High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 358: Use the weakest one to attack

Chapter 358: Use the weakest one to attack
Chen Feng used his magical power.

Condensing the past body and the future body.

Together with his current self, he ran away in three different directions.

As for Guangchengzi and the other three, they could only pursue each other in three directions.

In this way, Chen Feng's pressure suddenly became much less.

But the price is not small.

The so-called past body and future body are also very interesting.

After all, Da Luo has been witnessing the passage of time for a long time. It stands to reason that there are many such past and future bodies.

But this time, Chen Feng merged all the past and all the future together, and then condensed the two true bodies.

Only in this way can Guangchengzi and the others be willing to separate and pursue.

Otherwise, it is just a past and future body, and it is not worthy of their efforts.

And if that's the case, not to mention that it will be seen through at a glance.

Guangchengzi and the others only need to use the same method.

Of course, they could also completely imitate Chen Feng's methods at this time, but it was not necessary.

Because they were taking such risks, they were uncertain about Chen Feng's temperament. If anything happened like before, they would have to fight back.

Guangchengzi is okay, after all, he is the strongest.

But the same cannot be said for Master Lingbao and True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

The former is still under the shadow of Chen Feng's previous punch, and he may have damaged his true body, which would be a huge loss.

Because as a result, he would have to rest for at least half an era.

Not to mention the latter, it would be good if he could hold back Chen Feng. If he encountered his true form, he would definitely not be able to come back.

So without these two people, there is no need for Guangchengzi alone.

The most important thing is that they are now playing the role of hunters, and Chen Feng is the prey.

Naturally, there is no reason to share the danger.

Even if Chen Feng is allowed to escape for a while longer.


Somewhere in the three directions, True Monarch Qingxu Daode was walking a little slowly.

Regarding the matter of separation from Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao.

After seeing Chen Feng's strength, he was extremely unhappy.

After all, let alone Guangchengzi, Chen Feng couldn't beat him.

Even Master Lingbao can at least protect himself and is on a par with Chen Feng.

But he is not that powerful anymore.

So he didn't pay much attention to pursuing them separately.

"At worst, we'll just wait until the two senior brothers resolve it, and we'll start chasing them again."

With this purpose in mind, this great expounder became a bastard.

Just like this slowly and leisurely, it doesn't look like chasing an enemy, but more like traveling around the mountains and rivers.

But he planned to let Chen Feng go.

Chen Feng has no intention of letting him go!
Along with a roaring sound, as the void twisted, Chen Feng's figure had already arrived.

But Qingxu Daode Zhenjun was Zun Daluo, and he reacted instantly.

"Senior brother! Chen Feng's current life is here!"

He yelled, but he wanted to alert Guang Chengzi and Master Lingbao in the other two directions.

But Chen Feng squinted at him and smiled: "Don't waste any time, I have blocked time here. I have three breaths to deal with you. Are you impressed?"

Are you moved?

The True Lord Qingxu Daode naturally did not dare to move.

Ever since he discovered that this matter was a chore for him, he wanted to return to the wild world.

What's more, now things are developing in a way he doesn't want to see.

I immediately felt regret in my heart.

The world is in such chaos that I just want to go back to the primitive world!At this moment, the Great Chanjiao Luo just wanted to shout out his heartfelt voice.

Of course he held back because it was too embarrassing.

Forcibly suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he smiled coldly at Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, Pindao hasn't settled the score with you yet, but it's a good thing you actually delivered it to your door yourself."

In front of the enemy, naturally one cannot give in.

Furthermore, it means that he is timid. At this moment, he is determined and assumes that Chen Feng cannot do anything to him.

Who is not a great person who has joined the ranks of great supernatural powers?
"Why can't I come."

Chen Feng didn't seem to mind being deliberately delayed by the other party. After all, the time here had already been used by him.

With the power of this pure and moral true king, it cannot be broken in a short time.

So he is talking about three breaths, but what if it is divided into countless time quanta.

It's enough for him to finish off his opponent.

He was going to use this method to defeat them one by one, starting with the simplest one.

Even if he succeeds, he still can't solve the biggest threat Guangchengzi.

But if there were two less people, his pressure would naturally decrease drastically.

"Chanjiao is overbearing. Do you only allow you to kill me and not allow me to resist? There is no such truth in the world."

Chen Feng smiled again.

Qingxu Daodezhenjun also responded with a sneer.

"The only mistake was that you stormed into Yuxu Palace in anger and offended my master. No one in the entire prehistoric world could protect you!"

"So this time it was Yuqing's instruction?"

Chen Feng's eyes became colder, although he had already made a guess.

But he still couldn't help but feel angry.

After all, Da Luo of Yu Qing's level really has no martial ethics to attack him.

To put it bluntly, it's bullying.

"So what if I bully you? What can you, a newly promoted Daluo, do?"

At this point, Qingxu Daodezhenjun has obviously given up.

"Pindao admits, you were really good when Nuwa and Houtu attracted you at the beginning, but what about you, you want to do something like being among thousands of flowers without even a leaf touching your body. You didn't join the Monster Clan, and you didn't join the Witch Clan. No. It seems that you are in great glory now, and you can participate in whatever you want, but you are destined to have no backstage."

Every word bead heart.

However, Chen Feng just smiled calmly.

"So what Fellow Taoist Qingxu means is that your family is great."


When Qingxu Daodezhen heard this, his anger instantly rose.

Isn't it ironic that Chen Feng is still a child?

Just a little kid who can only stay under the protection of his parents.

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly burst into flames and his face turned livid, but he still spoke harshly.

"Hmph, since fellow Taoist said this, so what if Pindao simply admits it? We are the ones with the toughest background, how can you compare!"


This time it was Chen Feng's turn to be speechless. He didn't expect the other party to be so aggressive.

Well, since there's nothing left to talk about, let's just do it.

As soon as his thoughts turned around, Chen Feng's figure suddenly rushed up, breaking through the concept of space in an instant, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of True Monarch Qingxu Moral.

Without saying anything, he picked up the lotus lantern and threw it at the opponent.

The other party didn't expect him to be so cruel, so he just hit him with the lotus lantern.

Instinctively, seven phantoms appeared all over the body of True Monarch Qingxu Daode, and the aura belonging to the innate spiritual treasure soared into the sky.

Those are actually seven innate spiritual treasures!
Eight-edged silver hammer, five-fire and seven-animal fan, Hunyuan Han, heart-saving nails, flower basket, flying electric gun, and Moye sword!

Although this Qingxu Daodezhenjun is the weakest among the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, he is obviously favored!
Seven innate spiritual treasures came out and immediately greeted the lotus lantern!

(End of this chapter)

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