Chapter 350 The bright light of Da Luo
One-dimensional space.

This may no longer be described by space.

All the heavens and worlds turned into a point at this moment.

All star worlds and endless creatures are compressed into this one point.

To be able to do this, Chen Feng naturally relied on the power of the Lotus Lantern.

This innate spiritual treasure comes from Nuwa, so it is naturally very powerful.

If you really want to talk about it, it is no worse than the original Sanbao Jade Ruyi of Yuqing.

Chen Feng knew that it had been some time since he had reached the level of a great supernatural power user, so his use of the lotus lantern would naturally reach a higher level.

This was the confidence that gave him the courage to come back.

However, Guangchengzi was extremely powerful and found the point in the one-dimensional space in an instant.

The Heaven-turning Seal crashed down, and the one-dimensional world was about to be disintegrated in an instant.

The dots turned into noodles, and the Heaven-shaking Seal crashed down like a huge boulder.

Just like a mirror being shattered, all the star worlds began to expand and return to the three-dimensional space again.

This is the terrifying thing about Guangchengzi. The Heaven-shaking Seal in his hands has endless magical uses.

Dimensions rise and fall in a single thought.

But Chen Feng's goal has been achieved. One-dimensional space naturally cannot trap a big man like Guang Chengzi.

But he had already bought enough time to take action once.

A quantum of time has not yet arrived, and the Great Master Lingbao has not yet reacted.

His eyes still stayed on the landslide and tsunami in the big world before.

He was still shocked that Chen Feng dared to turn around and attack him.

And a figure has become bigger and bigger in his pupils.

Chen Feng's eyes were extremely cold at this time.

"Explanation, it's best not to let me return to the primitive world this time, otherwise..."

He raised his hands and clenched his fists, and his voice was extremely cold, which showed how much anger he had accumulated.

This time it is not that he will do things right, but that he will explain the reason for his aggressiveness!

Then he naturally has nothing to endure.

The world is huge, and it is not easy for Guangchengzi and the three of them to intercept and kill him in all the worlds.

He will let Guangchengzi go for now, but Master Lingbao will definitely pay the price.

And all this happened in a very short period of time.

Less than a time quantum concept.

This was Chen Feng's preparation for the next attack.

He used the lotus lantern to lower the dimension to one dimension. Although Guangchengzi took action to recover, there was a process after all.

None of the three great interpreters, Qingxu Daodezhenjun and Master Lingbao have such means.

Still immersed in the transformation of dimensions.

If you look at it from the outside world, it's like the entire universe. Except for Chen Feng and Guang Chengzi, all other materials seem to be frozen.

Even the sound is like that.

Chen Feng's cold and angry voice had not even reached Master Lingbao's ears yet.

But Guangchengzi obviously heard and saw Chen Feng's actions at this time, and he suddenly shouted loudly.

"Chen Feng! You are asking for death!"

"Dead end?" Chen Feng responded with disdain: "How did you give me a chance to survive this time? Everything can only be blamed on you for underestimating me, that's all!"

The moment the voice fell, all the flesh, flesh, bones, energy, blood and will in his body were boiling.

It spreads endlessly like a prairie fire, igniting every inch of the void and turning it into a sea of ​​burning fire, burning everything and burning everything!

All the heavens and worlds seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment, using everything they knew, felt, and touched as fuel, turning it into light and heat, and then integrating it all into the next move. “Let’s start with you who dances the most happily!”

Chen Feng's voice appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and he raised his fist above his head and smashed it at Master Lingbao.


With one punch, the entire world was shaken.

It seemed as if in front of this extremely domineering punch, the entire Hongmeng Universe was just an illusion, being torn apart by this only entity.

All spaces and dimensions were turned into pale and superficial appearances in front of this arrogant and disregarding punch. They were all shattered and disintegrated at the moment of contact.

The light of the Great Luo around Chen Feng was shining to the extreme at this time, even surpassing the Great Master Lingbao!

This made Guang Chengzi look horrified again.

" could this guy get to this point!"

In less than an era, a newly promoted Da Luo reached the ranks of great supernatural powers.

Before Chen Feng appeared, Guangchengzi never believed it.

After all, you, Chen Feng, are not Nuwa, Houtu, or Zhulong.

Do you really think you have Pangu qualifications?

But now, this has become a fact.

What's even more frightening is that Chen Feng's Great Luo Light at this time has even surpassed his junior brother Lingbao who is about to enter the second level of great supernatural powers.

This is terrible.

"Can you still catch me after this era?"

Such thoughts suddenly arose in Guangchengzi's heart, even if he was extremely reluctant to admit it.

But what he had to admit was that he was actually a little timid.

Chen Feng's progress cannot be underestimated.

Of course, the more this happened, the stronger the murderous intention in his heart became.

"This son cannot be kept. At least he cannot be allowed to return within ten epochs. At the very least, he has to wait until the foundation of the Conferred God is firmly established by my interpretation!"

In short, in the eyes of Guangchengzi, the master of teaching, Chen Feng's threat level has risen to a point that cannot be ignored.

He would even go back to Honghuang and Yuqing to report in the future, and he would definitely nip the threat of Chen Feng in the cradle.

Of course, if the dignified Chanjiao Daluo was just targeting Chen Feng, it wouldn't be like this.

But in this prehistoric era, Chanjiao seemed to have other thoughts about the script of Battle of the Gods.

There may be a big move, and if there is one more Chen Feng, it will probably have an immeasurable impact.

Of course, if it were just now, Guangchengzi would not think so.

But now, Chen Feng has shown his strength. If Jie Jiao really has a Da Luo magical power user who is close to him, or even reaches the second level.

There are bound to be some changes.

This is inevitable.

No one dares to ignore this level of Da Luo.

Of course, at this time Guangchengzi could only feel secretly resentful.

At this time, everything was still under Chen Feng's control. He used the power of Master Lingbao to compress time to the extreme.

He also used the power of the Heaven-turning Seal to pull the dimension to one level.

This back and forth made Guangchengzi unable to come to support at this time.

At this time, Chen Feng's fist power was unparalleled, and the light of Daluo illuminated all heavens and realms.

When the fist hit the Lingbao Archmage, the dimension that had originally collapsed was exploded inch by inch, returning to the state of three-dimensional space.

Although this range is no bigger than a palm.

But enough!
(End of this chapter)

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