Chapter 356 Da Luo is also sentimental

In this world, among all the heavens and worlds.

Chen Feng stopped again. At this time, he looked back in the direction behind him.

The sky was full of stars, seemingly shining with their own light.

This is truly a beautiful sight.

However, Chen Feng didn't have time to appreciate it, but frowned slightly.

At this time, he felt somewhat uneasy.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right? They just happened to find it?"

He created the multiverse precisely for the purpose of mixing auditions.

He had already calculated the reactions of Guangchengzi and the three others, but he never expected to be caught in the Soul-falling Bell's scheme.

Of course, this matter is a coincidence. Although he appeared in all the worlds in this world to find someone, it was not what Guangchengzi thought.

Unless the Da Luo is familiar with each other and the general feelings are not enough, it is impossible to detect the location of another Da Luo.

And with Daluo's magical powers, you never know what tricks they can come up with when they are playing in the world.

They are all present in the past, present and future.

Anyway, for Da Luo, the whole world is a place for them to play stand-alone.

Even all timelines.

Chen Feng doesn't have many acquaintances, and those who can be called emotional are currently in the wilderness.

Guangchengzi's calculation was correct. If he already had a candidate in mind, he could only try his luck in the world of the world.

After all, if the target is playing in the past and future, the possibility of finding them is almost impossible.

Of course, even in this world, it is difficult to find.

The world is so big that one can only rely on luck. After all, if Da Luo makes any moves, other Da Luo can still sense it.

Although the probability of this is very low, it does exist.

Guang Chengzi guessed that Chen Feng was taking advantage of this chance.

But this is not the case. Chen Feng is indeed looking for someone now, but it is not without purpose.

It just happened that the person he was looking for was already in this world.

"Fellow Taoist, you said it would be great if you had nothing to do and went to the past and future."

Chen Feng glanced at the light in his hand and sighed at the same time.

Since just now, his mind has been touched.

This basically means that Guangchengzi and the other three are already chasing after them.

Without hesitation, he looked at the lotus lantern above his head.

"Brother, you have worked hard this time."

Although the concept of the constant speed of light was influenced by Guangchengzi's Yuqing Immortal Talisman, with the help of the Baolian Lantern.

His speed can still be improved a lot, otherwise it would only take an instant for Guangchengzi's strength to catch up with him.

And the opponent can force him to stop with one move, and the next thing he has to face is the siege of the three great Luo of Chanjiao.

Of course, let’s not talk about whether to besiege or not.

Even Guangchengzi was alone, and he had no chance of escaping from his hands.

The other party was no better than Xingtian. During the battle with Fatian, the latter still had some friendship with him.

But for him, Chanjiao has already been fighting to the death.

The lotus lantern seemed to sense his depression at this time, and the light it diffused suddenly became much softer.

"Hey, you'd better be nice to me."

Chen Feng laughed dumbly. This was not because Baolian Lantern had any independent will.

After all, it is Nuwa's innate spiritual treasure, and the other party does not need these.

It's just that maybe she has been with Nuwa, a Pangu-level Daluo, for a long time, and she has become somewhat tainted with divinity.

"It seems that it is necessary to go to Yiwa Palace after returning this time."

The lotus lantern reminded Chen Feng of Nuwa.

The one who hooked his chin and called him Brother Feng every time.

"Hey, if I had known this, I would have obeyed Sister Nuwa."

He was joking in his heart, and he ended up laughing himself. "Forget it, if you really want to enter the Wa Palace, you will really become the cat in Sister Nuwa's arms. You can jerk her off as much as you want."

It must be said that in times of crisis, people tend to be sentimental.

Even Da Luo is like this.

When thinking of Nuwa, Chen Feng inevitably thought of another person.

He is also a person who likes to hook his chin and call him Brother Feng.

"It would be great if Sister Nuwa and Sister Houtu didn't have any conflicts."

He couldn't help but fantasize, but it could only be a fantasy.

After all, Nuwa and Houtu were female magistrates, and they were both Pangu's female magnates.

It's like two extremely excellent women, whose attributes are naturally incompatible.

Don't ask why, anyway, this is Chen Feng's experience.

Of course, aside from these, the positions of these two people are also problematic.

Nuwa is from the demon clan, and Houtu is from the witch clan.

This is just like conferring a god, expounding the teachings and intercepting the teachings are incompatible.

The Demon Clan and the Witch Clan are also old enemies.

"However, the fundamental reason for the Lich War is the general trend of the world. It is not that there is no chance."

Seemingly unwilling to do so, Chen Feng couldn't help but use his imagination.

And the louder it is, the more interesting it feels.

"Between lich and witch, after all, it is different from Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao."

To put it bluntly, there is not that much hatred between the two Lich clans.

He was just acting according to the script.

There is no personal vendetta involved. Anyway, after so many epochs, both sides have their own wins and losses, so they will not fight to the death.

Although the Conferred Gods are roughly the same, Da Luo of the two religions really has a personal grudge.

If given the chance, they would definitely not let each other go.

This is how Guangchengzi and the other three treat him.

"If we really want to resolve the conflict between the two lich clans, there is Sister Nuwa sitting on the left, and Sister Houtu leaning on the right. This little day..."

Once this idea was opened, it was out of control.

Anyway, Chen Feng became more and more excited the more he thought about it, these two were the great women who had been Pangu.

They all regard him as a piece of cake, so he really doesn't necessarily have to surrender.

After all, the temptation of letting Nuwa and Houtu work together in the background cannot be overemphasized.


But with a sigh, Chen Feng returned to reality.

"If you really want to facilitate this scene, you must at least be Pangu from that era. Only then can you be qualified to negotiate with the Lich and Lich clans."

No matter what, he kept today's fantasy scene in his heart.

After all, there are still dreams.

just in case……

It’s been realized.

After getting rid of all the messy things in his mind, Chen Feng stood up and looked at the starry sky behind him again.

He couldn't help but frown again.

"It's really haunted."

He cursed secretly in his mind, but he had already sensed three waves of Da Luo light coming straight towards him.

So he no longer hesitated, and the wick in the lotus lamp above his head became bright again at this moment.

He turned into a stream of light again and instantly went towards the depths of the starry sky.

And within a few time quantums, Guangchengzi and the other three were already standing where he had just left.

"found it!"

Guangchengzi's eyes lit up, and he had obviously felt Chen Feng's aura.

(End of this chapter)

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