High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 328 The strange atmosphere between Da Luo

Chapter 328 The strange atmosphere between Da Luo
Zhao Gongming's temper is not very good.

He is also one of the more famous trolls on the Daluo channel.

Of course, the disciples of Jie and Chan sects have always been like this.

On the Daluo channel, there are often scolding battles between the two religions.

It's different every time, and the other big guys are also excited to watch.

So Lao Zhao started spraying as usual this time.

Just after a while, no one said anything in the Da Luo channel.

People who don’t understand the teachings jump out.

"Why, do you dare to do it or not? If not, come directly to Mount Emei and let's have a fight!"

Zhao Gongming sneered.

It fully embodies the publicity and fearless spirit of a troll.

But this time there was still no response.

"Explain the teachings! Come out quickly. Shouldn't you be shy this time?"

Zhao Gongming continued to curse, but at the same time he became confused.

Because this is definitely not explaining people’s nature.

Any time in the past, whenever Jie Jiao made a sound, several interpreters would have to jump out at the same time.

Then a few of the instructors will come out to help.

A battle between trolls began.

Vice versa, anyway, every time, the two religions have a beginning.

Anyway, Honghuang is so boring, spraying it back and forth a few times a day can be considered a way to pass the time.

"That's not right. When did those guys from Chan's teaching become so tolerant? This is definitely not right!"

Zhao Gongming has realized that something seems to have gone wrong.

After all, this is an obvious fact.

Sure enough, it wasn't just him, someone spoke up again on the Da Luo channel.

"Oh, the sun is rising in the west today. How can you, the Chan Cultists, be so patient?"

"Yes, but fellow Taoist, your metaphor is inappropriate. The sun in the ancient times did not rise from the west any day."

"Haha, fellow Taoist, what you said is wonderful. Anyway, where does the sun rise from in our ancient world? It depends on the mood of the three-legged golden crow."

This is true, after all, prehistoric times are the paradise of the great Luo people.

The so-called big sun is a three-legged golden crow arranged by Emperor Jun. It rises from the east or west depending on the mood every day.

Da Luo is really happy.

Of course, these people who spoke at this time were all anonymous, not disciples of either religion, and it was not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Shut up. Now that all the monsters have been wiped out, how can there be a three-legged golden crow in the sun?"

There is Da Luo who is more serious and immediately reminds the mistakes of the previous Da Luo.

The latter also reacted immediately.

"It's true, in the blink of an eye it's time to change to heaven again."

"This era is not bad. After all, the new script of Emperor Xuanyuan Fatian was presented. It was a pleasure to watch at the time."

"Can you tell me that this old man is not sleepy at all? It's not satisfying at all."

"That's right, Di Jun and the others defeated Tai Yi Ji. We couldn't even see the battle scene, and there wasn't a brave Taoist fellow who went to live broadcast it."

"Who said no one was going? At that time, there were fellow Taoists who tried behind the three people who took action. However, those three people used big tricks. Those who went there couldn't get through, and the entire Taiyi Ji was temporarily sealed."

"What are you talking about? Some clever fellow Taoists had already ambushed Taiyi Ji to seek benefits for all of us. Unfortunately, they were kicked out by those three people at that time."

"Also, fellow Taoist, can you tell me which fellow Taoist took the risk and became a frontline reporter? Although he didn't succeed, he is worthy of admiration."

"I agree with this. Who is this fellow Taoist? Come out so that everyone can thank you." There was a burst of excitement in Da Luo's channel, but Zhao Gongming was forgotten. Instead, Da Luo discussed the topic of defeating the sky.

"But the stop at Changyang Mountain was also a highlight."

"That's right, Fellow Taoist Chen Feng is truly amazing as a Daluo who has attained enlightenment in this era."

"Being able to play so many rounds in Xingtian's hands is enough to prove his amazing talent."

The topic turned to Chen Feng again.

Most of them are complimentary, but some are also weird.

"Forget it, if Queen Mother Xi hadn't appeared in the end, that boy would have had his head chopped off by Xing Tian."

"It's just that he's just a newcomer. He's so different in this era. I heard he's already offended a lot of people."

"I don't know what Queen Mother Xi likes about this kid. He actually came out of the Kunlun Mountains. If I remember correctly, it has been several epochs. Except for the small one of the Queen Mother, the big one of Queen Mother Xi has not been touched for a long time."

"I'm afraid that kid paid a price. Anyway, I just relied on the Queen Mother of the West to appear and tried my best to stop Xing Tian."

"I think so. Xingtian was far from using all his strength at that time."

These Daluo are all anonymous, but for what purpose they are unknown.

Anyway, he was sarcastic about Chen Feng's performance in the battle against Tian.

Of course this scene is real enough.

After all, there are still some Da Luo in the ancient world, but not everyone has a fixed position.

That is to say, there is no fixed script, and these Daluo are among the weakest group.

I saw that Chen Feng, a newcomer who had just attained enlightenment, had so many performances in this prehistoric era.

It still sounds like jealousy.

But this involved the Queen Mother of the West, and immediately a big Luo spoke directly by name.

Jiutian Xuannv: "Fellow Taoists, you might as well tell me your identities so that I can go to your mountain to have a look and bring some gifts along the way."

The most powerful Da Luo under the Queen Mother of the West was also the Xuan Nu who had a prominent role in the Battle of Zhuolu.

He was still so domineering, and for a while, all those yin and yang arrogant Da Luo shut up.

Even if it is anonymous, I dare not say anything.

After all, in the ancient times, Daluo people could not see each other without looking up, just in case someone discovered their identity one day.

Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

It was impossible to say that he would have to be sent out of this prehistoric era.

Although their strength is low and they get few benefits in each era, they still gain something.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have stayed in the wilderness every era, and would have gone out to play single-player games in the world.

Seeing that her speech had a deterrent effect, Jiutian Xuannv seemed to be satisfied, so she stopped speaking.

At this time, in the distant West Kunlun, through the beautiful Kunlun Yaochi, there is a towering and majestic palace.


Jiutian Xuannu, who had just blocked Da Luo's channel, snorted coldly, and at the same time, a sigh came from her side.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

Jiutian Xuannv turned around and met the petite peach blossom eyes of Queen Mother Xi.

This loli-shaped Queen Mother of the West was still lying on her back on a unicorn.

But it was obviously a different one, this time it was a dark unicorn.

The Queen Mother of the West was also wearing a long dress as dark as ink today, and the two matched quite well.

Paired with that dark unicorn, it looks like the most beautiful picture in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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