Chapter 359 Send one back first

Seven innate spiritual treasures bloomed together at this time.

A collection of horrific and indescribable concepts.

The lotus lantern also shines brightly.

The surroundings were filled with mysterious lights, which were intertwined at this time and had a terrible impact.

The entire void seemed to shatter in an instant.

The power of death spreads infinitely, and within it, infinite vitality erupts.

The universe was shattered again and again, but it was also repaired countless times.

The battle between Da Luo is like a interpretation of life and death, infinity and reincarnation.

"What a terrifying Daluo way!"

Amidst the endless brilliance, True Lord Qingxu Daode was even more surprised at this moment.

Because Chen Feng's strength was still higher than his budget.

Especially with the blessing of the Lotus Lamp, an innate spiritual treasure, with one against seven, he was still at a disadvantage.

In the end, the Lotus Lantern broke through all his conceptual defenses.

Chen Feng's fist finally landed on him.

"Chen Feng, are you trying to kill them all?"

True Monarch Qingxu Daode was a little timid, and in desperation, he turned the seven innate spiritual treasures into armor and surrounded himself.

But Chen Feng still suffered huge damage with every turn and every palm he landed.

Da Luo, a noble second-generation disciple who was in the ranks of those who taught great supernatural powers, has now turned into a sandbag.

Only passively beaten.

There was already a hint of begging for mercy in his words.

"Chen Feng, we have no grievances. In the worst case, I will explain the actions against you in the future. I just won't participate."

He was really scared, now frightened by Chen Feng's methods.

He is afraid that he will really "die" here this time, and then he will be exiled from this prehistoric era and can only act according to the rules.

But now, the biggest dungeon battle between the two religions, Chan and Jie, is about to take place.

How can this be made.

"What's the point of talking about it now."

Chen Feng smiled lightly, but kept greeting with his hands.

If it can be gamified, then you can now see with the naked eye that the blood bar of Qingxu Daodezhenjun is constantly falling.

Maybe it won't be long before the blood bar is empty.

That also means that the other party has no chance at all and has no choice but to withdraw from an era and wait for the next era to return to the prehistoric era.

Before that, I could only play stand-alone in all the worlds.

Of course, this is without Chen Feng sealing it.

Seeing that his begging for mercy was in vain, Chen Feng was really angry. Qingxu Daodezhenjun had mixed emotions at this time.

"Brother! Save me!"

At the critical moment, the great Chanjiao Luo couldn't care less about the shame and quickly shouted for help.

However, now that Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao are chasing Chen Feng's past and future incarnations, they have no time to care about him.

Chen Feng struck out with another palm, but it directly knocked the opponent's health bar to the point of death.

Just one click and the other party is doomed.

At this time, True Monarch Qingxu Daode was also appointed, and he issued the last harsh words that were unwilling and full of hostility.

"Chen Feng, wait for me in the next era!"

The relationship was finally settled. At this time, the great Luo's hatred for Chen Feng was immediately overflowing.

Completely surpassing the Lingbao Archmage.

The latter was just slapped in the face, but now his health bar will be cleared and he will lose his qualifications for the game in this prehistoric era. "Perhaps you should think about discussing your failure experience with Taoist Huanglong now."

Chen Feng raised his palm with a smile.

"But there's no need to worry, I guess you two can't do anything in this world. Just wait, there will definitely be the next person to accompany you."

"Chen Feng, don't be complacent." Qingxu Daode Zhenjun was no longer afraid of death at this time, and he sneered.

"Don't think that if you win, I can return to the primitive world. As long as Senior Brother Guangchengzi is here, you will definitely be sealed and become the number one enemy of my teaching. Losing me will be your final destination!"

This is really hateful.

This is probably the most cruel words between Da Luo.

"You don't have to worry about it, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng still chuckled lightly, but his palm fell at the same time.

At the moment when Zhang Feng came into contact with True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

Between heaven and earth, there seemed to be a sudden sound of bells.

The terrible time and space storm gathers here, and it is difficult to stop it.

This is a concept that comes from the will of ancient times and is also the will of Taoist ancestors.

Then a portal appeared, and an invisible hand seemed to stretch out from it, grabbing True Monarch Qingxu Daode directly inside.

The next second, the world was silent.

"Finally solved one."

Chen Feng breathed a long sigh of relief and sent the other party back to Taiyi Ji to wait for rebirth in the next era.

God knows what kind of storm this news would cause if it spread to the wild world.

It's a pity that Da Luo's authority is no longer open to True Lord Qingxu Daode. Perhaps only those who have reached the level of Sanqing can feel it.

Chen Feng had no time to pay attention to this, and his figure turned into light again and left.

At the same time, there are two other battlefields in the starry sky.

Guangchengzi and Master Lingbao pursued Chen Feng's past and future bodies at the same time, and the two sides were also fighting at this time.

But the situation in these two battlefields is another matter.

Master Lingbao and Chen Feng's past were at war. The two sides were almost even, and for a while neither could do anything to the other.

On Guangchengzi's side, Chen Feng's future body couldn't bear it anymore.

When the opponent wants to resolve the battle quickly, this future body is even a bit illusory. The Heaven-shaking Seal is really too powerful.

Seeing that he could no longer bear it, his past body left Master Lingbao in an instant, and then came to his future body in an instant.

The timelines were intertwined, and the past and future bodies took action at the same time, striking the Heaven-shaking Seal hard, and then fled away without looking back.

"Chen Feng, where can you escape!"

Guangchengzi fought until he got up and was about to pursue him, but he was blocked by the Lingbao Master who followed him.

At this time, the latter's face turned livid and he spoke with a trembling voice.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother Lingbao is afraid..."

But at the moment when Chen Feng paid the price and left the place where he fought with him, he thought and realized that True Lord Qingxu Daode had suffered a serious blow!

Guangchengzi's face changed drastically when he heard this. He counted with his fingers and immediately looked shocked.

"Junior Brother Lingbao has been sent back to Taiyi Ji!"

"Senior brother, what should we do?" Archmage Lingbao's face was gloomy, and there was not even a trace of blood left in his face.

But things have reached this point, and the development trend has far exceeded their budget.

This is no longer a problem. Now that the Battle of the Gods has not begun, one of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao has been lost.

How should they explain to Yuqing Yuan Tianzun!

They can't bear the blame!

In short, at this time, the two interpreters only had two words in their minds.


(End of this chapter)

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