High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 346: When Da Luo manifests himself in the heavens

Chapter 346: When Da Luo manifests himself in the heavens

The jade-clear fairy light shines upon the heavens.

Guangchengzi came prepared this time.

The Dharma follows the words, and the true words of Da Luo will last forever in the world.

The laws of all realms and heavens in the entire Hongmeng Universe began to change.

To be precise, it is not some kind of change, but the thoughts towards Guangchengzi begin to disappear and rebirth.

To put it more bluntly, at this time, in the eyes of this great interpreter, the entire world seemed to have become a square world.

Coincidentally, he was in creative mode.

In order to target the lotus lantern in Chen Feng's hand, he reversed the principle that the speed of light does not change.

This method is too transcendent. Not to mention Guangchengzi, the entire Chanjiao Twelve Golden Immortals have come out, so it is difficult to use this method.

It's not a question of quantity, but quality.

The only truth is still the Jade Pure Immortal Talisman.

It is able to summon the jade-clear fairy light of the three pure primordial gods, and the illusory three-jewel jade.

Of course, this does not mean that the level of Three Jewels Ruyi is higher than that of the Lotus Lamp.

Nuwa was also a Daluo who had been Pangu, so the magic weapon in her hand was naturally not much weaker.

It's just that this magic weapon cannot be used to its maximum effect in Chen Feng's hands.

"Chen Feng, you can't escape this time! Just be sealed!"

Guangchengzi stared at the heavens and the world, and the terrifying concept was spreading. Maybe it wouldn't be long before they could see where Chen Feng was with Da Luo's naked eyes.

Once the concept of the constant speed of light is erased, the distance that Chen Feng has fled will also be erased into illusion.

This is the advantage and disadvantage of Yuqing Immortal Light.

It was truly a decisive game, with no chance given at all.

Even if Chen Feng has defied the will of heaven and entered the ranks of great supernatural powers, the three great Luo of Chanjiao are still sure of victory.

"Senior brother, I will catch him myself later."

The Great Master Lingbao on the side had a sneer on his face, very cruel.

It seemed inevitable to capture Chen Feng alive, but he wanted to regain his position.

But when the last Qingxu Daodezhen saw this, he curled his lips and felt a little unconcerned.

"It sounds so nice, but I'm just trying to get the maximum benefit. Who doesn't want to go further?"

They are all big Luo, so they naturally want to get their hands on things like benefits.

But as they both explain the teaching, this is a constraint for Qingxu Daode Zhenjun. He and Master Lingbao can't really make a fuss over this.

"Hey, think about it, that guy Chen Feng is really enviable."

He even began to envy Chen Feng.

After all, although the other party is a newly promoted Da Luo, he can be considered unfettered and free in the prehistoric era.

If you plan everything well, you can get a few hands in anyway, and he can only pick up the remaining benefits of teaching these senior brothers.

Really people are more popular than dead people.

Of course, the idea of ​​Qingxu Moral True Monarch was a bit extreme, and he didn't even think about it.

If he didn't join Chanjiao and didn't have Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun preaching and teaching students every day, how could he be in the position of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao.

After all, it was Chen Feng who was so talented that he successfully attained enlightenment after listening to Taoist ancestors' sermons.

In the entire prehistoric period, there were only two people, he and God Haotian.

After all, the Taoist Dao is very mysterious and mysterious, and other Daluo may not be able to understand it.

Qualification determines everything, and the same is true for Da Luo.

There is nothing to say about this.

"Junior Brother Lingbao's words are wrong. That kid has a lot of tricks. Let's take action together this time so as not to cause more trouble."

Qingxu Daode Zhenjun Zhenjun was appointed, but Guangchengzi was not happy.The opportunity I gave you just now didn't work, and this time you want to monopolize the victory. How can it be such a good thing?

So without waiting for Master Lingbao's response, he continued: "I only asked for one of Master's immortal talismans, so don't say more."

"It's all up to the senior brother to decide."

Speaking of this, Archmage Lingbao could only nod his head glumly.

On the contrary, Qingxu Daodezhenjun got a bargain.

The three of them said one thing to another, but they still didn't take Chen Feng seriously.

"Two senior brothers, guess whether that boy Chen Feng has already fled to the wilderness by now."

Qingxu Dezhenjun, who was in a good mood, had nothing to say.

Master Lingbao sneered: "That's stupid. I told him before that he couldn't go back. It was just a waste of time."

This is absolutely true.

Regarding Chen Feng this time, what they were most worried about was that they were afraid that he would escape back to the wilderness, so they worked hard this time.

Almost all the Da Luo of the Chan Cult took action, except for the Twelve Golden Immortals, even beings like Ran Deng Taoist also used their full strength.

Ensure that Chen Feng cannot return to prehistoric times.

This is also the reason why Zhao Gongming almost pointed at Chanjiao and scolded him on the Da Luo channel, but no one responded.

Anyway, this matter is taken very seriously in the entire teaching.

Who made Chen Feng's angry attack on Yuxu Palace bring shame to the whole Chanjiao?

To put it bluntly, if Chen Feng's strength had not been looked down upon by some of the Chanjiao Daluo, I am afraid that Guangchengzi and the others would not have been the only ones who came this time.


On the other side, Chen Feng merged into the beam of the lotus lantern and walked quickly.

It just stopped at a place where Guangchengzi and the three of them could not observe.

Perhaps it is because a great Luo suddenly manifested here, and endless starlight suddenly appeared in all the heavens and realms here.

This scene is so vast that it soon reflects all the beings in the world.

In a large world, the earth is divided into eighteen levels, and the sky is also divided into 33 levels.

I also saw that outside the 33 heavens, a Taoist temple with boundless Taoist charm stood impressively.

Move to the blessed land outside the sky,
Borrow the great road to unify the sky.

The inscriptions on both sides of the Taoist temple are quite domineering and read: Taoji Tianzun.

This is obviously the master of the Taoist temple, the strongest among all the heavens in this area.

He wholeheartedly pursued the Tao and cultivated to the "Tianzun Realm", unifying all heavens and all realms, and possessing the majesty of a powerful being.

But at this moment in the Taoist temple, the Daoji Tianzun opened his eyes in great horror, looking at the vision outside the sky in horror.

But in the endless starlight, a supreme, noble and majestic existence appeared.

How to describe this majestic existence is that it uses the galaxy as its clothing, the stars as its buckle, and the principles of heaven and earth as its crown.

Daoji Tianzun wanted to see his face, but found that his face was covered by infinite starlight, making it impossible to see his true appearance.

"What kind of existence is this!"

In an instant, Daoji Tianzun was extremely horrified.

He has entered the "Tianzun Realm" for 5000 billion plus 7000 million years, and he has almost this number to unify all the heavens and worlds here.

He believes that the great ways are unified, and he is the body of heaven.

But now, such a creature suddenly appeared in the heavens where he was.

Use all the heavens and worlds as your mantle?This is so scary.

Completely incomprehensible.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the Jitianzun tried his best to look at the face of the creature, as if he wanted to see through the true face of the creature even if it was not possible.

(End of this chapter)

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