High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 345: Jade Pure Immortal Light, Words Follow the Dharma

Chapter 345: Jade Pure Immortal Light, Words Follow the Dharma

Guangchengzi obviously reacted.

Yes, although the fact that Chen Feng entered the ranks of great magical powers in Da Luo was beyond their expectations.

But it is far from reaching the point of breaking this murderous situation.

Just now, Master Lingbao allowed Chen Feng to succeed because of his calculation.

When it comes to fighting alone, the weakest of the three, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, can contend with him alone.

Of course, no matter what, this slap was a slap.

It is indeed embarrassing enough to pass it back to the primitive world.

But what if Chen Feng can't go back?
Guangchengzi smiled confidently. With the three of them here, Honghuang had been temporarily closed to Chen Feng.

Even if the latter were allowed to flee in the heavens of Hongmeng Ten Thousand Realms, they would not be able to escape their grasp in the end.

Thinking of this, the smile on Guangchengzi's lips became even colder.

"Chen Feng, you asked for this. Although you vented your anger, it also aroused the anger of us. Originally, it was fine to shut you down for a few years, but now, until the Lingbao matter will be reduced to nothing in the prehistoric times, You can never go back to being a laughing stock.”

"Don't threaten me." Chen Feng's attitude became even tougher: "You had no intention of letting me go in the first place, so why are you so hypocritical? It will only be disgraceful."

"Oh." Guang Chengzi raised his eyebrows and sneered: "I want to see how crazy you can be, and how will you behave in front of the three of us?"

"Then what else can we do?" Chen Feng pretended to sigh: "Then... of course he escaped!"

The moment the voice fell, he ran away.

Anyway, the cup is already full, don’t run away now and wait until later.

Guangchengzi was right about one thing.

That is, he cannot be the opponent of the three Chanjiao Daluo. If Zhenlun fights alone, he is sure to win against Qingxu Daodezhenjun, but it is not necessarily the case for Lingbao Archmage who works hard.

After making the decision, the lotus lantern appeared in an instant.

The treasure lantern was lit, and he instantly turned into a ray of light.

The concept of constant speed of light was used by him again, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Humph, it's an old trick."

In response to this, disdain appeared on the faces of the three Chanjiao Daluo, and at the same time, the previous sense of superiority quietly appeared again.

"After all, you are a newcomer who got enlightened by bad luck. Who in the whole world doesn't know that you have a lotus lantern?"

Archmage Lingbao laughed coldly.

The Lord Qingxu Daodezhen on the side also had the same expression: "It is indeed going to stink the streets. Doesn't he know that we will definitely be unprepared?"

"Haha!" Guangchengzi laughed and took out a talisman from his arms.

The moment the talisman appeared, billions of auspicious lights suddenly fell from the sky.

The terrifying jade-clear fairy light emitted from the talisman.

A terrifying coercion then appeared, and Master Lingbao and True Monarch Qingxu Daode both looked startled, then became ecstatic.

"Senior Brother Guangchengzi, did you really ask for the Jade Pure Immortal Talisman from Master?"

Guangchengzi was the leader this time, so he naturally prepared some things.

Master Lingbao and True Monarch Qingxu Daode didn't know the details, but when they saw the talisman, they were overjoyed.

Guang Chengzi nodded, but there was no smile on his face.

"Master seems to have a grudge because of what happened last time..."

Hearing this, Archmage Lingbao and True Monarch Qingxu Daode also fell silent for an instant. The smiles on their faces disappeared, replaced by gritted teeth.

The last incident naturally refers to the time when Chen Feng led a team to rush into Yuxu Palace.

This incident caused Chanjiao to be ridiculed by other Daluo in this era.

Anyway, it is very embarrassing.

Whenever they talk about it, they, the group of big Luo who explain the religion, will feel so hateful that their teeth hurt. "Master seems to have some prejudice against Chen Feng because of this matter, so this time, in order to target this lotus lantern, when I went to ask for the immortal talisman, Master gave it to me without saying a word."

Guangchengzi told the truth truthfully and saw that the other two people were not in a high mood, so he comforted him: "Two junior brothers, don't be like this. This matter is not Chen Feng's fault alone. It was God Haotian who came to hold it back." "Master, all the ridicule in the ancient world is just jealous of Master's rock-solid Pangu position."

"Brother said exactly what he said."

Speaking of this, Grand Master Lingbao and True Lord Qingxu Daode also quickly bowed their heads.

But in the end it was just a matter of trying to hide the embarrassment.

After all, that incident was caused by Huang Long, and they were the reason behind it.

Counting the slap just now, Master Lingbao became even more furious and immediately gave Guangchengzi a light salute.

"Please also ask Senior Brother to use the Immortal Talisman to make it impossible for Chen Feng to escape!"

"Of course." Guang Chengzi nodded, his expression suddenly becoming serious.

With a move of his right hand, the Jade Qing Immortal Talisman automatically became windless.

For a moment, the jade-clear fairy light enveloped everything, and the endless stars in the entire Hongmeng universe were dimmed.

Terrible coercion descended on all realms.

It was as if Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun was here in person, even those bright stars did not dare to shine at this time.

"How can a firefly compete with the bright moon?"

Guangchengzi looked down at everything in front of him with an arrogant look on his face.

At the same time, the endless Jade Pure Immortal Light completely erupted at this time. In an indescribable burst of light, a light Jade Ruyi seemed to appear.

The void shook for an instant, and Guangchengzi took one step into the air, standing under the shadow of the three precious jade.

The light of his own great Luo was flawless and exploded at the same time.

"The sky is mysterious and the earth is yellow. In the name of Yuqing, we inherit the merits of heaven, and in the jade of the Three Treasures, we carry the virtues of the earth. With my name as the basis, with my spirit as the guide, I can control the power of Hongmeng!"

Guangchengzi made a mysterious and mysterious sound.

The whole person seemed to have become light.

It was like a [-]-watt light bulb suddenly lit up in a dark room.

So dazzling.

Guangchengzi was also secretly happy. With the Yuqing Immortal Talisman, this cup was so comfortable.

The only regret is that only his two fellow juniors are here to appreciate it, and no one else.

"It would be great if Chen Feng was here, it's really..."

The lowest level of cupping is nothing more than this.

After all, he was pretending to be lonely.

Of course, Guangchengzi was even stronger at this time.

He raised his left hand and pointed at the void, and shouted in a cold voice: "Light is extinguished!"

The sound of the word fell, just for a moment, as if the concept of light disappeared in Hongmeng Universe.

Then Chen Feng's so-called concept of constant speed of light no longer exists.

Without the speed brought by the lotus lantern, it was only a matter of time before he was caught up.

"What a man who speaks his mind!"

A trace of envy flashed in the eyes of Master Lingbao and True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

Follow your words and follow the rules, this is a method that only a great Luo like Sanqing who has been Pangu can use.

Three Jewels Ruyi is like a blazing jade fairy light.

The terrifying concept began to affect the entire Hongmeng world.

(End of this chapter)

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