High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 347 Daluo 1: Think about the common people

Chapter 347: Da Luo’s thoughts bring relief to the common people
Daoji Tianzun tried hard to see through the true appearance of that creature.

Even if he could see it, he would be satisfied.

But the truth made him extremely frustrated.

Even if he is already a "Tianzun", let alone see through that creature.

Those were the lights that reflected the endless starry sky at this time, and he couldn't see through even a single wisp.

"What kind of existence is this?"

Daoji Tianzun felt melancholy in his heart, which could be described as a mixed bag of emotions.

At his level, ignorance is still the most terrifying feeling.

At this moment, the two pairs of pupils of the creature seemed to be looking at him.

"Did it disturb the local creatures?"

Above the starry sky, Chen Feng realized that he was being watched.

When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he smiled.

"A very powerful person, better than Zhao Wuxia and Huang at this time, no wonder he can pay attention to this."

He gave the creature a compliment, but that was all.

"It's a pity that if you remember what happened today, I'm afraid your Taoist heart will be unstable and it will be difficult to make progress in the future. Anyway, I'll give you some opportunities."

Chen Feng muttered to himself, with a relaxed expression, as if he was not being pursued by the three Chanjiao Daluo at this time.

On the contrary, it is more like traveling around the mountains and rivers. Anyway, I seem to have special confidence.

Then he thought out a thought, and a ray of light from the Great Luo flowed downwards, and instantly entered the center of the eyebrows of the Supreme Lord.

This ray of Daluo's light contains his Tao and Dharma, which is naturally fatal to living beings who are not Daluo.

Because Da Luo's way is too difficult to understand, but this Daoji Tianzun obviously has the talent of heaven.

Although he was not as good as Zhao Wuxia, Chen Feng felt that he also had the qualifications to realize Daluo, so he casually gave him the opportunity.

Of course, the main reason is that he is Da Luo. Although he does not account for cause and effect, Da Luo himself also pays attention to his merits and demerits. If the other party doubts his own path and fruit because of his appearance, he may run the risk of going crazy. .

Looking at the Taoist temple in the big world, Daoji Tianzun felt a bright light in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and then a figure appeared.

The figure reached all over the sky and was whispering to him.

"What are you talking about..."

Daoji Tianzun was confused for a while. He couldn't understand a word of the Taoist voice spoken by the figure, as if it was a complete communication between two dimensional worlds.

But for some reason, he felt that he had benefited a lot from it.

There is even a feeling of attaining enlightenment and ascending to heaven.

"I have already ascended, and now I am at the highest point 33 days away. If I want to ascend, where can I fly to?"

Daoji Tianzun's face was horrified, but more importantly, he didn't understand.

The confusion in his heart made him want to see the truth.

But he knew that the time was not right now, so he immediately sat down cross-legged, his consciousness completely sinking into the sea of ​​consciousness, staring at the figure that occupied everything in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Listen with all your strength, try hard to remember every mysterious note in the figure's mouth.

Time flies, maybe only 1 years have passed, maybe [-] million years have passed.

The concept of time is blurred until one day.

Daoji Tianzun remembers the mysterious sounds of human figures very well, and can even understand one billionth of them.

His Tao body reappeared with floating light, and various strange phenomena of heaven and earth occurred frequently.

It was a world with hundreds of millions of rays of light, starting from a grass, a flower, and a tree.

All things revive, everyone has divine power, and flowers and plants begin to appear alive.

Daoji Tianzun is located in the center of the entire world. His realm has returned to the realm of mortals again, but under the reflection of the resurrection of all things, his realm has begun to rise infinitely. "Ming Dao Realm... Wu Po Xukong... Tianzun Realm... What kind of realm is this?"

Daoji Tianzun was shocked one after another.

He seemed to be reincarnated and rebuilt, experiencing the scenes of his past, and then returned to the realm of the Heavenly Lord.

It's just that this time the reconstruction was too fast, and every state seemed to be more flawless, with no shortcomings at all.

"This is too scary. After entering the Tianzun realm, I once looked back to the future and looked forward to the past. I once discovered the flaws in the previous realm. So I tried my best to reshape my Tao body and foundation again and again. It turned out that it was still the same. Any shortcomings?"

This feeling is difficult to describe. Before he reshaped every realm this time, he didn't realize that he still had such a big shortcoming.

He has unified all the heavens and realms in this area for too long, and he has been so high and high that he has long considered himself to be the incarnation of the heavenly way in all the heavens in this area.

Or to exaggerate a bit, the will of heaven in all the heavens and worlds here is just his thought.

Such a powerful existence already thought that he was flawless.

But now, after reshaping, he realized how wrong he was.

And what's even more terrifying is that he crossed the realm of Heavenly Lord and reached a more powerful realm.

"What kind of realm is this? It feels like I can kill billions of heavenly beings with just one thought. What on earth happened..."

Daoji Tianzun could not remember what happened before, as if all memories had been forgotten while he was practicing in seclusion.

"The sky... the starry sky..."

Almost instinctively, he looked up at the endless starry sky 33 days away.

But I can't see any vision.

He frowned and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Is it an illusion? But now that my Tao body is truly flawless, it's time to take this step. It seems that there is no point in staying here in the heavens."

Daoji Tianzun stood up and looked at the endless starry sky again.

"There are countless strong people in all the worlds. I will definitely not be a frog in the well anymore. My intuition tells me that there is a continent waiting for me at the end of the road..."


"The talent is really good."

In the endless starry sky, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction.

The opponent's performance even exceeded his expectations. He is a malleable talent.

Maybe, the other party will really have a chance to come into contact with the prehistoric one day.

Of course, contact does not necessarily mean arrival.

Everything depends on the creation of Daoji Tianzun.

And everything the other party experienced was just a moment to Chen Feng.

But now, he, who seemed to be an incomparably majestic existence to other creatures, seemed to have suddenly lost his terrifying power that could shake the world and weep ghosts and gods, and became a mortal.

Of course, calling him a mortal might be an exaggeration.

Before, when he gave the Supreme Heavenly Lord a ray of light, he also borrowed some of the "Godly Lord's Qi" from him.

Then it merges into itself, and now appears to other living beings.

He is a deity in the power system of all heavens and worlds.

"Guangchengzi, Master Lingbao, Qingxu Daodezhenjun..."

Chen Feng suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction he came from, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It would make me angry if I just leave. I can't leave you an unforgettable gift before I leave..."

(End of this chapter)

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