High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 334 Chen Feng is nothing more than that

Chapter 334 Chen Feng is nothing more than that

Chen Feng took back Da Luotian's last system.

He kicked the throne to pieces and stood there with a cold look in his eyes.

In fact, he had already known the so-called truth.

This so-called Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group and the Great Luotian are nothing more than tools of a certain ancient Great Luo.

This tool has many uses, but now it is used against him.

Of course, a certain prehistoric Daluo has already been determined to be one of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao.

Chen Feng thought that Guang Chengzi had more control. Even if it wasn't him, he was definitely the one who took the lead.

The last time he rushed to Yuxu Palace, he was not unprepared.

I just didn't expect that the other party's calculations were so deep and he actually knew the existence of the Lord God Space.

"Sure enough, Chanjiao's hands and eyes can reach the sky. I even know that Emperor Su's main divine space is now in my hands."

There was a sneer in his heart, but he did neglect this at the time.

As for Chanjiao and this group of people, he was a newly promoted Daluo, so naturally he couldn't stand the boring life of the prehistoric times.

Once you have some free time, you will naturally take a walk in the Main God Space.

So the Taoist was placed in a reincarnation world in the main god space.

And it became Zhao Wuxia's mission "by great coincidence".

This move to invite you into the urn is a clever move, and this is just the beginning.

Because the moment Chen Feng entered the main god space, with his great power, he would naturally notice the existence of this chat group in all realms.

So it was natural to leave the prehistoric times to explore the truth.

Without him, Daluotian was deliberately instructed by a certain Daluo of Chanjiao, and even gave him a ray of Daluo's light.

Everything is just to arouse Chen Feng's curiosity and let him leave the wilderness.

As long as they have that kind of means in all the worlds, they can't do anything to others even if they directly seal Chen Feng.

And depending on their mood, they have the final say on how many epochs to seal.

"What a good idea, what a good idea."

If this matter wasn't directed at him, Chen Feng couldn't help but applaud these people who taught him.

It's just a pity that he is the victim.

This conspiracy was aimed at him from the beginning. If counted, I am afraid that after he rushed to Yuxu Palace, the group of people who explained the teaching had already started to arrange it.

What was wasted was nothing more than twenty worthless time-travelers.

Speaking of which, these time-travelers are also unlucky, each and every one of them has a peerless system.

But I never thought that the real Honghuang and the real Daluo would be like this.

Totally unreasonable.

Of course, Chen Feng is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface.

To put it bluntly, even now, he doesn't have the slightest trace of panic.

After thoroughly clarifying the cause and effect, his expression immediately calmed down.

The depth in his eyes is still like the vast starry sky.

"Fellow Taoist, aren't you ready to show up?"

He suddenly raised his head and smiled at the starry sky and asked.

Then, there was a burst of laughter.

Ridicule, of course.

"It is said that fellow Taoist Chen Feng is extremely smart, but he has already achieved a lot of benefits in this era of enlightenment, but in Pindao's opinion, it is nothing more than that." There was no concealment of the sarcasm in these words.

But Chen Feng was always calmly looking at the three figures who suddenly appeared.

They are all old acquaintances.

The third of the Twelve Golden Immortals is Guangchengzi, Master Lingbao, and the True Monarch of Qingxu Daode.

The one who spoke was Guangchengzi, and his words were purely to disgust people.

The arrival of the three Daluo who explained the teachings was quite a grand occasion.

When the three people appeared, they had cleverly surrounded Chen Feng.

Chen Feng remained calm. Instead, he looked at Guang Chengzi and said with a squinted smile: "If I remember correctly, I have nothing to do with fellow Taoist Guang Chengzi. Where does this disappointment come from?"

"This fellow Taoist doesn't know something." Guangchengzi had a good time and spoke as if he was pointing at the country. He first signaled to Master Lingbao and Qingxu Daodezhenjun before speaking.

"Before, Pindao made a bet with the two junior brothers about how long it would take Fellow Daoist Chen Feng to see through this plan. However, it was not until the end that Fellow Daoist realized the existence of the three of us, which is really disappointing."

The insult in these words is extremely strong.

Anyway, the matter has come to this, and in Guangchengzi's eyes, Chen Feng cannot escape no matter what.

"It seems that fellow Daoist Guangchengzi trusts me and has placed a heavy bet on me." Chen Feng was not annoyed and still smiled.

"That's true. Because of this incident, I paid Pindao two bottles of good wine. Do you think Pindao should be blamed for this debt?" Guangchengzi was still angry.

But the cold light in his eyes was undisguised.

Last time, Chen Feng took the lead in attacking Yuxu Palace, which brought shame to the entire Chan Sect and was extremely embarrassing.

They calculated this way just to settle the account carefully.

But now that you are in a urn, they will naturally close the door and beat the dog.

"Friend Taoist, it's not good to blame me randomly. How can you blame me for the bet you made yourself?" Chen Feng has never had the intention to take action.

But in the eyes of Guangchengzi and the others, it was just stalling for time.

But they were not in a hurry at all. At this time, the Great Master Lingbao even sneered: "Chen Feng, don't waste time by chirping. You can't escape this time. God Haotian can only stand up for you once. Because there will be no chance in the future!”

Qingxu Daodezhen also had a cold face at this time, with the cruelty of a cat catching a mouse.

"Do you know what's going on in the Great Wilderness now?" He stared at Chen Feng and said word by word: "No one knows your whereabouts at this time. The entire Great Wilderness has been blocked by our senior brothers and we, so you can't go back."

"Sure enough." Although he had already guessed it before, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Honghuang was completely isolated. If he was targeted by Da Luo, at least the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao would take action.

He did not doubt the authenticity of Qingxu Daodezhenjun's words. After all, teaching and doing things did not last a day or two.

Speaking of which, the Battle of the Gods was just a small thing that Sanqing started for his disciples.

A casual fight, just kill some people from both sides and get on the list of gods, but Chan taught Da Luo to do things without leaving any way out, and he was too selfish.

Every time, they try every possible means to get more people who intercept the religion to be on the list of gods, and they make a fortune by explaining the religion in silence.

Over time, the contradiction between the Jie and Chan religions became increasingly profound.

After all, Sanqing originally wore a pair of pants, but it turned out that the disciples of the two religions were really hostile.

"It seems that you are not going to let me go alone." Chen Feng sighed.

"Stop pretending to be pitiful. Instead of letting you go this time, I'm going to lock you up for a few epochs. What do you think, fellow Taoist?" Guang Chengzi laughed, presumptuous and flamboyant.

This is understandable, after all, this can be regarded as "revenge for a great enemy".

But Chen Feng's next words also turned cold.

"Then what if I don't agree..."

(End of this chapter)

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