Chapter 336 Da Luo in the Paper
The ear-piercing voice was endless.

It was as if a certain concept in this starry sky had been completely suppressed.

If you have to describe it.

It was as if the endless starry sky was being treated as a piece of tissue paper.

What's even scarier is that the tissue paper is being folded together.

This is where the harsh sound comes from.

Then Chen Feng saw that the entire starry sky was pressed from solid to flat.

The star is no longer a star, but a star point on this tissue paper.

The starry sky is no longer a starry sky. It has been folded countless times and completely turned into a flat surface.

"Has the dimensionality been reduced?"

Chen Feng whispered, and the sight of the three masters of Lingbao seemed to have changed.

The figures of the three people are getting thinner and thinner, but it is not that they have changed.

But under the influence of Guangchengzi Fan Tianyin, at this time, he was also folded infinitely along with the starry sky.

What a terrible dimensionality reduction blow.

This is the descent of the real dimension, and the sky should overturn this starry sky.

Turning it into a real cage, Chen Feng could not escape from the scope of this piece of paper no matter what he did.

This is what Da Luo does.

Ability to transcend concepts and influence everything.

Of course, Chen Feng's vision returned to normal as soon as his thoughts moved.

But he is still on this thin paper of dimensionality reduction.

Looking up at Guang Chengzi's Heaven-shaking Seal, Chen Feng was still a little sour.

This is the benefit of having a backer.

Guangchengzi's own strength is in the second level of great supernatural powers.

And in this level, there are not many who are better than him.

The most famous ones are existences like Taoist Duobao, Zhao Gongming, and Sanxiao.

But apart from these people, Guangchengzi is undoubtedly the strongest, surpassing the Holy Mother Wudang, the Holy Mother Jinling, Master Xuandu and many Buddhas in Buddhism.

What does it rely on? It relies on the Heaven-shaking Seal given by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Sanqing's personal version is naturally powerful, no less powerful than Chen Feng's Lotus Lantern.

Without this Heaven-shaking Seal, Guangchengzi's ranking in the second tier of great supernatural powers might have dropped a lot.

This is something Chen Feng cannot envy.

Of course, he also has a backstage, but he is a Taoist who doesn't care about anything.

God Haotian barely counted, and the other party may have promised the position of the Jade Emperor in the next era.

But for this kind of innate spiritual treasure that can directly enhance strength, Chen Feng cannot be helped.

After all, even God Haotian himself does not belong to the kind of Daluo with many innate spiritual treasures.

"Alas, Senior Brother Haotian and I went to the wrong sect after all. The sect is not very powerful."

Chen Feng complained in his heart, feeling like a child raised by his stepmother.

Of course, he didn't have that many options.

However, if he really had to choose again, he would still remain the heel of Da Luo who listened to the sermons of the Taoist ancestors.

There is no reason.

Although Daozu doesn't do anything, he still exists.

It can be said that Chen Feng has no backstage, but he also has the biggest backstage.

Rather than having such a restricted status as a disciple of Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao, he really felt that it would be better to be freer.

In short, in order to deal with him, Guangchengzi directly took out the Fantian Seal.

The entire planet where they were located was airborne into the dimension, trapping Chen Feng here to death.

But for Chen Feng now, it is a good thing.

If Guangchengzi and the three of them join forces, he will naturally turn around and run away without saying a word, but is he just a Lingbao Archmage?

Then say two.

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

From an angle that Guangchengzi and the others couldn't see, the corners of Chen Feng's mouth curved. "Chen Feng, suffer death!"

The net of heaven and earth has been laid. Master Lingbao stepped out with one step, and the light of the great law around him immediately illuminated all the worlds and heavens.

At this moment, even the stars in the billions of square galaxies seemed to have lost their light.

The light of his Da Luo is so blazing, this is the great supernatural power among Da Luo!
Even the bright sun is not enough to describe the intensity of this light.

He was carrying an ancient sword, and his momentum was astonishing.

Although the ancient sword has not been unsheathed, its edge can still be felt.

If you stand outside the battlefield at this time, you will find that the thin paper suddenly has silver light flashing, like a galaxy.

This is the sword intention of Master Lingbao.

"Chen Feng, as a newcomer, remember to keep a low profile. In the next era... no, a few eras later, remember to come to explain and apologize."

This sentence is equivalent to declaring Chen Feng's fate. They will trap him for at least several epochs.

For a newly promoted Daluo, this is definitely the torture of torture.

You may even lose yourself directly because of it.

After all, Chen Feng had never experienced a single era. If he faced the seals of several eras, he might not be able to bear it.

And this was also the reason why he kept a low profile in the early days.

After all, being "young" has nothing to do with strength, but experience.

For example, if an old man like Zhao Gongming is trapped, he can spend several epochs leisurely with the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

Because he has lived for endless years.

At most, 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls can be exchanged.

But it won't work on Chen Feng.

Although Da Luo is immortal, it is because of this that Da Luo people have been studying ways to torture people for countless epochs.

Even the most basic ones are terrifying, he has heard of it before.

In a certain prehistoric era, two great Luo gods fought a decisive battle in the world because of personal enmity.

One of the last moves missed being sealed by one move, and the one who used the method, Da Luo, used the method.

The sealed place has no five senses, and there is no light at all.

The consciousness of the sealed Daluo was deliberately closed, leaving only the trace of silence that could be felt.

And this seal lasted for three prehistoric eras.

This kind of torture is terrifying to think about.

Anyway, Chen Feng felt that he couldn't handle it with his current experience.

And this is still a basic method. He has heard about it from Nuwa and Houtu.

The seal was so terrifying that he didn't even dare to think about it at this time.

The great mage Lingbao could speak for several epochs, so he wanted to completely block him.

"What a grudge, what's the matter?"

Chen Feng was also a little angry at this time.

To put it bluntly, these big Luo people who explain religion never take him to heart.

Treat him like an outsider.

The prehistoric era was a place for people like them to have fun, and he, Chen Feng, was not worthy of it.

It was the joy of acting for them to fight life and death with Jie Jiao.

When it comes to him, it becomes a complete ban.

This is really a great job.

There is no turning back.

"Forget it, I must give you and the other three a surprise today."

Chen Feng looked directly at Master Lingbao, and his great light also erupted at the same time.

The light once again illuminated the heavens and the world, but it was a little weaker than that of the Lingbao Archmage.

The gap is obvious. This is the difference between those with great supernatural powers and those without great supernatural powers.

There is a gap that is indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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