High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 333 This is the truth, Chen Fengzhang is not coming

Chapter 333 This is the truth, Chen Feng can’t come back
Chi Jingjing: "Zhao Gongming, why are you yelling? Is your skin itchy?"

Zhao Gongming didn't expect that someone would fight back this time.

I forgot about Chen Feng at the moment, rolled up my sleeves and started spraying.

Zhao Gongming: "Hmph, I think it's because your red sperm is itchy. When did you dare to jump out?"

Between the two, Zhao Gongming naturally has the upper hand.

Because he is strong enough, in the past eras, red sperm suffered many losses in his hands.

Chi Jingzhi suffered a frustrating loss, but could not think of a powerful counterattack for a while.

At this time, another person spoke.

Taiyi Zhenren: "Zhao Gongming, don't be arrogant. You are the most beautiful person in this era."

Master Yuding: "That means I have 24 tattered beads in my hand, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tolerate you!"

Chanjiao usually works in groups, but Zhao Gongming is naturally not a vegetarian.

Zhao Gongming: "Hmph, everyone can tell lies, but I'm afraid some people in this era still need a beating."

Master Puxian: "Zhao Gongming, don't try to show off your words. In this era, you will see the truth!"

Taoist Cihang: "Zhao Gongming, please don't be careless this time. If you lose, you will even level the Luofu Cave in Mount Emei this time!"

Chan's harsh words came one after another, and Zhao Gongming was not far behind in his verbal battle with the Confucian scholars.

After all, judging from past records, he, the interception coach, has the upper hand.

Of course, this scolding battle almost attracted a lot of people to watch.

Almost all the Twelve Golden Immortals showed up, and finally someone from Jiejiao also joined.

Ever since, the content in Daluo's channel suddenly became unsightly.

If it was still a troll level before, it eventually turned into a pure scolding war.

It’s impossible to say who suffered the loss.

"I'm furious!"

Zhao Gongming ended the scolding battle early, but his conscience hurt as he thought about Chen Feng again.

There was nothing he could do, the restless feeling in his heart was still there, which made it difficult for him to concentrate and made him slightly irritable.

So he left the Luofu Cave in Mount Emei, and this time he went directly to the Biyou Palace above Penglai.


Sitting on the deck chair outside Luofu Cave, Zhao Gongming looked not very good at this time.

At this time, it has been a day since the scolding war between the Jie and Chan sects.

If he still held the attitude of playing games before, this time he was a little more serious.

"Brother Feng may be in really bad luck this time..."

There was a trace of worry in his eyes, which was very genuine.

Because according to the news he got, this time things may have exceeded his expectations.

"The teacher is not in Biyou Palace. He was invited 33 days away."

This is the news he got. Yesterday he went to Biyou Palace and did not see Tongtian, but he saw Taoist Duobao.

This news was also heard from Duobao's mouth.

Leader Tongtian went 33 days away and was summoned by the Supreme Being, saying that he was going to hold a meeting of the Three Purities.

In fact, the Sanqing Dynasty is now the strongest ally in the past dozen or so eras, and meetings of various sizes are often held.

It's just that if this matter is placed in the present, Zhao Gongming can't help but think about it.

It was as if Tongtian was deliberately called away.

Generally speaking, when a parent is called away, the plot must be quite big.

Just like when Chen Feng wanted to attack Yuxu Palace before, he asked Haotian God to delay Yuan Shi in advance, otherwise he would not have succeeded that time.

Now Tongtian seems to have been deliberately moved away from the mountain.And now Zhao Gongming remembered a detail.

That is, in yesterday's scolding battle, three of the Twelve Golden Immortals were missing.

Guangchengzi, Master Lingbao, and the True Monarch of Qingxu Daode.

With this combination, he instantly understood.

"The three grandsons of Chanjiao are the masterminds of this matter. They want to target Brother Feng together and call the teacher away, leaving us unable to do anything and unable to track the specific location in the world."

All the truth is revealed.

Behind Chen Feng's attack this time were the three great interpreters, Guangchengzi, Master Lingbao, and True Lord Qingxu Daode.

Unfortunately, this news Zhao Gongming could not reach the ears of Chen Feng, who was already in the world at this time.

Zhao Gongming did not expect that he would be lonely after working for a long time.

At this time, he stretched himself out on the recliner as if he was a little frustrated.

Looking at the starry sky that was already dark, there was a certain loneliness in his eyes.

"Brother Feng, you can only rely on yourself from now on..."

"Now I just need to organize some people to rescue you, brother. It's hard to say whether I can find you or not. Those people who explain the teaching will naturally not leave any traces..."


At this time, among all the worlds and heavens.

Naturally, Chen Feng didn't know that Zhao Gongming and others in the prehistoric era had realized that they were being plotted against.

At this time, he was still sitting high on the throne, and at his feet was the group leader named Da Luo who had begun to disappear.

The battle between the two did not last long, after allowing the other party to symbolically show strength.

Chen Feng once again made him understand what Da Luo was.

In just an instant, this Da Luotian will be on the verge of extinction.

This is the real light of Da Luo. Just thinking about Da Luo, this Da Luo Tian is destined to perish.

At this time, he was kneeling on the side of the throne with disheveled hair, and there was still a terrible unwillingness in his eyes.

He looked at Chen Feng and gave out his last sneer.

"So what if you are the real Daluo? You are destined to die here today!"

Chen Feng, on the other hand, looked at him with leisurely eyes. While checking the systems of those who were shocked to death by the aftermath of the Great Luotian in the Twilight of the Gods, he smiled and said, "Didn't your master tell you that the Great Luo is immortal?"

"Of course I know." Da Luotian still sneered. It has to be said that he is the first one who dares to face Da Luo so boldly even after reaching this point.

And he certainly has a reason for having such an attitude.

"Although Da Luo is immortal, other Da Luo still have countless ways to deal with you. You should understand that from the moment you leave the Great Desolate World, you are destined to fail!"

"Oh." Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and suddenly showed a weird smile.

He stared at Da Luotian, whose consciousness was about to dissipate, narrowed his eyes and asked, "You mean Guang Chengzi and the others?"

As soon as these words came out, Da Luotian's pupils could be clearly felt to shrink.

He raised a hand in confusion, pointed at Chen Feng and wanted to say something.

But at this moment, his life completely came to an end, and his body, consciousness, and everything about him perished.

But Chen Feng could see clearly.

"You want to ask why I know."

Sighing to himself, Chen Feng stood up from the throne.

He casually erased the last remaining substance of Da Luotian, and the cold light in his eyes was like substance.

"If I still don't know that Chanjiao is plotting against me, then I'm too confused..."

(End of this chapter)

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