High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 355 The terrifying Soul-falling Bell

Chapter 355 The terrifying Soul-falling Bell

Before the multiverse, Guangchengzi seemed confident at this time.

Without waiting for Master Lingbao to urge him, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Falling Soul Clock!
The innate spiritual treasure in his hand suddenly emitted a strange light.

The light and shadow were a bit illusory, and even mixed with the sound of ghosts crying and howling, which was very harsh.

Qingxu Daodezhen looked envious.

This Soul Falling Bell has mysterious and mysterious effects, and can be used against Da Luo.

Of course, Da Luo's innate spiritual treasures are all mandatory.

If it's a game, you can understand it this way.

This Soul Falling Bell can forcibly add certain negative BUFFs.

Moreover, these BUFFs are all kinds of weird, and they will appear as long as they are negative.

The advantages and disadvantages are quite obvious, both are too random.

If the effect is small or even negligible, it would be a bit embarrassing.

But if you randomly get something that defies the heavens and makes Da Luo inevitably lose his mind and lose his soul, then you will make a lot of money.

The latter result can even reverse and determine the outcome of a Da Luo battle.

Of course, this is just the apparent effect of the Lost Soul Bell.

"I understand that Chen Feng is extremely cautious, and it is impossible for him to think that when I smashed the sky seal before, I had secretly scanned him with this Soul-Destroying Bell."

Guang Chengzi chuckled and started to cast the spell.

After the Soul-Destroying Bell shook for a while in his palm, the mysterious mysterious light actually began to shrink.

Gradually, a small figure sitting there cross-legged formed.

Soon, the villain's facial features gradually appeared. Who could it be if it wasn't Chen Feng?

Of course, this is not its shadow, nor its soul.

This is Chen Feng that Guangchengzi completely simulated with the power of the Soul Falling Bell.

This is another extremely mysterious effect of this innate spiritual treasure.

As long as it is scanned once by the Lost Soul Bell, it will simulate divine consciousness, or the way of thinking.

"We don't have to do anything to this multiverse, as long as we know which timeline Chen Feng will go to, it will be solved."

Guangchengzi explained briefly, and the eyes of the other two people became brighter and brighter.

So the three of them began to stare at the villain closely.

Under their gaze, the villain began to move.

As if replaying what Chen Feng had just done, the villain first started to run away, and then stopped and thought.

Then he began to completely simulate Chen Feng's thinking and began to speak.

"In short, the prerequisite for any escape is to return to the ancient world, that is to say... to find an existence that can break the seal of the ancient world."

"Who are the big guys traveling in all the worlds..."

Not long ago, the villain said everything Chen Feng said to himself when he was thinking.

It’s actually the same!
The three masters of Chanjiao finally understood Chen Feng's plan.

But at this time, the three of them were frowning.

After a long time, Archmage Lingbao said bitterly: "This Chen Feng is really angry with me. He is being chased by the three of us, and he still thinks about escaping back to the primitive world?"

Hearing this, the Emotional and Moral Lord rarely complained in his heart this time. He also frowned and said: "Isn't he afraid at all?"

Guangchengzi also had the same expression at this time, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart.

What is this Chen Feng doing?
Just like Qingxu Daodezhen said, is he not afraid at all?
Faced with the pursuit of the three great Luo, they actually pretended to designate a way to return to the primitive world?

More importantly, judging from the tone of the Soul Falling Bell simulation, Chen Feng was even a little too calm.Perhaps it can be called a kind of relaxation and comfort.

"Does it mean that he really has a terrifying Daluo backer in all the worlds?"

Guangchengzi suddenly fell into thinking, but he couldn't think of a reason after thinking for a long time.

"It's impossible. After the incident with Emperor Sui last time, although he became attached to Chen Feng, he had already returned to the wild world and was no longer within the realms of the universe."

The only one he could think of was Di Su, one of the ancient Da Luo.

But now Di Su is already in the wilderness.

This is not true.

The last time he faced Xing Tian, ​​Chen Feng's last trump card was Di Su.

And at that time, through the tea leaves, the two parties had already communicated, but in the end Queen Mother Xi appeared, and Chen Feng was spared the favor of Di Su.

Of course, Guang Chengzi didn't know the details.

But whether Emperor Sui is still alive or not, they know it.

When they came out to hunt down Chen Feng this time, the entire Chanjiao naturally considered all the possibilities for Chen Feng.

"In my opinion, Chen Feng is just trying to be mysterious. When we really catch up with him, we will definitely reveal his true colors and reveal the true fear in his heart."

Master Lingbao curled his lips disdainfully.

However, Guangchengzi still frowned, even a little unhappy in his eyes.

Although the former sentence was belittling Chen Feng, it also conveyed his Soul-Destroying Bell.

This innate spiritual treasure of his can completely simulate the enemy's state of mind.

If he was really scared to death, why did he speak so calmly?

"I have to admit, this Chen Feng is really invisible."

Guangchengzi's brows were deeply furrowed at this time, as he had for many prehistoric epochs.

Apart from those Da Luo who were stronger than him, Chen Feng was the only being that he couldn't see through.

"But what does he expect..."

Guangchengzi seemed to be stuck in a dead end at this time, and he couldn't understand Chen Feng's brain circuit anyway.

This feeling made him a little irritated, so he finally shook his head and thought nothing of it.

He looked at the two junior brothers who were still thinking and said coldly: "Don't think about it. No matter what Chen Feng relies on, it's just what he thinks."

As soon as these words came out, Master Lingbao seemed to wake up.

"Senior brother is right. It's useless for us to make random guesses. The reason why that boy feels confident is that he has fallen into some kind of fantasy of his own. No one in this world can save him!"

"To sum up, this Chen Feng may just be a big-hearted bastard." Qingxu Daodezhen also agreed.

"Okay." Guangchengzi put away the Soul-Destroying Bell, squinted his eyes and thought for a while before saying: "No matter what, according to Chen Feng's idea, he must still return to the ancient times, and if he is looking for help, he must do it at this time in the world. Within the line.”

This sentence can be regarded as confirming Chen Feng's whereabouts.

The other two people nodded after hearing this.

"Since we are looking for someone to take action, it is impossible to go to the past or future."

"Let's go, Chen Feng can't escape this time!"

After having their purpose in mind, Guangchengzi and the others immediately headed towards the current world in the multiverse in front of them.

The so-called current world is the world where time passes normally.

In other words, in the eyes of the three interpreters at this time.

Chen Feng did this in a flashy way.

It became a complete joke.

(End of this chapter)

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