Chapter 349 Shocked Guangchengzi
Perhaps this can no longer be simply called a slap in the face.

Facing the three great figures of Chanjiao.

Especially Da Luo of Guang Chengzi's level is also here.

Chen Feng actually wanted to counterattack?
This level of thoughtfulness simply made Guang Chengzi's scalp numb.

How dare ordinary people make such calculations?
Even if they dare to make such calculations, how dare ordinary people have such courage?
Are you really not afraid of the consequences?

Although Da Luo is immortal, if Guang Chengzi is willing, he can instantly return to the ancient times and tell such things.

Even if he is not afraid of blame, he dare not go to Yuanshi Tianzun.

But given Chen Feng's current position in the Chan Cult that almost everyone wants to beat him up, at least the Chan Cult bosses like Ran Deng Taoist and Yun Zhongzi are quite willing to punish him.

How many epochs will it be closed for?
Hum, this is no longer a matter of several epochs.

I'm afraid that I will keep him locked up until death, forcing him to lose himself.

A mere Chen Feng and a newly promoted Da Luo.

So what if you step into the ranks of great supernatural powers.

How big was the prehistoric period?
How deep is the water?

What kind of aloof behemoth is Chanjiao?

How could you, Chen Feng, be the one to offend you?

Even after God Haotian weighed the pros and cons, he would not dare to offend them to death by teaching them.

As for belonging to the Tao Ancestor's sect?

Oh, so what if we move out of Dao Ancestor.

How many prehistoric epochs has their Chan Sect been entrenched under the leadership of Yu Qing Yuan Shi Tian Zun?
Daozu doesn't care about trivial matters. If there is really a quarrel, the most common thing is for everyone to hold a meeting and vote.

Sanqing wears a pair of pants. At least for now, the Sanqing alliance will not be broken up in a short time.

When the time comes when the Sanqing directly declares that they want to kill you, Chen Feng, how many big Luo people will not support the Sanqing but instead support you, a newly promoted big Luo?

Do you really expect Nuwa and Houtu to speak for you, Chen Feng, at the risk of offending the Sanqing?

Go to hell!

Guangchengzi didn’t believe it anyway.

So if you understand this, you can understand his current shock.

Chen Feng is really crazy to this point.

Want to offend them to death by teaching them?
Of course, from Guangchengzi's perspective, this is indeed the case.

He compared Chen Feng with the entire Chanjiao, which was incomparable.

The latter is so high up there that you, Chen Feng, can only look up to you.

To put it bluntly, the actions of Guangchengzi and the three of them originally represented the entire Chanjiao Daluo, and even contained a hint of instruction from the original Tianzun of Yuqing.

For several epochs, Chen Feng has been concerned about you, and they have been expounding their teachings and showing their superiority.

Now, not only do you, Chen Feng, not accept this result.

Not even convinced.

It’s okay to be dissatisfied. After attacking Master Lingbao, you have to fight back a second time?
It's really the opposite of the sky!
Guangchengzi felt like this now. He couldn't believe it and at the same time, he was ignited with overwhelming anger.

Why do you, Chen Feng, dare to do this!

Just because Da Luo is immortal?

"Then if that's the case, then you don't even know how you died!"

The look in Guangchengzi's eyes was so cold to the bone.

He only thought that Chen Feng was a newcomer in the ancient world and did not know the connections between Da Luo.

Although Da Luo will not die, if you want to torture a Da Luo, there are many ways.

Of course, each method is difficult to describe in words.

It can be understood that.

Lock a person in a place where they cannot even move.

Then a world unfolds before it.In the world, there is a picture of all his closest relatives dying tragically, reincarnating, and then dying tragically in different ways.

This is torture and misery.

But this is still incapable of dealing with those creatures of Da Luo. If it involves Da Luo, it seems to be even more exaggerated.

It can be understood that this pain will continue to be magnified countless times.

The specific number cannot be described by a specific number.

In such an environment, even if Da Luo was trapped for several epochs, his state of mind would inevitably be shaken.

And once Daluo has distracting thoughts, he is probably not far away from losing himself.

At this time, Guangchengzi was ready to deal with Chen Feng like this.

No matter how hard it is, no one can intercede.

Anyway, Yuanshi Tianzun was blocking it, so he wasn't afraid of anything.

"court death!"

With an angry shout, Guangchengzi was filled with hatred and madness, and all the Taoism behind him was flying.

Raising his right hand, Fan Tianyin reappeared!
On the other side, Chen Feng came quickly, still carrying the light of the lotus lantern.

He rushed towards Master Lingbao quickly. Wherever he passed, ripples began to appear all around and expanded towards the void.

He must take advantage of the last moment of the principle of constant speed of light to complete this attack!


His speed is too fast and the concepts he uses are too strong.

Wherever it went, there was a series of crisp sounds like shattering glass that even the roar of thunder could not cover up, and invisible spider-like cracks spread in the void at the speed of light.

He stepped through the big world in one direction and another. At this moment, he took the time to look at Guangchengzi, but a sound of laughter came out.

"Guangchengzi, it's not your turn now!"

With a falling sound, the entire void began to vibrate in Guang Chengzi's shocked eyes.

But Chen Feng directly sacrificed the lotus lantern and punched it hard.

Immediately afterwards, an unfathomable force exploded and spread.

Immediately, all the heavens in the Hongmeng Universe were severely dented, twisted, and shrunk in a strange jolt in this vast and infinite space.

A black hole seemed to have appeared in the void, sucking in all the nearby light and dust, and even everything, and it suddenly became dark, completely darkening into a boundless and bottomless darkness.

Not only that, countless invisible waves of lightning-like voids also spread crazily in all directions at the speed of light with this hole as the core. In the blink of an eye, they covered the place where the three great Luo of Chanjiao were standing!

Until this time, the shock in Guangchengzi's eyes grew bigger and bigger.

At the same time, Chen Feng punched the Lotus Lantern again, and suddenly one after another light beams swept across the sky with a slashing force.

However, the target is not to teach one of the three great Luo, but the surrounding space.

Ever since, the three-dimensional space was chopped into a two-dimensional space.

Two-dimensional space becomes one-dimensional space.

The entire universe seems to have turned into a point at this moment.

It also turned into a dark prison!

The cage instantly enveloped Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

"You actually have such a method!"

Guang Chengzi yelled fiercely because Chen Feng actually used his previous method.

The entire starry sky has been reduced in dimension!

But this time it was even more exaggerated. He only used Fan Tianyin to reduce it to two dimensions, but Chen Feng actually pulled it directly into one dimension.

Naturally, Guangchengzi would not sit still and wait for death, and directly hit Fan Tianyin.

With a roar, this Fantian Seal seemed to hit the center point of this dimension of space!

The one-dimensional space collapsed again!

(End of this chapter)

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