Chapter 357 Injury
There was a terrifying sound of sword clanging.

The moment he was sure to find Chen Feng, Master Lingbao had already slashed out with his sword.

It was facing the direction that Chen Feng left before.

At this moment, the power and will of the great Luo Chanjiao began to increase infinitely, and then with a random wave, a bright red-gold sword energy rushed straight away.

The indescribable sword intent instantly affected the entire world.

Infinite power surged in the ancient sword in his hand.

It felt like an ancient terrifying existence was slowly reviving, and it was about to open its eyes across endless time and space.

This innate spiritual treasure is obviously not an ordinary item.

Archmage Lingbao seemed to have an extremely cold expression on his face in order to prove how deep his anger was at this time.

The ancient sword in his hand was sent out by an inch, causing the whole world to shake.

It was as if the endless power of the stars and the power of vegetation were integrated into his sword.

The sword energy evolved in the void again, like a golden dragon swimming in the void, heading straight towards Chen Feng!

Very far away, Chen Feng turned around indifferently at the same time.


He cursed secretly, the other party really hated him.

Of course, he didn't think about the reason. If he hadn't hit the other party hard in the face, there would be no need for the other party to decide whether to live or die when they met.

But he was not afraid, and his figure stopped in an instant.

He just held his hands in the air, and the starry sky on the left and right sides was suddenly manipulated by him like cards pulled out of a puzzle.


The harsh sound of collision in the void resounded at this moment, under Chen Feng's pull.

The void that was originally separated by tens of thousands of light years was forcibly pulled together by him, forming a shield wall with an extremely terrifying concept.

Then he turned around and ran away without looking back.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable huge explosion sounded, and the void that was forcibly pulled together was split into pieces by Lingbao's sword.

Turning into spots of light falling from the sky.

"Where to escape!"

At the same time, Guangchengzi and Qingxu Daodezhenjun also took action at the same time.

The latter was okay, but the power of the former was too terrifying. The Heaven-turning Seal seemed to have turned into a sky, covering all the heavens and worlds, and it was smashed down like this!


"Guangchengzi is really troublesome!"

After not knowing how long he had been running away, Chen Feng also felt a little tired and stopped.

By this time he had sustained some injuries.

There are some sword marks on the body, and of course the most important one is the bruise on the back hidden under the clothes.

It was smashed out by Guangchengzi with the Heaven-turning Seal.

After all, it was three big Luo who joined forces, and the pressure was not ordinary.

Especially for Guangchengzi, if Chen Feng hadn't known the right choice to avoid the key points every time, he would have been knocked unconscious by the Heaven-shaking Seal.

"Don't let me go back this time!"

The severe pain in his back made Chen Feng grit his teeth.

He had lost count of how many times the other party had caught up with him, and how many times they had made moves.

Every time I escape, there are dangers.

After all, Guangchengzi is too powerful. He is already the second level in Daluo, and he is not far away from the third level.

As for the characters in the third level, they are already guys like Xing Tian.

"Where to escape!"

While thinking, there was another loud shout from behind.

Chen Feng's eyes turned cold and he immediately sped up.

At this time, what was on both sides of him was not a starry sky, but more like a passage.This was because he had no choice before, so he directly tore open the void and entered an extremely terrifying gap in the void.

If ordinary creatures broke into such a place, they would be torn to pieces by the turbulent currents in the void in an instant.

But Da Luo is not afraid at all. What Chen Feng needs is the stability here.

But before it was his turn to rest for too long, Guangchengzi and the other three actually found him again and killed him.

And no one knew what methods Guang Chengzi or the other two behind him used, and the void passage where Chen Feng was located suddenly became unstable.

Feeling that the space could not bear this great force and was about to break, his face turned cold, the light of the Great Luo burst out around him, and the passage stabilized for an instant.

Then, on the lotus lantern, the beam of light stretched along the passage for an unknown distance in an instant, and he walked with the light.

Outside the passage, Archmage Lingbao sneered.

"Chen Feng, since we have met again, why are you leaving in such a hurry? How about we talk about life?"

"Go to hell with your life!"

Chen Feng cursed secretly in his heart, the other party was already in love with him.

Even though he was running away at this time, his voice still came back.

"Your face doesn't hurt anymore, right?"

"Chen Feng, you are seeking death!"

Having his scars exposed in front of his face, Master Lingbao was furious.

Another sword struck fiercely, and at the same time Guangchengzi's Heaven-shaking Seal and Qingxu Daodezhenjun's eight-edged bright silver hammer were struck down at the same time.

With a bang, the passage formed by the gap in the void was smashed to pieces.

At this moment, who knows how many billions of miles away, Chen Feng's figure fell out of the void. This time, his face was even more gloomy, and the next second he couldn't help but feel a pain in his throat, as if something was about to escape from his body. Rush out.

Forcibly resisting the urge to spurt blood, he smiled instead of getting angry.

"Guangchengzi, wait for me!"

As he said this, with a thought in his mind, his figure swayed for a while, and two clones came out again.

Of course the clone is not right either, because it is his condensed past and future body.

"The three elders and the younger one consider themselves no match, but how will you make a choice now?"

I snorted coldly in my heart and thought again.

His past body, current body, and future body, the three Chen Fengs continued to escape in three directions in an instant.

After a long time, Guangchengzi and three others chased after him again. Looking at the three places in the distance where the light of Daluo shined, True Monarch Qingxu Daode was a little dumbfounded.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Obviously, he had already guessed Chen Feng's method.

But the three of them couldn't guess which one was Chen Feng in a short time.

Although destroying the past and future bodies would be extremely harmful to Chen Feng, the problem was that he did not dare to face Chen Feng alone.

Seeing this, Guangchengzi also frowned.

I wonder why I came out with a sluggish person this time.

Lord Qingxu Daodezhen obviously saw his expression, and felt aggrieved in his heart.

At that time, when there were so many of you plotting against Chen Feng, not one of you could see the details of the other party.

The other party has already entered the ranks of great supernatural powers, and is stronger than me.

What can I do?
Blame me?
At the critical moment, Master Lingbao is more direct.

"Don't think so much. Each of us brothers will chase one after another."

As he spoke, he looked at Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

"Junior brother, don't be anxious. After senior brother and I deal with the other two first, we will come to help you!"

Speaking of this, Qingxu Daodezhenjun could only nod in agreement.

"Okay, that's the only way to go."

(End of this chapter)

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