High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 338: Trapping you for two prehistoric eras

Chapter 338: Trapping you for two prehistoric eras
The game is dead.

If you want to break the situation, you can only show your strength.

There are no shortcuts between Daluo.

Master Lingbao’s great light was shining to the extreme at this time.

That is the glory that belongs to those with great supernatural powers in Da Luo.

The light shines on all the worlds and the heavens, and the thin paper space that has been dimensionally reduced is filled with blue.

This is the color of the long river of time, and the time and space throughout the entire Xiantian Wutai era are all in it.

This is the power that Chen Feng usually likes to use.

Do whatever you want, and under Da Luo, if you think of attacking him, time and space will be pulled to the beginning of its origin and cut off.

This is also the reason why those people in the previous Wanjie chat group died completely after their death.

Because the meaning of their own existence has been implicated in Taiyi Ji, and then erased.

As a result, life is completely erased, and even the memories that exist in other people's minds will disappear.

And Master Lingbao seems to be proficient in this method.

At this time, Chen Feng's entire vision was filled with blue, and he could not see the flow of time.

Just because we are already in the long river of time.

Endless concepts of time and space shuttle and interweave here, and with one step, he seems to have traveled to the past.

Another step, and he seemed to have crossed into the future.

Master Lingbao is worthy of being one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect, and the Tao of Da Luo is quite profound.

The two faced each other in this long blue river of time, but mysterious ripples moved slowly between them.

They are clearly looking at each other, but they seem to be far away at the end of the sky.

"Chen Feng, do you like this time cage?"

Master Lingbao had a smile on his face at this time. He had already used his method, and during the whole process, Chen Feng had no defense at all.

Time and space are like this, silent and silent, not to mention this is a big Luo taking action.

Chen Feng looked around quietly and didn't express any opinions.

"It seems you don't even know yet."

Master Lingbao’s smile became more and more obvious.

"The time that belongs to you has been cut off by me. Your consciousness is still stuck in the past. What comes with time is just your body. And if I attack you at this time, what do you think the result will be?"

This is the Daluo way of teaching the Twelve Golden Immortals, which is terrifying enough.

Keep Chen Feng's consciousness in the past, thereby killing his future body.

Attacking across time and space is like facing an unconscious puppet, so you can naturally squeeze it however you want.

Of course that's not all.

Master Lingbao continued: "Now your consciousness is still in Taiyi Ji, and I will only kill your physical body in the next second of time and space. If you repeat this, I can kill you in all timelines. This process It’s endless, and it’s more than enough to trap you for two prehistoric eras.”

Speaking of this, he raised his eyes slightly, and his thoughts were displayed on his face unscrupulously.

What are you fighting with me?

This is Da Luo, and Lingbao's move is Da Luo's way.

If you don't enter Daluo, I understand that you have the ability to reach heaven and earth, but you can only control time, use the past body to watch the future, cut off your own cause and effect, make the Tao body flawless, and the soul is clear.

But letting Lingbao, the great Luo, control time and space means that you are standing in the future, thus killing your past body.

The difference between them cannot be described in a few words.

And this is the space-time cycle, regarded as a time cage.

If Chen Feng cannot break the move, except for this ray of consciousness in Taiyi Ji where he is, the rest of his physical body and sea of ​​consciousness will be obliterated.

Both prehistoric eras are still conservative estimates.

This great Luo who explains the teachings is indeed well prepared.

And in two epochs, Chen Feng will miss many prehistoric scripts.

This is already blatant suppression.Of course, the hatred between him and Chanjiao has not ended, because Chen Feng has not become stronger day by day, in the eyes of the big group of Chanjiao.

He has always been a rejected time-traveler. It was nothing more than a bit of good luck that Da Luo became enlightened.

The methods are not cruel, and these are just the methods of Master Lingbao.

There is no guarantee that Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun have no other means.

This is to ensure that he will be punished to death.

At least it started in five epochs.

No matter how fast Chen Feng progresses, after five prehistoric eras have passed, the gap between him and these great cultivators will inevitably widen again.

Master Lingbao and the others are here to ensure this.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

They understand this very well.

Master Lingbao's eyes became colder and colder, but Chen Feng did not make any statement during the whole process.

But this is no longer important, because in the sight of the former.

Chen Feng's only consciousness has been trapped in Taiyi Ji by him, and he cannot come back.

What's left here is just a shell.

"Then kill slowly."

Archmage Lingbao sneered, shook his sleeves, and the scene between heaven and earth suddenly changed again.

Everything disappears, the concept of time is erased, and no color remains.

In the dark world, there are only two people, Chen Feng and Master Lingbao.

It's just that the former seems to have lost his soul at this time, leaving only his body.

The latter is the real Da Luo.


Seeing the unresponsive Chen Feng, Master Lingbao immediately slapped a palm.

The palm falls and the person dies.

Chen Feng's physical body in this timeline has been completely wiped out, leaving nothing behind.

The next moment was so short that a second was divided into billions of molecules.

Until, like quantum, time is divided into time quanta.

The place where Chen Feng stood shook, and a new Chen Feng was born.

Of course, it's still just the physical body.

"Destroy again!"

Master Lingbao raised his hand quickly, and the second Chen Feng was also wiped out.

But the time of the entire Hongmeng Realm and Heaven passed by second by second.

This means that countless time quantum units have passed between Master Lingbao and Chen Feng.

Master Lingbao still continued the steps of raising his hands and lowering his palms, as if he had become a machine.

At the same time, the two remaining Chanjiao Daluo outside the battlefield were still talking.

"Senior Brother Guangchengzi, Senior Brother Lingbao's Tao of Da Luo has become more and more advanced. I'm afraid that in the next era, there will be a chance to advance to another level."

Qingxu Daode Zhenjun had some envy in his eyes.

He belongs to the group with the weakest strength among the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

Except for those two who have not entered the ranks of great supernatural powers, including Ailiu Sun and Huanglong Taoist, he is the only one.

It can be said that he has just crossed the threshold of a great supernatural power user.

Master Lingbao belongs to the upper middle class. If he goes one step further, he will be on the same level as Guangchengzi.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Guang Chengzi smiled and said: "If Junior Brother Lingbao then steps into the second level of great supernatural powers, then in the next era, it will be even more difficult for the brainless ones who want to make a comeback. It’s possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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