.

Zhao Gongming: "What bastard is trying to plot against me!"

(End of this chapter)

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