Chapter 339 Conferred God Version 1.0
In the past prehistoric era.

In the script of the Battle of the Gods, Chanjiao wins more and loses less.

Guangchengzi didn't brag.

But there is a hidden meaning in this.

In terms of strength, Jie Jiao Da Luo is actually stronger, just Zhao Gongming plus San Xiao from Sanxian Island.

It is enough to teach the Twelve Golden Immortals to drink a pot.

But who made Yuqing originally like to protect his shortcomings.

Since the first prehistoric era, Yuanshi Tianzun has personally taken action in the Battle of the Gods.

Hitting a Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, Tongtian was caught off guard.

The agreed-upon Battle of the Gods was a small plan that Sanqing had prepared for their respective disciples.

How come you, Yuqing, are so ignorant of martial ethics, bullying the young with the old, and killing so many disciples of Jie Jiao?

As a result, they had to open small accounts to make up for the numbers on the God List.

Instead, God Haotian got an advantage.

Of course, this matter was discussed by Yuqing and Shangqing from the beginning.

Too much emphasis is placed on inaction, and it does not involve the position of Pangu. It is up to other Da Luo to play whatever they want.

Therefore, it was Yuqing and Shangqing who made the final decision on the matter of becoming a god.

However, the Sanqing Dynasty was located in Pangu for more than ten epochs. For the sake of worldliness, it was inevitable to find some opportunities to go out.

That's why the Conferred Gods List came up, and they had to give some opportunities to God Haotian.

Therefore, the number of people they tentatively listed at the beginning was not large.

Probably just a few pleasing disciples who usually don't look down upon.

Approximately twenty will be enough.

There are ten of each of the Chan and Jie sects, and everyone is harmonious.

After all, he is a senior ally of more than a dozen opportunities.

And it can also occupy the position of Sanqing to death.

It can be said that everyone is happy.

Anyway, this was the script they discussed at the beginning.

Not only that, they just don't want to take advantage of God Haotian.

Even if the twenty disciples of the two religions who died were on the list of gods and went to the so-called heaven, they would have occupied all the high positions they could occupy except the Jade Emperor.

However, when this script was performed from the first era, it completely went off the track.

This is normal, after all, the big script was discussed by two of the Three Purities.

But it was his disciples, Da Luo, who were the actors.

In the end, Yuqing and Shangqing are just screenwriters, not directors.

No one was guarding this place, so naturally something went wrong.

Da Luo, once you get started, it will be simple.

Therefore, the final battle became more and more fierce due to mutual calculations.

The disciples Yuqing and Shangqing originally designed to go to the top were not interested in them, and they all focused on the stronger ones.

So in that era, half of the Twelve Golden Immortals were emptied of their health bars by the Jie Cult Daluo.

They all went to grandma's house.

Of course, Jiejiao also paid a certain price, such as Zhao Gongming, who had a bad temper and was a famous troll.

He was sent back to the "Spring" by Chanjiao at the cost of his own blood.

It is only natural that the matter has reached this point. If we really want to talk about it, it is Shangqing and Yuqing's fault.

They think things too simply and are not qualified screenwriters.

Anyway, in the end, the Shangqing acquiesced to this result. Anyway, the loss was not big, and the most important Jiejiao had already won in that era.

But Yuqing immediately became unhappy, and didn't know what they talked about with the Supreme Being.

As a result, the Supreme Leader lured Shangqing away, and Yuqing personally went out to play the big trumpet.After all, there is no one who has sat on Pangu's side, and there is no one who can rival Daluo in Jiejiao.

Anyway, Yu Qing was going crazy at that time, and he stopped only after all the disciples of Jie Jiao were dead.

This matter has reached a point where it cannot be ended.

Naturally, Shangqing was unhappy when Yuqing did such a trick. The two sides almost came to blows and even fought to the death.

As for the Supreme Being, he naturally had a lot of persuasion. After all, he wanted to maintain the iron triangle of Sanqing to ensure Pangu's position.

Yuqing also used this as a reason to let him hold Shangqing back.

But he didn't expect that Yuqing would do things so brilliantly, and he felt extremely uncomfortable for a while.

In the end, he didn't know what kind of price and commitment he had to pay before Daozu took action and calmed down the chaos of that era.

Of course, the solution is simple. Daozu simply reopened that era.

Although the game has been restarted, the relationship between the two religions has been completely forged.

Although Da Luo is immortal, it would be embarrassing enough if you were actually killed by another Da Luo in any era.

It is exactly the same as Haotian God's "You have been beaten by a monkey".

No matter what Da Luo's personality is, no one can bear this kind of anger.

Therefore, in every subsequent epoch of the Conferred God War, the two sects, Daluona, almost tried every means to kill each other.

If you can kill one more, you can't let go.

Over time, this has become a foregone conclusion.

Shangqing and Yuqing could only look forward and sigh.

Even they couldn't persuade them anymore and could only let it develop.

But this is actually a benefit to God Haotian, who has made a lot of money after becoming a god in every era.

After all, he has no control over who the people who come to heaven are, but there are enough and they are strong enough.

Even Daluo would not refuse this kind of benefit.

This is also the reason why he has even upgraded the Jade Emperor's alt account to the full level, and is just short of attaining the Dao of Pangu.

Therefore, throughout the prehistoric times, the status of God Haotian was quite high.

Maybe he might not be the opponent of Pangu Daluo in a single fight, but if it's just Donghuang Taiyi, a Daluo who has only been in a certain era, he is still capable of fighting.

After all, if you are really anxious, you can open the large and small accounts together and use a two-line operation. In the end, you can withstand it for a while.

Don't even think about winning. There is a huge gap between each level of Da Luo. It seems like only a small step, but it is too difficult to cross it.

Movement is the accumulation of several or even dozens of epochs.

This point also applies to Chen Feng. In this era, he has just attained Tao Daluo, so he has made significant progress.

If the strength becomes stronger, then after an era, there may not be any obvious improvement.

Of course, if you are involved in a huge script and you are the starring role, that is a different matter.

He even directly directed and acted in one.

But the latter is less likely.

Since the beginning of time, some scripts have already been decided.

It sounds simple, but in fact, the involvement behind why these scripts can stay and continue is unimaginable.

Taking Sanqing as an example, the three of them are now the strongest and have served in Pangu for more than ten epochs.

But it was impossible for them to come up with a script that would involve all the Great Luo participating in the war.

Because it would be too messy, the profits would not be easy to divide, and the whole prehistoric period would be boring.

It’s hard to say how many Ronaldo are willing to stay.

So Sanqing will not do this, and even if it does, it will not be allowed.

Because this is the fact, even the Sanqing people not only dare not break the rules.

You have to calm down the other Da Luo honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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