High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 351 The destined ending of immortality

Chapter 351 The destined ending of immortality
Chen Feng pulled the dimension back to the third dimension.

Only then can we take action against Master Lingbao.

And at this moment, the dimension returned, and Master Lingbao came back to his senses instantly.

He glared angrily, and the light of Daluo expanded to the extreme in an instant.

He used his methods instantly.

The concept of space extends infinitely between him and Chen Feng.

This resulted in the fact that even though the essence of Chen Feng's fist could cross the void, the punch that briefly exploded the dimension of space failed to hit the opponent.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of being in a emptied universe, feeling at a loss and unable to focus.

The face of Master Lingbao was clearly close at hand, but his fists could not touch it.

But the emotion in Chen Feng's eyes did not change, and the fists in his hands did not stop at all. He continued to move forward, vowing to blast through the vast starry sky with his unparalleled fist power!
Space is not something that Lingbao Archmage alone is good at!
To be precise, all Da Luo are proficient in this method. After all, there is no Da Luo who cannot do it.

Furthermore, Chen Feng had already planned his punch, while Master Lingbao had made a hasty defense. How could the two be the same?

Chen Feng's fists rushed forward, and in the boundless starry sky, countless starry worlds scattered like water waves flowed.

It was as if the entire world had turned into a stream, and was disturbed by this punch.

Between the two, the endless space seemed to be completely shattered.

Archmage Lingbao's face changed drastically, and his unparalleled terrifying fist locked him again.

It's like a bridge across the sky. It seems like nothing can disturb or stop it as it moves forward!

"I see how you are still hiding!"

Chen Feng finally landed his punch and hit Master Lingbao hard on the face!

The latter's body shook as if he had been hit hard.

Chen Feng didn't hold back with this punch. If there really was a health bar on Master Lingbao's head at this time, it might have basically bottomed out.

It's not far from being eliminated.

Even if Chen Feng makes up for it, it will be enough to eliminate him from this prehistoric era.


Sighing secretly in his heart, Chen Feng did not make up for the second damage, but turned around and escaped into a stream of light.

There was no way, he had no time.

The previous calculations and plans could only support him in completing this attack.

Sure enough, the moment he turned into Guanghong, a terrifying seal had already hit the place where he had just stood.

When the Heaven-shaking Seal fell, the entire void was smashed into nothingness, and a terrifying black hole emerged, swallowing everything around it.

Not even light can escape.

In the distance, Chen Feng also felt a sense of tightness in his chest and staggered, but his speed continued and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

boom!boom!boom! ...

As if to vent his anger, Guangchengzi hit him hard several times.

Even the black holes were smashed through and turned into the purest matter in the universe, floating in the starry sky.

The original void was completely wiped out, and eternity cannot be restored.

It also retains the power of the black hole, but it can never come back.

If the surrounding star world is involved, it will also turn into the most primitive and basic matter in the universe.

"Chen Feng!!!"

Immediately afterwards, a roar spread throughout the world, this was obviously the Lingbao Archmage.

It's just that now he is not as immortal as before, and his whole face is swollen.

There is also a clearly visible fist mark.There was no nosebleed, but the great light was spreading on this face, which belonged to Chen Feng.

For a while, Lingbao Archmage could not recover.

No matter what you call this, it is very hurtful and extremely insulting.

When did this Great Luo of the Chan Cult suffer such grievances? Even after going through several prehistoric eras of the Battle of the Gods, he had never been so miserable when fighting against the group of Da Luo who intercepted the Cult.

"This matter is never over! It won't stop until death!"

Master Lingbao vented his anger and struck the void with a casual blow, destroying countless heavens and worlds.

Guangchengzi stopped him, frowned and said: "Why are you so crazy? The matter has come to this, don't be upset!"

Da Luo did not account for cause and effect, but Guang Chengzi was upset when he saw the world's civilization and creatures destroyed in this way.

He even secretly thought that this might be the reason why Master Lingbao was not favored by Yuqing Primordial Heavenly Lord.

But this is obviously not the time for civil unrest.

Master Lingbao knew that he was in the wrong, but the anger in his eyes did not diminish at all. He said every word with hatred: "Brother, I am not done with him this time, just to escape this time, the next era, the next era ...I still won’t let him go!”

This is a fight to the death with Chen Feng.

It's a bit like the drama between Xing Tian and Haotian God rebelling against heaven.

This is also how it continues from era to era.

There is nothing wrong with it, but Guangchengzi sighed in his heart: "You are promoting yourself. After a few epochs, you may not be my opponent..."

He thought of Chen Feng's previous display of strength, but he felt it much more deeply than the other two.

He even had an intuition that, let alone the next era, after this era passed, Chen Feng and Master Lingbao would lose their previous strength.


Guangchengzi was so worried, but naturally he couldn't say these words.

He looked at Qingxu Daodezhen, the only one who was still calm at this time, and said: "We won't mention what happened. No one thought that Chen Feng had such strength. However, he still can't go back to the prehistoric times. As long as he catches Stay with him and everything can be solved!”

"Brother said exactly what he said."

The latter nodded, but kept staring at the almost completely deformed face of Master Lingbao, wondering what he was thinking.

Among the three Chanjiao Daluo, Qingxu Daodezhenjun is the weakest.

"Junior brother, don't worry, Chen Feng's strength has been completely exposed this time, and we will not give him such an opportunity again."

Guangchengzi obviously saw the scruples of Qingxu Daodezhenjun, after all, judging from the strength Chen Feng showed now.

His junior brother is no longer an opponent.

At the same time, he sighed again in his heart: "We are both Da Luo who are new to the ranks of great supernatural powers, why is there such a big gap..."

Of course, complaints are complaints, and Guang Chengzi also has confidence in his heart.

Just now, he smashed down a Heaven-shaking Seal. It was just the aftermath, but it had already caused Chen Feng a lot of losses.

If it were a head-on confrontation, he might be able to solve it in one and a half moves.

Thinking of this, he regretted even more.

"If Pindao had suppressed Chen Feng from the beginning, how could there have been so many troubles!"

Of course, it's too late to regret it. Da Luo can buy regret medicine, but when it comes to another Da Luo, there is no window.

Seeing that morale was a little low, Guangchengzi had to stand up again.

"Okay, the concept of the speed of light of the Lotus Lantern has been broken, and the next step is a simple cat and mouse game."

As he spoke, he squinted his eyes and looked at the starry sky in the distance, regaining his cold expression.

(End of this chapter)

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