Chapter 340 Chen Feng’s plan

Prehistoric is such a place anyway.

It is the gaming place for all Da Luo.

But the Daluo people will not die unless they have enough benefits.

Who wants to stay in the wilderness?

You also have to bear the risk of being trapped and locked by other big Luo.

So sometimes this bowl of water still has to be held flat.

Small opinions are allowed, but major contradictions must not arise.

Pangu in each era is balancing these things.

It's really getting out of hand, and Dao Ancestor still has the bottom line.

The above are the main factors that have led to stability from era to era.

Of course, these are still far away from Chen Feng.

The only people Sanqing tried to comfort were Nuwa, Houtu, Donghuang Taiyi, and Zhulong who were also Pangu.

The rest depends entirely on their own means and strength.


In short, after the 1.0 version of the Conferred God War, the contradiction between Da Luo and Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao is real.

Anyway, compared to other Da Luo, they all have a backstage.

He is also more decisive in his actions. Anyway, he has the support of Sanqing.

If you really want to be tricked, your parents can directly initiate a vote.

Even if they lose the vote, they will be recaptured in one era at most.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Therefore, after all, Chen Feng, Guang Chengzi and the others were surrounded and killed because of their own interests and because of the title of god.

In this era, Chen Feng's angry attack on Yuxu Palace was tantamount to offending the entire Chan Sect.

And this matter still gathered countless Jiejiao disciples to participate.

Therefore, the hatred towards Chen Feng is actually not just about Yuxu Palace.

It is the accumulation and explosion of many prehistoric eras.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Chanjiao Daluo, Chen Feng is no different from the group of Daluo from Jiejiao.

In this era, Chen Feng is very close to Jie Jiao.

He and Zhao Gongming can almost be called "best friends".

In addition, Sanxiao often openly invites Chen Feng to visit Sanxian Island on the Daluo channel.

This behavior accelerated and deepened the conflict between Chen Feng and Chan Jiao.

And behind these things, you can't tell whether Zhao Gongming and San Xiao did it on purpose.

Perhaps they simply wanted to be on good terms with Chen Feng, or perhaps they had the profit motive of tying him to Jiejiao.

Or maybe it’s a little bit of both.

Of course, either way.

These are also things that Chen Feng has planned for a long time.

After all, people are in the wild and cannot help themselves.

The team must stand, it’s just a matter of right or wrong.

After the initial exchange between Nuwa and Houtu, Chen Feng is now quite familiar with doing this kind of thing.

Of course, to put it bluntly, when he planned the Battle of the Gods, he chose Jie Jiao's team.

He had naturally figured out the reason for this.

In the next era, God Haotian will give him the position of Jade Emperor.

So in order to be the Jade Emperor, it is best to start with the Conferred God.

And this is only the superficial reason.On a deeper level, it's a bit complicated.

This is also related to the general trend of these prehistoric eras, since the Sanqing Dynasty became Pangu.

In these dozen eras, Jiejiao actually lost more, which means that more people from Jiejiao went to heaven.

And since he has a good relationship with Jie Jiao, wouldn't it be easier to manage them if he became the Jade Emperor?

At least they have played Chanjiao together, so their relationship is naturally close.

Of course, most people will still be unconvinced.

after all……

What's going on? We agreed to live and die with Chanjiao. Why did you suddenly turn into the Jade Emperor?
This idea will definitely come to mind when the time comes for those who teach in heaven.

Even if they just threw a trumpet in the heaven, they would still feel uncomfortable.

But after all, they have gone through the process of becoming gods and are in the same camp, so there is still some emotional foundation.

The probability of causing a stumbling block is extremely low. At most, the favorability level will be reduced a little.

This is what Chen Feng thinks is the key to securing the position of Jade Emperor.

Nothing else works.

Anyway, this is the worst outcome. After all, if those people from Chanjiao were to go to heaven, they would probably torture him to death.

If nothing else, the monkey in the next era will be enough for Chen Feng to drink a pot.

After all, when the time comes, it is possible for this group of Taoists to give all the innate spiritual treasures to the monkeys.

Of course, if it really comes to that point.

Chen Feng is not without back-ups. After all, in this era, he is participating in the Conferring of Gods, so Jiejiao does not necessarily lose.

There are really many words that explain and teach Daluo to go to heaven.

Then he was going to find a way to completely win over the super powerful Queen Mother of the West.

Be prepared and nothing will go wrong.

Getting back to the subject, at this time Guangchengzi and the others naturally didn't know that Chen Feng still had time to think about this even if he only had a ray of consciousness in Taiyi Ji.

At this time, Master Lingbao's hands were almost sore, and there were no one knows how many Chen Feng "died" in various timelines in his hands.

Time flies, and in the Hongmeng universe, time always passes quickly.

Anyway, for people like Guangchengzi, thousands, ten thousand, millions or even billions of years are just a blink of an eye.

Just because this is not a primitive place.

"It's almost time." Guangchengzi smiled at this time and looked down.

Because the whole place was reduced in dimension by his Fantian Seal.

So from his perspective, Chen Feng and Master Lingbao were just blue lines on a thin piece of paper.

One kept raising his hand, and the other kept being killed.

Lord Qingxu Daodezhen on the side also nodded when he heard this and said with a smile: "It's also our fault that Chen Feng offended us. He didn't even think about it. He couldn't spare him the last time he clashed with Yuxu Palace, but now he dares to fight with us. Those fools from Jiejiao are so close, they really are not afraid of death."

As time flew by, the two big Luo chatted casually.

On the contrary, he is not so concerned about things on the battlefield.

Anyway, with Master Lingbao raising his hand, Chen Feng's outcome seemed to be doomed.

"This can be regarded as solving a problem, but it's a pity that you gathered these time-travelers, senior brother."

Qingxu Daodezhen sighed.

Guangchengzi waved his hands and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, they are just some time travellers. In the past, when the four divine beasts were in charge of these things, they could use some things to replace them, but now this matter is under Chen Feng's control, we Lock him up for a few epochs, and we won’t be able to catch any time traveler until another person takes office.”

"What senior brother said is true." True Monarch Qingxu Daode naturally complimented him, and then asked: "I just don't know how many epochs senior brother is going to lock him up this time. With senior brother Lingbao's ability, he can only be trapped for two epochs." That’s it, it’s not enough to relieve your anger.”

"Junior brother, why bother asking me." Guang Chengzi smiled cheerfully: "I brought something with me when I came out this time, which can trap him for two more eras."

"Oh, then it seems that Junior Brother is being stingy. He is just planning to use tricks to trap him for an era."

The two great figures looked at each other and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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