High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 335: Explanation of the ultimate plan

Chapter 335: Explanation of the ultimate plan
Endless starry sky, cold murderous intent.

The three great masters of Chanjiao never expected that Chen Feng could say such a thing.

Their lineup, let alone dealing with Chen Feng, would have to be furious even if Xing Tian came.

What kind of lineup is this for the three golden immortals?

Master Lingbao and True Lord Qingxu Daode are both great supernatural powers who have entered the Great Luo.

Guangchengzi, on the other hand, is on a higher level, if the first two are the first level of those with great supernatural powers.

Then he is the second gear.

As for Xing Tian, ​​he belongs to the third level among those with great supernatural powers, and is even stronger.

Of course, Da Luo's strength is also different between each level.

Zhao Gongming and Guang Chengzi belong to the same group, but the former must be stronger.

This gap may be a simple difference in strength, or it may be a difference between innate spiritual treasures.

As for Chen Feng, he belongs to Da Luo who has not yet become a great supernatural power.

Daluo's improvement is slow and requires great opportunities.

After all, even in the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect, Huanglong Zhenren and Wei Liusun have not stepped into the ranks of those with great supernatural powers.

In short, Da Luo's road is more difficult to walk.

At this time, among the three great Luo who taught the teaching, the worst one was already a great supernatural power user.

This is also the confidence of the three of them. This lineup is more than enough to deal with the higher level Xing Tian, ​​let alone Chen Feng.

What's more, Chanjiao's memory of the siege has long been engraved in his bones.

Chen Feng, that's not something he can easily capture.

The three Chanjiao Daluo naturally thought so too, but Chen Feng's attitude was much tougher than they imagined.

"You don't agree?" Guang Chengzi frowned and immediately sneered: "Chen Feng, have you not seen the situation clearly yet?"

"Of course I can see it clearly."

Chen Feng smiled calmly and said: "It's hard for you to go through so much trouble to deceive me from the wilderness."

"Just a few time-travelers."

Guangchengzi smiled disdainfully: "It's worth it to deal with you. You should have thought of today when we rushed to Yuxu Palace last time."

"I did think of it."

Chen Feng nodded, and after speaking, he sighed softly: "So I have been thinking about doing something to make up for the loss of your teachings. No, in this world, I have been thinking about it. I honor the name of Yuanshi Tianzun of the religion to promote the prestige of our teaching."

It's okay if he didn't say this. Once he did, the murderous aura in Guangchengzi's eyes almost solidified.

"Chen Feng, you are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Last time Haotian carried you, who gave you the courage to insult Taiqing's name this time!"

He actually remembered the time when he faced those time travelers in the chat group of all realms.

Chen Feng called himself the Original Heavenly Lord, and when he raised his hand, he saw Taiqing Immortal Light.

Da Luo's reputation was well established, but at the beginning, he was scolded a lot.

Now that I think about it, this was too deliberate.

Why do you have to perform such a fancy show when you can defeat an opponent with a single thought? Isn't it tiring?
Then there is only one result, and that is that Chen Feng did it deliberately.

Thinking of this, Guangchengzi narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that you have underestimated Fellow Taoist Chen Feng. It seems that you have already guessed this matter."

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded generously and didn't hide anything.

Anyway, he was basically aware of it when he discovered this Wanjie chat group.

This is a conspiracy by Chanjiao to target him.

Seeing him admit it, Guangchengzi smiled even colder.

"It seems that fellow Taoist knows the current affairs very well. Even if you know, so what? From the moment you step out of the wilderness, you can no longer go back."

"Always try." Chen Feng was always calm and not threatened at all.

And the more he behaves like this, the more angry the three Da Luo who explain the teaching become.How could a newly promoted Da Luo remain so indifferent at this time?

Are you really not worried about the consequences?

Master Lingbao's temper became even more explosive. He couldn't bear it any longer, and he shouted angrily.

"Chen Feng, it seems that you won't shed tears when you see the coffin!"

After that, as if to save face, he looked at Guangchengzi and Qingxu Dezhenjun.

He cupped his hands and said: "Leave this Chen Feng to me, senior brother and junior brother will just watch."

He was preparing to capture Chen Feng by himself. This not only demonstrated the power of Chanjiao Daluo, but also better affected Chen Feng's self-confidence.

Anyway, they were a little irritated now when they saw Chen Feng's calm face.

I wish I could just press it to the ground and rub it with the soles of my feet.

This kind of behavior is rare among the great people of Chanjiao.

However, Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun also had this idea at this time.

So the former nodded in agreement.

"Then there will be Brother Lao."

Anyway, they have a chance to win, and Chen Feng's return has been sealed by them, and he can only wander around in the worlds of the Hongmeng Universe.

It’s just a little more effort.

No matter what, Chen Feng couldn't escape.

Furthermore, Master Lingbao is already a great supernatural power user in Da Luo, although he is only in the first rank.

But they felt it was more than enough to deal with one Chen Feng.

Guangchengzi did not forget to explain a few words.

"This era allows him to take advantage. Nuwa's lotus lantern is with him, and he has many ways to escape. Junior brother, don't be as careless as Xingtian."

He remembered the battle between Chen Feng and Xing Tian during the Battle of Futian.

The former used the lotus lantern and Queen Mother Xi's golden hairpin to escape from Xing Tian's hands for a long time. He didn't like this scene to happen again.

"Brother, don't worry."

Master Lingbao smiled confidently, although there was a gap between his strength and Xingtian.

But this is no longer the time.

Xing Tian was careless at that time, and in the eyes of other Da Luo, that battle was somewhat suspected of letting Chen Feng, a Da Luo of the Wu Clan, offend.

But he, the Lingbao Archmage, doesn't know how to do it. He will definitely kill him as soon as he comes up.

What's more, now that the golden hairpin has been taken back by the Queen Mother of the West, Chen Feng, who only has the Lotus Lantern, doesn't take it seriously.

This time they put in so much effort, so of course nothing went wrong.

Although those twenty or so time-travelers were cheap, they were ultimately a hidden move in Guang Chengzi's hands.

Not to mention the hard work, since the chess piece is useless, it is natural to witness the results.

In short, Master Lingbao finally stepped out and confronted Chen Feng.

Guangchengzi took out a large seal leisurely.

It's the Heaven-shaking Seal.

He waved this innate spiritual treasure at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, please don't misunderstand me. It's just that there are rumors in the wild that Taoist friends are good at escaping, so we naturally have to take precautions."

This extremely insulting sentence came out, and Guang Chengzi didn't even look at Chen Feng's reaction.

The Heaven-turning Seal in his hand was just thrown upward.

The Heaven-turning Seal fell and made a terrible roar.

Then the starry sky for countless billions of miles shook and made an indescribable harsh sound.

The sound was beyond a certain concept, as if something terrible had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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