Chapter 348 A slap in the face to the end
"Ready to go."

On the other side of the endless starry sky, Guang Chengzi stared at the direction in which Chen Feng was fleeing.

The light on the Jade Pure Immortal Talisman above his head has begun to weaken.

But that terrible concept is still affecting all the worlds in this world.

Maybe in the next second, Chen Feng will lose the concept of moving at the speed of light.

So he reminded the other two.

"Don't worry, senior brother, he can't escape. The moment he appears, he will face my full attack."

Master Lingbao nodded confidently, but he was still thinking about his greatest contribution.

The figure has quietly stood in front of Guangchengzi and Qingxu Dezhenjun.


Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhen couldn't help but snorted in their hearts.

But I do know how Master Lingbao feels.

Now he is only a hair away from entering the second level of great magical powers in Daluo, and he is very persistent in his desire to seal Chen Feng this time and take the majority.

"That's all, let it be you."

After all, Guangchengzi is a senior brother, and he is the second level of great magical power among Da Luo. After thinking about it, he said nothing more.

As for True Monarch Qingxu Daode, although he was the most dissatisfied at this moment, he was also the one with the least say.

Anyway, in the end, the two had no choice but to let Master Lingbao stand in front of them.


I don’t know how long it took, but Archmage Lingbao’s eyes narrowed.

But it was time for Chen Feng to lose the speed of light of the Lotus Lantern.

The light of Daluo around him shines in the heavens again, the ancient sword behind his back is already in his hand, and the murderous intent is in his eyes.

Then he moved with a thought, and the light of Da Luo gathered under his feet.

In just a moment, the terrifying concept affected the world.

It was as if he could cross all the heavens and realms in one step.

This is a sure win for Chen Feng. He will fully use the light of his great power on his body skills, but Chen Feng will be discovered by him.

Then his next time quantum will be able to cross endless time and space and strike Chen Feng with all his strength.

Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun on the side couldn't help but curled their lips when they saw this.

The latter couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"I told you I won't fight with you, yet I'm still so defensive."

But complaints are complaints, Guangchengzi and Qingxu Dezhenjun also reflected most of the light of Daluo on their feet.

I'm not going to rob them with Master Lingbao, but I still have to share some benefits.

If they were slower for a moment, they felt that Chen Feng might have been dealt with by the other party.

After all, it was Master Lingbao who was careless before. How could a Da Luo who was about to enter the second level of a great magical power lose to a Da Luo who had just stepped into the great magical power?

In particular, Chen Feng is the new Daluo in this era.

The faster he progresses, the more unstable his foundation will be.

However, Master Lingbao did not hide his thoughts and ambitions at all.

Seeing that Guangchengzi and Qingxu Dezhenjun had no intention of competing with him, they focused entirely on their eyes, staring at the endless starry sky in front of them and sneered.

"Let us guess where Chen Feng will be hiding now."

He deliberately looked into the distance and seemed to have imagined a figure running away in embarrassment.

Invisibly, a mysterious sound explosion seemed to appear in the starry sky.

The corners of the mouths of the three great figures of Chanjiao raised up at the same time. Now, the concept of light speed has been completely erased.

At the same time, they looked up and saw that Daluo's thoughts seemed to travel through all the heavens and realms.Finally, he landed on a figure that was escaping crazily.

"Still want to escape? You're talking nonsense!"

Master Lingbao immediately sneered, he had been preparing for a long time.

The light of Daluo exploded to the extreme in an instant, and the concept of time was also compressed to the extreme.

Seeing the next quantum of time, this Great Master of Interpretation is about to take a step forward.

But at the same time, his body trembled, and his face showed confusion.

"What's going on, this feeling?"

His heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly became uneasy.

Guangchengzi and Qingxu Dezhenjun intended for him to take action first. Seeing him stunned, they were also stunned at the same time.

"What happened?"

Master Lingbao shook his head, unable to express his feelings at this time.

"It's strange, poor Taoist and powerful man, how could this feeling happen twice today..."


He was suddenly startled and suddenly remembered that he had felt this way again today.

That was the time when he was killing Chen Feng's clones in various timelines, and then he was suddenly attacked by Chen Feng.

"Could it be that!"

He suddenly woke up.

This is because he is a Daluo, but nothing can escape his spiritual thoughts. Even if others are just thinking about him in their hearts, they will be known by him, and they will immediately understand the cause and effect.

But once this feeling becomes blurred, it means another Daluo is involved.

But if a crisis is approaching, he will still have a sense of cause.

Now the only one involved with him is Chen Feng!
"But Chen Feng can only be a lost dog running around in this endless universe now. How dare he threaten me?!"

Master Lingbao was stunned for a moment and stood there blankly.

While these may sound complicated, they are actually just a matter of Da Luo’s thoughts.

This time is faster than any concept of time

But Lingbao didn't speak, and Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun were even more confused, because they had never felt anything similar to him.

A complete outsider.

But after all, they were Da Luo. At this moment, they suddenly looked towards the world closer to them.

But the world there suddenly shook, and then began to fall apart.

The sea roared the most violently, volcanoes, earthquakes, strong winds, thunder, and all the scenes that heralded the end of the world appeared at this moment.

And in the starry sky, a circle of ripples spread out, and then the entire starry sky shook with a bang.

Terrible ripples swept around, as if everything was going to be destroyed and everything would cease to exist.

This feeling is like a terrible substance passing by a mirror at the extreme speed.

And this big world is like that mirror.

After being told by the terrible matter, the matter from the outside to the inside was instantly defeated and headed for destruction.

Although Guangchengzi and Qingxu Dezhenjun did not know what kind of crisis Master Lingbao was suffering, they also knew that a terrifying creature was attacking at this time!

"It's Chen Feng!"

Guangchengzi's eyes widened for a moment. After all, he was the second-level magical power user in Da Luo, and he understood the truth in an instant.

Not only did Chen Feng not escape, he actually fought back!
But it was aimed at Master Lingbao, not the other two.

"The audacious man!"

Guangchengzi was about to explode with anger. What if this wasn't a naked slap in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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